Sara Sidle and Det Vartan

Nice. That would be so awesome.

Vartann is so the man for her. God, he'd treat her like a queen. Sara deserves that. He opens doors for her, he makes sure she's okay when processing evidence, he even helps her! The man is so smitten.

I started writing a S/V Christmas story! Yay!
Nice. That would be so awesome.

Vartann is so the man for her. God, he'd treat her like a queen. Sara deserves that. He opens doors for her, he makes sure she's okay when processing evidence, he even helps her! The man is so smitten.

I started writing a S/V Christmas story! Yay!

i totally agrre with you !!!!! besides she needs a real man , someone who can be honest and protect her..... for me,vartan is the best one and my friends think that too, he is sexy (just like her ) and im sure she is faithfull ( and it looked like one of his exgirlfriend cheat on him, stupid girl) vartann doesnt want to be hurt again, thats why he seems so cold sometimes, just like sara is (remember hank!!!!!!) they got a lot in common, now they just have to share it :rolleyes:
I know. Vartann also seems kinda lonely. Aww. Poor Varty Warty. Sara needs to give him a big hug.

I loved, loved, that he was so happy for Warrick when Warrick got married. And he was all, "seriously, good luck with that." Vartann seems to know a bit about marriage. I think he may have been married before.

He has such good intentions. And he and Sara look so great together!


She thinks he's sexy, too!
yep (they are both sexy on that pic :lol:) maybe he may ahve been married before or just engaged with someone but he had a bad experience , probably the cheating thing( i know im obssesed by that but look he is a wonderful guy, so sweet that im sure some girls have treated him with disrespect and he was very hurt so he cant share something now until the perfect girl come in his life , yeah sara lol)and he was destroyed by that which i can totally understand , your emember in "iced" when the old women asked him if he was married, just look how embarrased he was, he changed the subject just because he seemed uncomfortable about that "marriage" thing......but the scene you were talking about makes me wonder if he didnt already find a girl for him (i hope its sara ******keep my fingers crossed****)
Wouldn't it be awesome if they revealed Sara and Vartann have been dating this whole time? That's probably the reason why he's been so happy this season. Heh.

Do you write fanfic?
Wouldn't it be awesome if they revealed Sara and Vartann have been dating this whole time? That's probably the reason why he's been so happy this season. Heh.

Do you write fanfic?

you know im sure that they are really dating :lol: thats too obvious!!!! anyway i wrote fanfic but not in english but i think that im going to write one about sara and vartan i guess, it gets me inspiration :lol: i saw that you are writing one!!!!!! i would be very honoured if i can read it when its ready, for sure!!!!! ;)
That's cool! You really should. There's a huge lack of S/V fics out there.

I actually have several S/V stories started, but have never been able to finish one. Hopefully I can finish this Christmas fic before Christmas. I was up until 6 am last night writing the outline!

They really need to spend Christmas together.
That's cool! You really should. There's a huge lack of S/V fics out there.

I actually have several S/V stories started, but have never been able to finish one. Hopefully I can finish this Christmas fic before Christmas. I was up until 6 am last night writing the outline!

They really need to spend Christmas together.

ok lol i will try but you know my english is......hmmmm.....bad :lol: but i think i will find someone who will correct my fic ;) anyway youre right there is not enough S/V fics and thats too bad: it will be a fantastic couple very "glamour"!!!!! i hope you will finished your fic before christmas so i could read it!!! m very excited by that, im sure it will be great!!!!

they should spend christmas together but im sure they already spend thanksgiving together thats why vartan wasnt on "dog eats dogs" : he was making dinner for him and sara :lol:
I could take a look at it if you want. I love to edit stories.

You're right! He was making her a tofu turkey :lol:. I wonder if Sara makes him eat tofu all the time. He probably eats it, just because it makes her so happy.
I could take a look at it if you want. I love to edit stories.

You're right! He was making her a tofu turkey :lol:. I wonder if Sara makes him eat tofu all the time. He probably eats it, just because it makes her so happy.

yeah thanks!!! ;)

lol yeah im sure he would eat it but i think its kinda hard for a guy like him to not eat meat but anyway if not eating meat makes her girlfriend happy, he will do it!!!! ican easily imagine him cooking while sara is working a case :lol: then she come home and see candles on the table and she is amazing by the dinner....... she kisses him softly and then eat what her sexy detective cook for her and im sure she liked that (even if its not good :lol:) do you think he is a good cook or not?
I think he's a good at barbequing. He looks like the type. Then again, Sara might not like that.

Yeah, I think he can cook. He lives alone, probably, so he has to!

Sara, on the other hand, is probably a terrible cook.
lol yeah or maybe he is just like sara: he orders his food :lol: but you know im sure that sara learns how to cook since "organ grinder" : she is probably quite good now :lol: but im sure he cooks better than her for sure and he would enjoy cook for her and she probably loves that..... she needs someone who takes care of her and he needs someone to take care about and vice versa :rolleyes:
I know. Well, he protected her in Bloodlines, and when they were in that dangerous crime scene in A Bullet, he went over to see if she was doing okay:


Aww. He's very protective.
First date? Hmm. They'd probably just walk around the strip and talk. They look like they like to walk and talk. And then they can do something fun.

How about you?