Sara Sidle and Det Vartan


She kinda looks like Sara, lol.
Sara has to be nuts to pass that Fine candy up. She better make a move before some other gal sets her sights on him.
Wow I think that is very honourable. Most GSR only beleive in one ship and one ship only and do not see either of them with anyone esle, as they feel theirs is the only one. You saying their is a slim chance of them not working out is very brave and honourable. Good for you!!!!!

Thats quiet the bold statement you got there. But im going to have to disagree. You cant stareotype everyone who likes Grissom and Sara together to ONLY like that ship and feel that OURS is the only one.
Cause thats hardly fair.
I see many ships.. Of course Warrick/Cath as a close second. I can see Sandle out there to. And I can also see Grissom/Lady Heather.
I happen to like the whole Det Vartan/Sara idea. There cute and there hair matches:)
(Four whole ships I can see.. I guess Im not as blind as you assumed I would be)
Go Santan!! :p :D ;)

And that Mea Culpa pic is amazing! SO CUTE! :D