Sara/Greg #6 - She Could Really Kiss Him

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Greg? Drugs and S&M?

Well, I do agree that they need to delve into greg's background alot more. I want to know what makes him tick and season 7 had better give us many "Greggo" moments.
My opinion? I wouldn't want Sara to be with anyone because someone else wasn't available. *shrugs* Those just don't seem like healthy grounds on which to start a relationship. I'd prefer if her relationship with Grissom ended or whatever (not that I'm hoping for that), that she then saw the light (ie Greg:)) and loved him because he's him, not because she's on the rebound.
Yeah, that's true...that's very true. *hands ziggystarduzt (jeez what a long name! :D) cookie* Greg? Drugs? S&M? Do explain FrostBite, what did I miss?? :confused:
YES! MY FIRST SANDLE COOKIE! *happiy devours a small portion of the cookie* I actually just finished some ice cream, and I'm allergic to the chocolate chips, so I'm happy to share. *breaks remaining cookie into small portions and distributes to everyone* Mm. Greg-flavoured ;)
I agree, ziggy. It's not healthy and it'd hurt Greg more if it's only bcuz she's on the rebound.
I think, if Sara gets hurt, Greg could make her smile again, cuz he's funny and all. As a friend. But I dont wanna see her switching back and forth between Grissom and Greg (that's the love triangle scenario I'd hate to see), that's just... not Sara. Then if her relationship with Grissom has ended, maybe someday she would look at Greg and think, "I really am having a good time with this guy." and start opening her heart for him. Realizing how Greg always be there for her.
So it's not bcuz she's looking for 'Grissom replacement' or something...
Who knows, Greg could mend a broken heart ;)

Anyway, I'll have some of the cookies too, ziggy, thanks! :D *takes a piece*

Hestia, I can only hope for more Greg's storyline in S7. We barely know anything about that guy!
Who knows, maybe we get to see Papa and Nana Olaf someday :lol:

Greg: Nana Olaf, this is my co-worker, Sara...
Sara: Nice to meet you.
Nana Olaf: Nice to meet you too, young lady... Hmm I can sense a strong bond between you two...
Greg: *blushes* Nana... maybe we coul--
Nana Olaf: Wait, there's more. I see red... fire... passion...
Greg: *panics* Err, that'd be my red coffee pot *drags Nana Olaf away* arent we suppose to meet Papa Olaf somewhere?

Greg did drugs? I'm lost. I guess i've missed a few episodes here and there.

I totally agree with ziggy. If Greg was a rebound guy, it probably wouldn't last. Or they wouldn't be happy.

And just when I thought this thread couldn't get any better .. GIANT COOKIES! i won't touch it though .. is there any left?
lmao about nana olaf silhouette. :lol:
May I have part of said cookie?? please? :)
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