Sara/Greg #6 - She Could Really Kiss Him

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What can I say, we really are the Positivity ship! ;) :D
Not only we goes hand in hand with other ships, we also have the best positivity cookies in the world! I'm so proud of us :D


Fabian said:
But secretly I ship Sara most with me ;)
Haha guess we all have a litttle of that in us, eh? In my case, I secretly ship Greg with myself too ;) :lol:

I think bcuz Sandle is a fun relationship, it reflects into the people who ship them. To me, this thread has that happy vibe. Let me be a narcicist for a moment, but I LOVE this thread! :D Sandle makes me happy :)

Whoa, I'm hyper again :lol:
Yeah, sorry for being rude. GSR and Sandle shippers can be best friends. I'm mainly a Sandle shipper [obviously]. But I also like Yo!Bling. So i'm not totally a multi-shipper. I definately with the underdog syndrome. I mean, I love Greg and I just wanna see him happy.
Way to go ziggy, you're keeping the peace. ;) I too was hoping for something to develop between those two in season 5, but alas, TPTB did not deem it so. *sigh*
hello again! real life has taken over and therefore I have not been on in what seems like years......
SO! Yay for the positivity in Sandles!!! And someone was saying earlier that since there are so many plot bunnies out there (love the pic btw Hestia :) ) someone should pick up a pen and write!
Well, I can if you want me to.
anyways, I also thought that something would happen in s5, but it didn't.
Thanks you sandlesgirl254. there are few things that interest me more than the sandles dynamic, and that would be Greek mythology.

I didn't know so many people believed in the "underdog syndrome"! :lol: And silhouette, nice signature. ;) Maybe I'll change my signature... *ponders what to write*
Well, I'm still holding on to the theory that Grissom is in that last scene only there to talk and Greg's hiding in the bathroom. :devil:

If this theory is wrong though, it would be good to see Greg affected by it.
I don't think that Greg will be very sad about it...
But I am pretty sure that he will make a funny comment to Sara like: 'Well, you could have had me, but you didn't. You won't know what you miss..'. Y'know, a joke like that (but secretly not a joke of course ;) ).
Thank you, Hestia. :D

I can totally see that, Fabian. Greg making a joke, grinning, cocking his eyebrow (like when he asked Sara what Hank got that he dont get :lol:). Though we know inside he's secretly wounded ;) Awww poor Greg...

But I'd still go with 'Dream Theory', in which it was all a dream, and Sara will wake up in the beginning of S7 with Greg sleeping beside her hehehe :D

Sandlesgirl254 - Oh please do write! We wouldn't mind more Sandle fanfic, do we? ;)

Anyway, the thing I fear most (and I get a feeling it's what would happen) is that Greg wont be affected at all. I mean, we all know how terrible tptb is with continuity, right? I wont be surprised if they'd treat Greg's crush on Sara like it never happens. Forgotten. Just like that. I mean, after Sandlelicious season 5, season 6 seems so 'dry', and I'm worried about S7. They just seem to... forget it. :(
I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.

OMG I can't believe I start ranting again... Argh. COOKIES!!! *grabs a handful of positivity cookies*
*munches munches*
What a beautiful day! Okay, now I'm fine again :)
Yeah, TPTB kind of forgot about Sandle, probably to make place for GSR. Though that's actually not a reason to take away Sandle scenes. Season 5 was loaded with Sandle mostly because of the team split. When the teams got together again, it seemt like every pairing lacked screentime. If you look overall, season 6 was just not a very shippy season.

The Dream Theory... ;)I would be horrified if it was a dream, but the only way I could cope with it, is that it really is Greg that's next to her. Or me.
Hey I'm new here and, obviously based on my user name ;) I am a HUGE Greg/Sara fan. SANDLE FOREVER!!!
Hey gregsaraforever! Welcome to the "Coffee Shift of No Return"

Alright i'm going with the nightmare theory .. [hehe sorry Fabian ]

TPTB can't just get rid of Sandle. It would be horrible! I would be soo upset. **munches on cookies**
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