Sara Sidle and Det Vartan

I just want to say -wow- do they look beautiful together. I can't wait for Season 6 to come out dvd because I'm fairly sure I missed a few of the episodes Vartan was in.

I'm a big Greg \ Sara or Nick \ Sara fan but it's always great to see different pairings, especially when the pairings involve lab techs (Archie!) or other secondary characters.

Does anyone know where I can learn a little more about Vartan's character? And maybe it's just me but he reminds me a bit of Michael Vartan from "Alias" so when I hear "Detective Vartan" I always want to call him Michael. :)
Haha, yes I mean season 5 on dvd. I just noticed my goof, thanks. Season 6 excitement is on the brain. :)
Same here :D and MoxieProxie we dont know much about Vartann, other than he and Sara have great chemisty :D and that he dodged a marriage question... he also got angry at a woman who had an affiar - some of his behaviour suggets that he was once married - or maybe engaged and she... uhh... strayed away.
:lol: here's an idea....

Vartann: So what about tonight then?
Sara: Can't wait


Sara: Guess what?
Vartann: What?
Sara: I finish early tonight

Vartann: *looking at a picture in a house* Hmmmm this guy was into making guitars - I always wanted to play guitar
Sara: Well I play - You could come around mine later and I could teach you...

Well they aren't that good - but if they HAPPENED I'll be well happy :D
Thanks so much for the help, Leanne. Vartann sounds like quite the gentleman so far, I hope we learn some more about him this season. I'd like the write a short Alex \ Sara fic but I feel uncomfortable writing about him without a bit more character informatiion.
We dont really know much about him - you can track down the episodes he was in an work on from there - there was a bit in Big Middle when he made a nasty comment. But other than that he's ok :D
Yeah, but the nasty comment was originally supposed to be Greg's, so I choose to overlook that. Under regular circumstances, I doubt Vartann would've said something like that. It was more Cavaliere-ish than Vartann-ish.