Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

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Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

:eek: OMG that's a really really cool manip! Mr and Mr Sanders :lol: That's brilliant! Love it, Wojo! Very good job. And man, does Greg looks so hot with a suit and holding a gun :eek: *drool*

Hmm I wonder if someday Greg has to learn how to handle a gun and Sara being his 'mentor' again :D

Oh hey people, don't give up on Sandle. Keep the positivity! After all, Greg hasn't given up on her YET, so why would we? ;) :)

Cheer up everybody. Light up... light up... Haha sorry, I'm listening to Snow Patrol's 'Run' :D

Oh I'm in love with that manip. Makes me wanna make a manip too... hmmm...
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

That manip is really, really great. I don't know if they'd act like that either, if they were married, they're more the geeks who solve the murders, not commit them. But I must say, Sara looks pretty! And hot. :devil:

I Like To Watch is on here tonight, I believe. I really like that episode, but I actually don't remember about Sandle moments? Anyone, help me! :eek:

And Silhouette, sure we'll stay positive! *gives cookies again*
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

I can totally see them rocking the spy business as a married couple.. Sara in pleather (not real leather of course!) catsuits, Greg in sexy mod fedoras, all James Bond style.. ohhh yeah. Someone should so write a fanfic along those lines :D
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Thanks everyone. So glad you enjoyed my manip!

Opps forgot about the 3 line rule! How dumb of me. Yes Greg & Sara are fun to watch together on screen. I think Jorja & Eric's friendship really shows though. Even though my focus is on Nick & Greg now, S & G are still my #1 Hetro couple!! I rather see her with anyone else but who she's with, even Ecklie!!!!!! Kidding (I think)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Silhouette, you should definatly make a manip! Please! *gets down on knees and begs* :lol:

Greg does look good with a gun. *Gets out drool bucket* :D

MissRoos, I think there might be some scenes.. Well im not sure of they flirt or anything, but they are in the same room! :)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

In I Like to Watch, they are in the same room, I remember Greg talking to her about the case. Don't think there was any flirting, which is too bad, they should flirt more. :D Of course, that's just my opinion.

I actually had a fic I was going to write about Sara helping Greg learn how to use a gun, but havn't written it yet.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

I don't remember I Like To Watch! :p

Sara and Greg flirt a lot! Well, they did in the 5th season. They did in the 6th too, but It went waaaay down.

YouandMe1105 , you should deffinately make that fic. It would be sooo cute. Sara teaching Greg :) Your fics (the ones I read) are soo cute!
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Wow great manip Wojo , Greg in a suit *swoons* :)

Cant wait to see your manip Silhouette and read your fic YaM :D

I dont think ive ever seen I Like To Watch, is it series 6? :)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

I loved that manip, Wojo! :p :D I practically died of glee!! I can so see Sara and Greg being like that. Sneaking around, with guns hidden under their clothes... of course, they already do!! :lol:
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Yup, "I Like To Watch" is in season 6, episode 17 I believe. It's too bad they didn't flirt as much in season 6, them flirting great to watch. Well, for Sandle shippers anyway. :D

I suppose I'll have to write that fic now, well at least after I finish the one I'm currently workin' on.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Great manipulation, Wojo! :) Always glad to have someone such as yourself on our side even if it's ocassional. I was thinking about making a sandles manipulation myself, but it's easier (and I guess lazier :rolleyes:) to nudge Silhouette until she does it. *Nudge nudge* :D
While I'm at it, I'll nudge YouandMe1105 and get him to write that cool sounding fanfic. *Nudge nudge!*

Well, enough nudging. I got cookies to eat - with everyone passing them around I'm practically swimming in positivity cookies!
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

did anyone see the sandle scene they showed before CSI: Miami? they were walking together and it was cute. alright i just thought i'd share that with you, we def get Sandle in BTK2 :D

Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Hey Yummy, I remember that plot bunny you told me, and by the sound of it, it's gonna be great. Really you DEFINITELLY should write that fic! I know you shared the bunnies with me in hopes I could adopt one, but seriously, I could never write it as good as you. It's your bunny, so please follow it! :D *joins Hestia nudging Yummy :D* Can't wait to read it!

C'mon, Hestia, stop nudging me! You know you want to make a manip yourself. ;) *nudge nudge* :D

Easy, easy. I'm currently in... uh, a little conflict with my Photoshop. He's being an ass (my Photoshop, yes it has a gender :lol:) so I'm avoiding him. But, not for long...

I can't wait for Fannysmackin'! I know, I'll be spoiled if I read this thread, but I can't resist it :lol:

ETA: I didn't see Frostbite's post. YAY for Sandle scene in BTK2!!! :D :D *dances around* And ooh so many cookies! *grabs a handful*
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

See I knew I should start watchin' Miami, I would have seen the promo FrostBite was talkin' about. *pouts* Anywho, Yay for a Sandle moment! Can't wait to see it next week.

Quit nudgin' me! You cannot rush prefection. :lol:
Anybody know what the maximum size for a avatar is (I know the dimensions are 100 x 100 but what about the file size?) Cuz I've been goofin' around making gifs, so I wanna know the answer before I use one, don't wanna get in trouble with TPTB.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Oh, darn. I almost watched Miami last night too. siiigh. I suppose I can always go find the promo on CBS. Or. You know. Wait two days to see the episode.. but then, where's the fun in that? :lol: Regardless, hopefully if there's a Sandle seen in the promo, that means that Greg will actually be IN the episode a little more.. we can hope!

^Yummy, I don't remember the exact file sizes allowable. I had a lot of difficulty getting my avs down to size for Talk. In the end, I just made them all gif files, because Talk allows much bigger gif files than it does jpg, so almost all gifs are going to be small enough to be acceptable, unless they're complex animated ones or whatever. Worry not though, if they do end up being too big the automatic av regulator will just kick them off the system- no trouble from TPTB will come. Hope that helps :)
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