Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

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Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Sara_Grissom_Fan said:
i really love Sara, and i like Greg, hes a sweetheart, but Sara's flirted with a few people on the show, i dont think shes ever considered the possibility of actually dating him, seems like its been Grissom from the get go, and greg hasnt given up on her yet? ive never seen anything more than harmless banter, no emotional connection, certiantly not from her, am i wrong?

and he probably hasnt given up on her yet, because no-one including him, as of yet knows that shes in a new (secret) relationship. if he knew that, he'd probably think differently. no? i mean this politely and kindly btw. :)

I totally disagree, but I respect your opinion.

Nicki, there werent any scenes with them together, but we WILL have a scene soon! :D :D Its soo close I cant wait any longer. :lol:

Where was the Sandle lovin'? Where was the Greggo lovin'? :(
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Thanks YaM and Katie :)

Too bad theres no sandle and not much Greg. I suppose the writers are trying to balance it out a bit, cos we should have a great sandle moment soon in Fannysmakin and a whole Greg episode and maybe another one - yeay! :D
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Sara_Grissom_Fan- This thread is not for debating ships, it's just to talk about enjoying the Greg-Sara dynamic. If you don't agree with this ship, please don't post about it in here.. we have a ship debate thread, and of course you're totally always welcome in the GSR thread (I'm a GSR shipper myself :)). Thanks!

About the premiere? I thought it was kinda boring.. sigh.. it didn't really give us much bang for an opener. And Greg was only in there for like, a milisecond (and he needs to trim those sideburns..hee) Sara looks fantastic though.. very cute indeed. I like that she's growing her hair so long, it looks awesome on her. We can hope for more Sandle lovin' next week I guess!
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

I'm really hopin' for some Sandle next week, it's the second part of BTK, and then we'll keep on going with the season. This is only the second time we've had a two-part season opener, and I think I saw a Greg scene in BTK2. (I have no idea if Sara was with him, but if Grissom was with him, then she was.) But I remember turning in time to see Greg on TV, and I watched that whole scene and then turned back to the computer. But I don't know if he had any other scenes, I was half-asleep.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

BTK sucked! Well the episode was great and all, but there was hardly any Greg!!! I hope that next week's episode will be a whole lot better (more Greg, please!). We can't go much longer without some sandle scene that'll give us some hope! :lol: <3
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

it did kinda suck. but i love the scene with Sara and the deseased's 'special friend' Sara looked like she was going to cry. cry because GREG WASN'T WITH HER!

Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

I think that scene was my favorite in the episode. When Sara realized when they were more than just business partners, she looked so sad. Greg would have been good in that scene, giving her a hug. :D
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

I thought the partner looked just like James Spader. Like, weirdly so. I found myself checking the credits to see if it was a brother or something. :lol:

I must confess, I was not completely sober whilst watching the episode and I missed out on a lot.. I .. *cough* *shameful grin* Have no idea what ended up happening with the dead chick at Cirque... so I must have missed the sad Sara-face. But I definitely didn't miss Greg's one and only scene. Seriously. More Greg. After such a long hiatus, all we get is ONE SCENE? Not fair.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

totally not fair.

apparently the girl at Cirque fell. pretty lame.

Greg so would have hugged her. he would just put his arm around her and let her cry into his shoulder and then we would all squee, because how adorable would that be? ...oh no...i rhymed.

Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

TheCoroner said:
oh ok i see it now... ya that would be good... or...
I read in TV Guide that Greg will have to make a life or death decision... and it's gonna effect him emotionally, mentally, and physically! Maybe Sara can be there to hold his hand then?! hmmmmmmmmmm.... ;)

Nothing says 'I Love You' Than supporting a man in times of trouble, right? :devil:

They say that love is proven when you're down and out and the person you love/loves you is there for you.

I'm complicated.

^ Did that make sense?
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Yeah, everyone's telling me the Cirque girl was an accidental death. *shrug* I'm downloading it for my fiance to watch (he missed it last night) so I'll check it out then :)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Hmm, well, I didn't really like 'Built To Kill', except the last couple of minutes. Those were amazing. But the rest of the episode sucked. Hardly any Greg, Sara was cute in it though, as always. I've been dreaming about Sandle last night, you guys all know the veggie burger scene? Well, I dreamed that Greggo bought Sara the burger.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

tanglewood14 said:
Nothing says 'I Love You' Than supporting a man in times of trouble
Sounds like a pretty good idea for the next thread title :D
But it might be too long though :(

I don't have much to say since I haven't seen the new season and I'm sort of in a hurry now. But I just hope the spoilers are true for Fannysmackin' :) And maybe the lack of Greg in the first epi is to balance out more screentime and possibly Greg-centric episode later, so don't pout... the time will come :D (hey I sound like a commercial :lol:)

Sandle dream, Roos? How cool! Awww Greggo buying Sara veggie burger :D maybe we'll get to see that someday in CSI hehehe
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

MissRoosFox said:
Hmm, well, I didn't really like 'Built To Kill', except the last couple of minutes. Those were amazing. But the rest of the episode sucked. Hardly any Greg, Sara was cute in it though, as always. I've been dreaming about Sandle last night, you guys all know the veggie burger scene? Well, I dreamed that Greggo bought Sara the burger.

I totally agree. The episode was really weird and... bad. About the veggie burger scene, I almost threw up. The look they gave eachother was so disgusting. Ask my sister, I yelled at the TV saying 'No! That's supposed to be Greg!!' :eek:
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Sandles21, I almost threw up too. Well, I was like, "Omg im gonna be sick." :D If Greg was going out with her, he would have given her a veggy burger, soup, a drink, and much, much more. :lol: :D

Silhouette, I thought that sounded like a thread name too ;)
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