Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

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Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

CSIangel17 said:

Lol i love that quote Kate (can i call you that?)
Heres another question: Do you think that they would tell everyone straight away that they were together, or do you think theyd establish the relationship for a while first then tell the team?

Sure you can call me that! :D
I think they would establish a relationship first and then after they had been dating for a while they would secretly tell the team. Like having Greg give her a kiss on the cheek in the hallway or something and then the team being like "Where the hell did THAT come from?" :lol:

Now I have to go watch Organ Grinder again....all the quotes are getting to me!! :lol:
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Kind of late, but nice drawings araSgerG!

I love that Fannysmackin' clip. I loooove that episode!!! <3

Organ Grinder was the first episode that made me recognize the chemistry between them. Then I just fell in love from then on. They have the cutest little moments together.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

kissmesweet, I love your animation! :eek: It's so adorable!! :D

Silhouette said:
I'd love to see this. It'd be so cute :D And maybe Greg wouldn't believe what he heard the first time, he'd be "You do?" *blinks* "Did you just said what I think you did?" :lol: But Sara'd just go "You heard me, I'm not going to say it again." :D

*sigh* Aww! Thats soo cute! I really think Sara would say something like that. Greg would be soo happy. He'd probably be like "Take that Grissom!" Sara would be all "..." And Greg would be all. "I mean, I love you too Sar!" :lol:

Almost new thread! I'm all packed and ready to go! I can't wait. :D
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

I always think he'd, secretly or out loud, be all, "HA! Eat my shorts, bugman!" YEAH! I'm gettin' all geeky gangsta up in this joint! No....calm....clam....clam? hee hee hee...I'm so excited about getting a new thread going! This'll be the first time I'm online when it's new!
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Wow araSgerG you sound VERY hyper! :lol:

I'm all packed for the new thread too, so yay! I'm excited as well.

Yes, after she confesses her undying love for our poor Greggo I'm positive he would do like, a fist pump in the air or something and be doing a Sandle dance......heehee... :D
*plot bunny jumps up*
*plot bunny attacks*
Okay, I give in. :D New sandle fic to come soon.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

sandlesidle - :) Thank you. I do my best. :lol:

do you think theyd establish the relationship for a while first then tell the team?
I think that they won't tell anyone else at first, but will eventually be figured out by the team. :) and I have the feeling that Greg will accidentally slip. :lol:
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Ziva__David said:
(Hey has anyone seen Hestia?? Where'd she go? :confused:
:) Ziva__David(Kate) you cheered me up. *hugs*

I actually wasn't on here much because of holiday stuff and let's just say my Thanksgiving wasn't as great as I'd hoped. I didn't think anyone would even notice I was gone, but I'm glad to see that everyone is so close to a new thread!

MissRoosFox said:
Hest, I love your new banner! It includes Sandlematics. :)
And just as I got a compliment on it, I decided to change it! Curses... you win again irony! :eek:

araSgerG I think your drawings are so-o-o cute! And your excitement is contagious! Now I'm getting giddy. ("Eat my shorts, bug-man!" :lol:)
Also, your animation is great, kissmesweet. The cuts and shifts add to the drama of an already poignant episode. Then again, anything that has to do with Fannysmackin' gets an 'A' in my book!

I would post my thoughts on the current discussion but I love all the answers you've all given, especially:
Silhouette said:
szmandatogoholic said:
Hmmm... knowing Greg, he'd just come out with it because he's always had a crush on Sara. Sara'd just try to beat around the bush until the last possible moment and then she'd just blurt out, "I LOVE you, okay?!" or something like that.[/b]

I'd love to see this. It'd be so cute :D And maybe Greg wouldn't believe what he heard the first time, he'd be "You do?" *blinks* "Did you just said what I think you did?" :lol: But Sara'd just go "You heard me, I'm not going to say it again." :D
sandersidle said:
*sigh* Aww! Thats soo cute! I really think Sara would say something like that. Greg would be soo happy. He'd probably be like "Take that Grissom!" Sara would be all "..." And Greg would be all. "I mean, I love you too Sar!" :lol:
Everyone is packing up, already? Oh I need to pack up too! Wait... I don't have much to pack up - just a few stories and these bunnies. So adorable! Little plot bunnies in our Blue Hawaiian! :D

Speaking of plot bunnies:
Silhouette said:
Whoaaaa I see a fluffy bunny eating grapes! :eek: :lol: I can't believe my randomness fed a bunny. Don't resist Hestia, you know you want it... :D :devil: Well I know I want you to write it... C'mon, don't make me use my vooddoo! :lol: :devil:
I don't know if I can write it... unless you specifically request it in my ficlets thread. ;) I even changed my signature for it! Come by and request something, or maybe you can just leave a comment.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

"Take that Grissom!" :lol: :lol: Oh that's too funny, sandersidle :lol: I could see Greg doing a 'yessss!' motion with his hands (like he did in that one episode, which I forgot :rolleyes:) (...oh wait,

