Sara Sidle and Det Vartan

Oh WOW...Those are VERY good plot bunnies.

I love your first one though..sara and files. Maybe as Vartaaannn is helping SAra with the files, their hands would touch and then sparks starts to fly??!!! Eyes meet, hands tingles , and everything else just fades away. And poor grissom just happen to catch all this as he threw a glance while walking away..... :devil:
:lol: lets hope so :lol: we dont have a topic do we? How about..... What would be the ultimate Sartann scene - they aren't together (yet ;) ) but what would make you even more of a shipper?
Probably if Sara had a really bad day and Vartann was there for her somehow. Not like, give her a hug or anything. But I'd love for him to make her realize Grissom just doesn't love her. I think it would be great if she realized there are good men out there, like Vartann. Good guys who could treat her like a queen. I think she would start seeing him under a new light.
Or maybe he could just say the right thing at the right time. Remember when Sara was attacked by that mental patient? Grissom did NOTHING. I think Vartann would've handled that differently. Better. He seems to care about her, and I don't think he would be shy about showing her.
yeah, i could just strangle grissom. I mean she was very shaken and obviously needed some comforting. Was it too much to ask him to just open up his arms and pull sarah in a hug??? *sigh*

Now varrrttaaaannnn.....hmmmmm...i bet he would have gently cuddle sarah, ""shhhh-ing" a bit and just enveloping her with his heat. Maybe tucking her in his coat as well .....and sarah getting 'intoxicated' by just smelling his manly-woody and just a hint of vanilla scent ;) :p

hehehehe...yeaahhh, i am a 'smell/scent' kinda a person (did the similiar issue in the Flack thread : Flack - woody and leather :D :devil:
...Now varrrttaaaannnn.....hmmmmm...i bet he would have gently cuddle sarah, ""shhhh-ing" a bit and just enveloping her with his heat. Maybe tucking her in his coat as well .....and sarah getting 'intoxicated' by just smelling his manly-woody and just a hint of vanilla scent ;) :p...
Wow! Hey cut it out, my computer screen is getting all fogged up! :lol:
Aw, that's great. Vartann is everything Sara wants and needs.

Thinking about it now, he also opened the door for her in Dead Ringer, when they went to the morgue to show Mrs. Whatsherface her husband. He's such a gentleman! I want a Vartann.
he opened the morge foor? well I'm off to find you guys a few screencaps of that :D and just for good luck, I'll get you a few of when he opened the car door for her in Mea Culpa :D

and Midnight tiptoes join the que for a Vartann I want one too ;)
He did, but you can barely figure it out, cause the camera is filming from the inside of the room. So you see the door open, and in comes Mrs. Whatsherface, and then Sara walks in, and then Vartann. But Sara isn't holding the door (I think her arms are crossed or something) so obviously it's Vartann who's holding it for her.

They were great in that episode. I love the nod he gives her when they're interrogating that one cop.