Sara Sidle and Det Vartan

First date? Hmm. They'd probably just walk around the strip and talk. They look like they like to walk and talk. And then they can do something fun.

How about you?

yeah me too but i think that first he would bring her to a famous and expensive restaurant (probably french restaurant :lol:) because he wants make her a good impression but she will tell him that she is not that kind of girl , and say that some fries and a walk on the strip will be enough for her...... at this time , he will be more relax and then they will spend a very nice evening together and he will probably bring her home, just like a gentlemen will.....then she will kiss him on his cheek (? i dont know the english for "joue" not on his lips anyway) and she will tell him goodnight and he will tell her that so...... the day after, when sara will go to the lab im pretty sure she will receive flowers from him, her favourite flowers of course and a card with those words "i enjoyed the time spend with you, i hope we will have more nights like that, i call you back, Vartann" and she will smile all day :lol:

yeah im dreaming :rolleyes:
Aww. See? Right there, that should be your fanfic! You already have the outline and the ending ;).

yeah i have!!!!!! i should start write it now :lol: i will send you my fic when it's over......but how? a pm?
You can PM me or e-mail me:

Yay, I can't wait ro read it! I was going over the outline of my fic just now. I can't wait to start it.

Have you read Like China Cups? It's so good.

oki thanks midnight!!!!! im waiting for your fic too!!!

i didnt read that fic!!!! who wrote it? ill be happy to read it though ;)
wow this thread was quite, now it is a party in here :D I would like Sara and Vartann to get some more screen time together, well don't we all :D
wow this thread was quite, now it is a party in here :D I would like Sara and Vartann to get some more screen time together, well don't we all :D

hey hey :lol: you know im sure they will because we will find out that they are secretly dating :rolleyes: :D
Here it is: Like China Cups. It's SO good! In fact, I'm gonna read it again.


He's so hot!
Yup. He was all, "are you guys doing okay?" but what he was really saying was, "Sara, meet me in the back of the patrol car in 5 minutes. Make up an excuse, I'll be right there."

That's why Sara is walking away.
Yup. He was all, "are you guys doing okay?" but what he was really saying was, "Sara, meet me in the back of the patrol car in 5 minutes. Make up an excuse, I'll be right there."

That's why Sara is walking away.

yeah :lol: its their code in fact ;)

ps: midnight i luved the fic coolbyrne isnt someone from ytdw?
Yeah, she is. She's primarily a Grissom/Sara shipper, but she also ships Vartann/Sara, and she really likes Vartann. I hope she writers more S/V stories!

Man, I hope Vartann gets to be in another episode this season. Please!
Aww I'm glad to see this thread buzzing again. It sort of died for a while. Made me sad. Now I'm happy again. Hurry for the sexiness of Vartan!
True. Too bad I lack that ability. I've tried writing but alas writes block prevents most of my stories from having endings. I'm stuck marveling at other's stories which I really don't mind.

This ship is growing in popularity though so I'm sure more fic is to come.