Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

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Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Lovely... this thread I mean. Although the season premier was good too. :) All those who were upset over the GSR hints, it's okay. Vent here if you want, then think about all the good things about sandle! Mmmmm... cookies.
Do you think we could bribe TPTB with these cookies? We'll send them a few and tell them to give us some sandle scenes. Yes... they cannot resist our positive cookie ship. :D

(BTW: The posters in this thread were nicer in terms of GSR bashing than the snickers thread. :lol: I know it sounds ridiculous thinking about someone being nice when it comes to ship bashing, but there ya go. :p)

P.S: Sara was looking great, and the little bit I saw of Greg looked good too. ;)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

I actually haven't seen Greg at all, in Built To Kill. But maybe it was just my eyes. I don't remember about Werewolves, actually. Maybe there were some Sandle-moments, but I simply can't remember. *gives everyone cookies*, look, we're positive. :D I can't wait for Fannysmackin'. I just can't.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

*takes cookies* - thanks :D

There weren't any sandle moments in Werewolves that i saw, but i missed alot of it :( :)

Yeah i suppose Sara should be with the person that makes her happiest, evryone should, but i do think that that person is Greg, cos they are always having a great time in their scenes, especially in s5, and hopefully too in s7.

Actually, although the scene in Fannysmakin should be quite emotional and intense, it should be quite a change and hopefully show a different side to their realtionship, and to Greggo :D
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

*takes some cookies* They're yummy thanks!! :D

I think that their scene in Fannysmakin' should be emotional too. Im pretty sure it will be.. Under the circumstances, Im sure it wont be happy... :( But still, yay for angst! :D
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

*passes out more postivity cookies* I don't think there were any Sandle moments in Werewolves and I have a pretty good memory. I've been watchin' my DVDs again, loving the all the Sandle moments. :D Can't wait to see the first scene they share this season, hope it's good!

PS: Anybody know of a good program to make avatars with, besides Photoshop?
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Maybe you could try Paint Shop Pro ;)

Hmm, I just watched Anonymous and I loved the one Sandle moment in it. I love the way Sara looks at Greg when he asks: "Who is it then?" and she's like: "It's Anonymous". I was like 'SQUEEEE when I saw it. :D Next week 'Unfriendly Skies' will be on, no Sandle moments in it. :(
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Hey it's been awhile. Wanted to show you all this manip I made.

Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Hey Wojo! I didn't know you were a Sandle shipper? :) I LOVE that manip!! I can actually kinda see them being like that!! They would totally kick ass!! :lol:

I didn't know there was a Sandle scene in 'Anonymous'! *Runs to go watch* :D
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Wojo that's so amazing! it makes me happy to see them with gums...and married. Because we all know how that movie turns out.

Greg: ask us the sex question.
Counsler: what?
Greg: *wishpers* Ten

Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Well I used to be. I haven't completly given up on Sandle it's just my intrest has gone to the slashy side of things. Greg & Nick!
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

That is an amazing manip! That would be awesome if they were married and they actually acted like that! :lol:

Never give up on sandle! I'm a multi-shipper myself. :)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

ha ha loooove the manip!
I totally made one of those for CaRWash and i had sandle in it too!
I don't know what to do with myself Grey's and CSI on the SAME NIGHT AND TIME!!?? ahhhhhhhhhh!! :eek:
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Hee hee hee...I've seen one of those manips with Harry and Hermy. I love manips. Anymore Sandle manips? Oh and TheCoroner...TiVo. It changes the world.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

^np to everyone, I completely understand your frustrations and I'm not at all upset. I just wanted to make sure we all stayed as sunny and positivity-filled as we always are :D I actually DID bake cookies IRL last night, so cookies for all from me!!!

And gorgeous manip, Wojo, I love it! :)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

That manip was amazing! Great job, Wojo! :)

Oh, and Roos, I loved 'Anonymous' yesterday, too. The Sandle moment made me happy. :)
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