Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

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Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Wojo said:
Got a present for you:

A cap from last nights eppy.

Greg & Sara

Nice. But I won't be able to watch that 4 months from now.... Poor me...

I've got another Sandle song in mind:

Artist: Finger Eleven
Album: Unknown
Title: Slow Chemical

The wonder of the world is gone and old for sure
All the wonder that I would have found in her

As a hole becomes another strike to burn
An old flame returns

Every intuition fails to find it's way
One more table turned around I'm back again

Finding I'm a lost and found when she's not around
When she's not around I feel it coming down

Get me what I could never ask for
Connect me and you could be my chemical NOW

Give me the drug you know I'm after
Connect me and you could be my chemical

When everybody wants (the chemical of) your soul

When everybody wants (the chemical of) your soul

Slow and
Everybody wants you
Slow and
Everybody wants your soul

Give me what I could never ask for
connect me and you could be my chemical NOW

Give me the drug you know I'm after
Connect me and you could be the chemical

You could be the chemical
You could be the chemical
You could be the chemical
You could be the chemical

It's a little bit angsty and all that jazz... Here's the odd part: it's the entrance theme of Kane in WWE. See, this guy is kind of like the evil (seen the movie See No Evil? Yeah, he's the killer there) and sadistic. Hell breaks lose with this guy. So, anway, I listened to this song carefully and found a slight romantic angst to it. I've featured it a fan fic, actually.

Finding I'm a lost and found when she's not around
When she's not around I feel it coming down

Greg's miserable without Sara loving him back and he's worked his fine ass off just to have himself loved back and for some reason, things are all f'd up for Greg.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

:D Yup there was some touching going on. Not mention mention the little glances going back and forth between them. That's quality Sandle right there my friends. :)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

YouandMe1105 said:
:D Yup there was some touching going on. Not mention mention the little glances going back and forth between them. That's quality Sandle right there my friends. :)

And that's why I joined the ship.

BTW, check out this pic I made for my Friendster Profile :

Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Okay, so I watched it again today, and I totally adored the Sandle scenes. imo, the second was better.. they were so cute watching that clip (and little Danny Bonaduce! Aw! Please tell me I'm not the only one that knows of his Partridge history...). Especially when he said "Oh I went real deep" and she smirked at him.. very charged moment, I say.

Thank you ziggy! I knew I wasn't the only one who thought Sara's glasses were goofy
They were TOTALLY goofy, dude. But I'm standing by my theory that Sara is adopting some of Greg's silly rockerboy style. I bet he bought them for her. Seriously. Ten bucks says it's true. ;)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

:lol: Sure ziggy, he probably brought them for her as a gag birthday gift. Anywho, I see in the sidebar that CSI was the ratings winner this week and I have a theory why. More Greg and Sandle scenes of course. :D
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

^Good old Yummy, right as usual ;) I totally agree. The majority of people turning on their tvs at 9pm on Thursdays are gonna be people between 15 and 30, and what are they gonna ship? Sandle, of course! (this is all my personal observations, of cousre)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Ok am I the only one who likes the sunglasses? probably :lol:

But i do like the theory that Greg gave them to her :) Cant wait to see that scene, they do look so much like a couple in those pics :D

Im glad CSI one in the ratings, obviuosly to do with the sandle moments :)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

You aren't. I love them too! :) Greg giving the sunglasses to her? Priceless theory. The glasses are a bit rocky, yeah. *bangs head* Yay, CSI's number one in the ratings! :D I was watching the caps, and they're absolutely great. Sandle on top!
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

To celebrate all of the Sandle from Thursday, I'm gonna pass around some freshly baked cookies because I'm a lab tech now!!
*cookies for everyone, a cookie, cookie for you, cookie, cookie, cookie*

I wasn't on for awhile last night, I went to my school's Homecoming game and dance, and at the dance, seeing all the guys and girls dancing together made me think a bit of Sandle! (And we won our Homecoming- see my sig for the score.)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Yay!! CSI won against Grey's!! :D You are probably right YaM! Must be because of all the Sandleness ;)

I love the theory of Greg giving Sara those glasses! Even though she looked goofy, it'd still be cute if it was his present to her! :)

They were soo touchy feely in BTK2!! I was squeeing when he touched her and she touched him!! :D They are too cute!
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

The looks between Greg and Sara in BTK2 were priceless! I really liked to see that.

And I have to say it again..Sara's glasses were AWESOME! :D
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

CSI won against Grey's?? No they didn't! At least i dont THINK they did...
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