Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

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Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Guess what I've got!! Rectangles!!!! okay, forgive me, I couldn't resist. CSI Group pic with Sandle
Greg clone!?!
The Heart of Life by John Mayer
She Looks to Me by the Red Hot Chili Peppers
And now for the one that is the most awful...and the number one reason why I shouldn't draw people kissing.... Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol
A goodbye present to this's 'bout new thread time! Oooh and guess what? A friend of mine promised me a Sandle drawing for my birthday!!!
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

I'm loving the drawings,araSgerG. The 'Greg and his Clone' one cracked me up. Hey, don't worry about your drawings, because you can definately draw better than I can :D. My speciality is two-legged dogs :lol:. Okay, so I can draw people, but only in a cartoon style. :rolleyes:. I'm gonna fail art, that's for sure. :D

And to the moderators, thankyou for clearing things up, and I promise you it was a one time thing. I felt lonely! :lol:
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Hahaha Sabster I JUST noticed your signature, and I started laughing really folks were getting concerned.... :lol:.

And yes, cute pictures araSgerG! I wish I could draw, but my specialty is wallpapers...and cheap ones at that. :lol:

Let's get this thread moving again (so we can quickly move to a new one lol) How do you think Greg and Sara would tell eachother that they loved eachother? Would they just say it or do it in a really sneaky way? Personally I think Greg would play a song for her that had the words 'I love you' in it....

(Hey has anyone seen Hestia?? Where'd she go? :confused:
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

araSgerG, I love your Sandle drawing. It's really cute.

Okay, back on topic. For Thanksgiving, I think Greg would surpize her by taking her out for dinner. No.. I think he would make her a home cooked meal in his appartment. He would light the place with candles and would turn the lights down low. ;) There would be a table for two set up with leaves spread over the table. Sorry, I got carried away. It sounds like it's there anniversery or something. :lol: But yeah. Thats my idea of a Sandle Thanksgiving. :D
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Oh, good question Ziva_David/Kate-which name do you prefer?

I think Greg would probably confess it when Sara is feeling down after a case or something. Sara? Hmmm, I think if she and Greg had an argument about something (say, why Sara could be avoiding him?), she'd just shout it at him accendentily. But,it would all turn out fine in the end. That's just one of my ideas. :D

By the way, you can just call me Jess if you like :D.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

araSgerG, I was going to post this earlier but my aunts made me get off of the computer because they were leaving and I would otherwise be left up here at my house alone. I love the drawings. Especially the "Greg's Clone" one. :p I used to be able to draw, but I quit when I hit middle school. Now I'm in high school and I tried to draw a few weeks ago and found out I can't draw worth crap anymore! :lol: But it doesn't hurt to try. :) (I could draw people really, really good. Sadly, no one thought I could and I had no scanner.)

Hmmm... knowing Greg, he'd just come out with it because he's always had a crush on Sara. Sara'd just try to beat around the bush until the last possible moment and then she'd just blurt out, "I LOVE you, okay?!" or something like that. *writes a furious letter to the producers and the writers*
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

haha YES. :D write that letter!
Sabster I don't have a preference, so either one works. :D

Now fanfiction is being an idiot so I can't submit my story for you all. *hits computer. WORK WHY DON'T YOU??* sorry. That was un-nessecary. :lol:

Okay so I just re-watched 'Revenge is Best Served Cold.' GREAT sandle episode. I was squeeing throughout all the Sara-Greg scenes.
"What does he have that I dont?" :lol: GREAT. SANDLE. MOMENT. Yes, they need to be in seperate sentences.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

There's one in the second season called 'Bully For You' when Nick and Sara had that decomp in the gym bag. Remeber what Greg told Sara when he told her she smelled like death (which was totally cute)?

