Sara/Greg #6 - She Could Really Kiss Him

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Well, there are plenty of opportunities...
William Petersen might leave next year.. Let's say that Jorja Fox will (probably) stay..I'd see TPTB putting her together with Greg more than with for example Nick, Warrick, Doc Robbins :p, etc.

I am kind of contradicting myself here, because I always said that if WP leaves, JF should too. But there is really no point for me in watching CSI when Sara is not there, so I hope she will stay for a long time. Then she can cuddle up with Greggo. :p
But I really do hope that WP stays as well.
Hi gregsaraforever!! Welcome aboard. Here, have some sandle cookies! *hands cookies* It's the best you'll ever taste ;)

About the theories, there's a thread on csimedia called Let's Pretend, dedicated to theories around the ending of S6. Go add some of your theories! ;)

Fabian said:
When the teams got together again, it seemt like every pairing lacked screentime. If you look overall, season 6 was just not a very shippy season.
Hmm I agree, S6 wasnt a very shippy season. Like what's been said so many times, maybe it's bcuz of so many casts. It's hard enough to cramp all those people into one hour, giving each screentime, at the same time solving the case. Let alone putting something else into that already cramped space, like romance.

Now while I'm on that topic, the thing about tptb going to bring in new characters, I just think it's crazy if they mean another CSI (or regular role). Do you think it'd affect Sandle?
In a way I think: more cast = lest screentime each = less sandle scenes. I just hope they wont bring a new love interest for Greg (though I want him to be happy), but that's just... I dont know, it'd appear like, Greg's forgetting Sara that easy? *shakes head*

Whoa I really need fresh air... and cookies :D
Never. Greg won't be able to get over Sara. He just can't. And that's that.

There are two different sides to Greg. Serious Greg and Goofy Greg. It depends which one he is being at the time to see how he reacts to GSR. I mean, either way he'll be hurt, for sure, but it just depends how every else will be able to view it.

Get what i'm saying?
Yeah, I get it. Good theory. I agree, Greg will never forget Sara, his crush was (is? :p) just too big. *gives Silhouette cookies and opens window*
Okay, so we established that he will never get over Sara. Jeez, he will defenitely be unhappy!
If I am very honest (like always), that Wendy girl that he kind of asked out in 'Spellbound' might be a good back up.
Though she has not got Sara's elegance, beauty, hotness, crazyness, intelligence, greatness, etc. And Greg really deserves a woman like Sara...

I'm so torn between ships! I'm freaking out!!!!! :eek: Maybe it's my time to get a cookie?
*hands cookie*
All I know is that I will never give up on sandle :)

Hopefully they just don't drop the whole storyline, but who knows? The premeire could have a huge surprise in it... they are taking 'risks' for season 7 since Grey's Anatomy is switching to the same time.
Maybe they will start a Grissom/Sara/Greg love triangle. I personally wouldn't mind, though I have a preference for who'll she end up with eventually.

I just really joined in on this thread, and now I already need to tell you that I won't be here for the coming days. I think I'll be online again on sunday. See ya!
Welcome gregsaraforever! Feel free to grab some cookies and some of Greg's yummy Blue Hawaiian! Don't be shy and join in the conversation! :)
(They're fresh!)

See you later Fabian. Maybe now I can call everyone girls. ;) Wait, are you a girl, gregsaraforever? :lol:
Yes fresh cookies! **grabs a handful**

I actually am expecting there to be a Grissom/Sara/Greg triangle. But of course i'm hoping she ends up with Greg. And with WP leaving the show Greg could be there to comfort Sara when there's no more Grissom.

Well that's what i'm hoping. Gotta keep up the positivity. :D
Sandles21 said:
I don't like the idea of a triangle... personally I think Grge would just end up hurt and we don't want that. :(

Oh yeah .. that would be horrible. I hate seeing him hurt. :(
hollie, I agree it depends on which side of Greg we'd see.

Yeah, I dont like to see Greg getting hurt. Although it depends on how tptb put it (but I dont trust them, so dont count on it :lol:). Love triangle means more drama. I'd really hate it if it ends up like Miami *shudders* Oh God forbid... but if Sara has some problem, and then Greg comforts her, hehe I wouldn't mind ;)

Awww we'll miss you Fabian! Here, a handful of cookies in case you miss them in your 'hiatus mode' :D *gives cookies*

Fabian said:
Well, there are plenty of opportunities...
William Petersen might leave next year.. Let's say that Jorja Fox will (probably) stay..I'd see TPTB putting her together with Greg more than with for example Nick, Warrick, Doc Robbins :p, etc.
I think there's a chance tptb putting her with Nick. But I think that, bcuz the last episode aired here was Unusual Suspect (in which Sara partnered with Nick). Though maybe that's bcuz Jorja asked to partner with George this season cuz last season they dont get to work together bcuz of team split. So let's say S7 it's 'equal', Sara could work with either Greg or Nick. I really really hope it's Greg.
I hope to see The Return of Exploding Toilets :lol: I miss seeing Sandle fun times in S5 :)

Fabian said:
If I am very honest (like always), that Wendy girl that he kind of asked out in 'Spellbound' might be a good back up.
Funny you mentioned Spellbound, Fabian, cuz I've just seen that epi last night. I used to think, if Greg's happy, it doesnt matter who'll end up with him. I like Wendy, she's funny. But after I actually see that epi myself (late, I know), I thought, it doesnt 'equal' Greg's crush on Sara. When he's around Sara, he's so nervous. While, around Wendy, he acts like when he's around everyone else.

Just hope it wont turn into a love rectangle relationship! :eek: :lol:

Whoa, that's the LONGEST post I've ever written! :eek:
I'll be fine in S7 but only if Greggo's happy. if he's not then i'm not. plain and simple.

speaking of the next season, the should probly go more into Greg's past. we know nothing about him, except he lived in New York, most likely did drugs, enjoys s&m (well he used to :p ) if Sar finds out more about Greg's past, she might like him more....alot more. :devil:

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