Sara/Greg #6 - She Could Really Kiss Him

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*cough* It's probably just a temporary...cough. I'll be fine. I'll take a high dose Sandle cutyfulness. :lol:
Whew! I think I have it too :D

What I love best about the sandle relationship is that they are fun... plus the shippers are great and always supply sandle cookies :lol:
Yes I AM a multi-shipper. Sandle is my second fav ship, to be very honest. I guess you know what my first ship is...I hope you all won't kill me :D

I have been here before, for like...3 posts. :p But I've always been like that on all ships threads. Now that I have holidays I will join in some conversations.

Silhouette, it's funny that you mention the female slash threads, since I came into the Cath/Sara one quite a lot. But I believe that most posters there are girls as well. :D
Awww, come on guys, stop picking on us multishippers.. I mostly lurk, but like Fabian, Sandle's my second fav ship. I totally think it's cute and great and fantastic!
Fabian said:
Yes I AM a multi-shipper. Sandle is my second fav ship, to be very honest. I guess you know what my first ship is...I hope you all won't kill me :D

Don't worry about it. They haven't gunned me down yet. *points at icon* :lol:
No one would ever pick on a multi-shipper, especially since I am one myself!

But I shall add in my own thoughts by agreeing with the cuteyful aspect of the sandle relationship!
I don't know why, but in many other shows, whenever there's a guy who has a crush on a girl but she only regards him as a friend, I just wanna root for that guy! It's happened to me when I watched many shows that I won't name at the moment because they were anime shows. (I'm not immature! :eek:)
It's the 'underdog syndrome' or something. I want the guy to get the girl!

Oddly enough, I don't feel as strongly when a woman is pining after a man. In that situation, I boo at the guy and hope he comes to his senses... I think you know which ship that refers to. ;)

Oh, and Fabian, sorry about the "girls" comment but since so many people refer to girls as "guys" I wanted to see if I could get away with that term. :lol: Guess not! Talk to you later, guys! :D
^SO agreed! You just wanna vote for the UNDERDOG! Yeah! That's so where I'm coming from. Especially if the girl is mean or thoughtless to the boy who madly loves her.
I'm not a multi-shipper... I feel left out!

I think it is so cute that Greg used to (still does?) have a crush on Sara. But I also think Sara needs to open her eyes and see that Greg is there.
You ship YoBling too! That's multiple ships, and thereby I deem you multishipper XD

To be honest, I thought Sara was gonna kind of wake up to the idea of Greg in the 5th season.. There were a lot of very cute interactions in that season, where she appeared to be taking him a lot more seriously. Then it never really went anywhere this year. Ah well.
I meant that I don't multi-ship the same people... oh well!

The 5th season had me wondering if there was something other then friendship going on between them.
i love the way Greg and Sara work together and talk together they just seem so perfect, and shes the older woman *wink*wink* thats never a bad thing :lol:
Uh-oh... the cough is contagious :lol:

Nah, don't worry people... I never shot anyone bcuz they're a multishipper :lol:
Well there are some ship that I personally don't like, but I never flame the person who ship them. You can say it's just expressing an opinion, and not, like, looking for fist fight or something ;) :lol:
I'm sorry though if maybe you find my comment harsh, I really don't mean to, okay? Just tell me if I've crossed the border. Sooo... friends? :D

I think it's hard not to be a multishipper. We watch the show every week and after a while we start to care about the characters. It's only natural.
Hey, even me, I'm actually a slash-addict :lol: (you can't tell, can you?) Though I'm mostly Sandle (like 80%), but I sort of ship Ryan/Greg too (hell, two HOT guys, that's something I can't resist ;)). Still waiting for that spin-off, CSI:Nerds With Badges! :D

Ooh Hestia, I'm so agree about the 'underdog sydrome'! Yeah everytime I see that in other tv shows or movies, I'd be like "Awww..." I want him to get the girl hehe... especially if deep down inside actually the girl kinda likes him back. There's just something cute about it. But if the girl pinning on the guy... well just say I have a feminist side that won't 'allow' it :lol:
Silhouette I totally agree with you. I hate fighting amongst ships because in the end, we all like the same show, and we should unite because of it rather than feud. Can you tell my mom's a big hippie right now ;)
I ship GSR, Sandle, YoBling, Thongs, and The Love.
It's good that GSR and Sandle can go hand in hand here. But then again, I never felt that much hostility against GSR in this thread.(unlike some other threads..)

I was also expecting for Sara to show a personal interest in Greg as well, and frankly, I was dissapointed. I thought that Sara would hook up with either Grissom or Greg in season 6, and before the finale, it seemt like we wouldn't get anything.

My ships are GSR, Sandle, Sonic, Thongs, Brass/Sofia, YO Bling.
But secretly I ship Sara most with me ;)
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