He said, "You know... a real man wouldn't mind." THE ABSOLUTE BEST SANDLE MOMENT EVER!!! (By this point I'm squee-ing as much as I can with a sore throat and an upset stomach. I know what he says even though that DVD of my collection skips.) It proves that Greg is after Sara. And yet, the producers and writers ship GSR until S7, when Greg got "Fannysmacked" in Fannysmackin' and Sara realized deep down her affection for Greg. (I absolutely have no offense to GSR shippers when I said that about the producers and the writers because I myself used to be both a GSR and a Snickers fan until I got my DVDs and noticed that CSI: was the show with "the black guy picking up the shoe and examining it" as I classified it a few years ago before I knew all of the characters' names.) And now they're turning to Sandle. (They're converting to US. :lol: Funny how people do that.) Why do they do that?
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Oh, cute drawings!

*does happy sandle dance*
*Joins Ziya*

I just watched Organ Grinder in season 2, Greg was so cute!
Greg: Do you think that Sara will ever go out with me?
Catherine: Sure, just as long as you don't tell her it's a date.

:lol: Poor boy; he's so hung up on Sara!
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Awwwww cute drawings araSgerG!! I can't even draw to save my life :lol: So I'll just stick to manips :)

"A real man wouldn't mind"
"Do you think that Sara will ever go out with me?"
:D :D Those episodes make me smile... Oh great Sandle moments...

I finally watched Fannysmackin yesterday, thanks to Frickangel (you rock my best favourite pair of socks! :D) I'm still so excited... SQUEEEEEEEE!!!! :D :D
I never cry during any movie (sometimes I think I'm not as sensitive a girl should be, in that sense :rolleyes:) but it got me really sad :( I wish they show Sara bringing Greg food at the end. Maybe help feeding him or something :D (well with all those bandages and bruises... it'd be hard to eat by himself ;))

szmandatogoholic said:
Hmmm... knowing Greg, he'd just come out with it because he's always had a crush on Sara. Sara'd just try to beat around the bush until the last possible moment and then she'd just blurt out, "I LOVE you, okay?!" or something like that.
I'd love to see this. It'd be so cute :D And maybe Greg wouldn't believe what he heard the first time, he'd be "You do?" *blinks* "Did you just said what I think you did?" :lol: But Sara'd just go "You heard me, I'm not going to say it again." :D

Page 24!! We're getting closer, YAY!!!! :D

Sabster, I love your signature! So funny :lol:
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Hmmm... knowing Greg, he'd just come out with it because he's always had a crush on Sara. Sara'd just try to beat around the bush until the last possible moment and then she'd just blurt out, "I LOVE you, okay?!" or something like that.
Oh my God-- I'd love to see that! Wouldn't that be fantastic? :D It'll make my day!!
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

kissmesweet said:I just watched Organ Grinder in season 2, Greg was so cute!
Greg: Do you think that Sara will ever go out with me?
Catherine: Sure, just as long as you don't tell her it's a date.

Hmm, with that quote even though Catherine said it quite seriously, i think she was joking, just because i think it is obviuosly clear to the whole lab that Greg likes Sara. If only he hadnt thought she was serious, we could have had him asking her out again!

Lol i love that quote Kate (can i call you that?), i love all the jealous Greg quotes, ugh why cant she see that he's perfect for him? She will do, i have a lot of faith in TPTB after Fannysmakin :D

I'd love to see this. It'd be so cute And maybe Greg wouldn't believe what he heard the first time, he'd be "You do?" *blinks* "Did you just said what I think you did?" But Sara'd just go "You heard me, I'm not going to say it again."
aww yeah thats so Sara, she'd be kinda embarrassed but secretly happy.

Heres another question: Do you think that they would tell everyone straight away that they were together, or do you think theyd establish the relationship for a while first then tell the team?

And its very close for the new thread name, so
Vote Here :) if you haven already :)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Okay, this is a really big animation by yours truly. :)


The scene from Fannysmackin'.... :) I loved that episode; my heart literally broke for Greg when he was getting beaten up!
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Hest, I love your new banner! It includes Sandlematics. :)

kissmesweet, Organ Grinder is, I think, the episode that started it all. I mean, Greg wondering if Sara wants to go out with him just ROCKS. I think I'm going to watch the episode next monday.

Sara would be semi-surprised if Greg told her he's in love with her, I think.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Sara would be semi-surprised if Greg told her he's in love with her, I think.
She would be surprised, but we wouldn't be... we know how much he loves his Sara!
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