Ziva__David said:
Yes, after she confesses her undying love for our poor Greggo I'm positive he would do like, a fist pump in the air or something and be doing a Sandle dance......heehee... :D
:lol: That's EXACTLY what I've imagine before I scrolled up and read your post. :D He he he that'd be so cute and funny at the same time... and I think Grissom would just be rolling his eyes :lol: Poor Grissom

Ziva__David said:
Okay, I give in. :D New sandle fic to come soon.
YAY!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

Talking about fanfics.... awwww c'mon Hestia!!! Why don't you write it? :( Please? Pretty please?? *sporting puppy dog eyes* Oh well. Fine. I'm gonna put a request... I still fear your evil wagging finger, you know :lol:

Awwww nice animation kisssmesweet... my heart broke too during Fannysmackin :( It still broke... I need to go and buy some super glue I think :D

CSIangel17 said:
Heres another question: Do you think that they would tell everyone straight away that they were together, or do you think theyd establish the relationship for a while first then tell the team?
I think Sara would want to keep it quiet, while Greg... well I could see him being so happy he just wants to scream it to the whole lab :D (or from on top of the crime lab's roof, if he must :lol:)

This reminds me to the scene in Organ Grinder, when he answered Grissom, "Sara and I were just going to dinner." :D See? He'd want to tell the whole world how happy he is :) But then again, Greg has matured so much since then, so probably now he'd keep it quiet if Sara wants to.

So close to the new thread!! YAY!!!! :D :D *stuff her voddoo and cookies into her suitcase* Gotta pack those too ;)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Silhouette said:
I think Sara would want to keep it quiet, while Greg... well I could see him being so happy he just wants to scream it to the whole lab :D (or from on top of the crime lab's roof, if he must :lol:)

YES. XD. He HAS to scream it from the tope of the crime lab. And then Ecklie would come out and be like "WTF??" and then Grissom would start crying. What a great scene.

OKAY the coffee must be getting to me. Cute bunnies Hestia! Glad you're back.
I think I have everything I forgetting amything?
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Yeah, I think we talked about Greg screaming it from the rooftops before. AWW. I can see him and Nick working together and he just has to say something. :lol: "Sara and I love eachother." *giggles* Awww so cute. :D

Kate said:
He HAS to scream it from the tope of the crime lab. And then Ecklie would come out and be like "WTF??" and then Grissom would start crying. What a great scene.

Hahah, that had me laughing. :lol: Poor Grissom!!.... :devil: Can you imagine a Sandle wedding with Grissom. :lol: That would be really akward. In my opinion. :p
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Hehe, such cute bunnies! A Sandle wedding with Grissom present would be evil... because Grissom would probably start crying right in the middle of the vows! Or maybe even as Sara's walking down the aisle! :lol: :lol: (I'm laughing as I'm writing this, I'd better go. I'm laughing so hard I'm crying. :lol:)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Not that I'm a new Sandle shipper, but I just recently found this website and has now read through almost all of your comments! (And that's not a few I tell you) *proud and tired* And here you have me! :D

I have to say, it annoys me to no end how these Script writers to CSI give us these little clues about Sandle, but never do anything about it! It's like holding a string infron of a cat but never letting it catch it. >.< (Just had to get it out)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Hey there, Nami. Welcome to the wonderful world that is Sandle. Glad you've joined us! :D You read through almost all of our comments :eek:? You read through 24 pages of pure Sandle bliss :eek:? COOL! :lol:

I have to say, it annoys me to no end how these Script writers to CSI give us these little clues about Sandle, but never do anything about it!

Gosh, you are so right about that. I hate the way the give us such a big scene like 'Fannysmackin' and then it's like 'Okay, we've done that bit, now lets forget about it entirely!'-They get our hopes us and then let us down. It makes me sad. :(...Hmm, perhaps we should add a lil extra spike to the coffee :devil:.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Welcome to the sandle thread Nami :) Here have some positivity cookies and Blue Hawaiian :D

I agree, little sandle moments with no sandle at the end can be annoying, but more sandle moments just means more possibility of sandle happening so roll on Fannysmakin standard sandle moments :D

Aww sandle weddings *goes and buys hat :lol:* Yeah i can imagine it would be hard for certain members of the team but oh well :lol: But a sandle wedding would be great.

I would imagine it as a small ceremony, probably in a hotel, with Sara wearing a simple white dress and Greg a nice black tux, which he would then do some great dance moves in during their wedding song :D
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

yepp, total Sandle bliss!! :D loved it.

I think that a little spike in the coffee would do good for them ;) absolutely

ohhh cookies and Blue Hawaiian! My favorite! *munches on the cookies and continues writing*

Tru, better with some sandle then none sandle at all, it means that they are atleas thinking about it. *nods*

ohhh A sandle wedding! I would looove that! It would just look to cute! I mean Greg in a tux can never be wrong *_* And Sara would look so lovely in a wedding dress! *runs of to buy a wedding gift and a nice outfit to have for the wedding*
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