Sara/Greg #6 - She Could Really Kiss Him

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YAY a fic of Greg and Sara as kids!! MY DREAM COMES TRUE :D (yeah well, I was the one who dreamt about Little Greg and Little Sara in sandbox back then ;) I have a thing for childhood friendship story thing, dunno why --oh wait, I know why, cuz I'm in love with my own childhood friend :lol: but shhh, he has no idea!) Anyway, think I made a challenge but that's ages ago. Finally a fic with that theme, I can't be happier :D :D)

Thnx hestia, for both the cookies and ficlet :)

*goes to read*
Thank you everyone!
I hope those plot bunnies have decided to leave me alone for a while. At least until I have no more suggestions! :D
And maybe someone else will be inspired to write a nice childhood story.

Awwww, Silhouette! Childhood love is the sweetest, purest love there is!
AmandaSzmanda said:
I know this is a little early, but a lurker has to say that (Judging from all your cookie-giving) your next thread title should be Screw Cannon, We've got Cookies.

oh man that's such a cool idea.

Anyone want to try and think of a new topic to discuss? Anyone at all? Hmmmm... what do you girls like most about the 'sandle relationship'?
Off-topic - Haha yeah childhood love is the cutest indeed... but it's just... somewhat complicated haha at least in my case. He moved to another country a few years ago. Never lose contact though (thank God internet! :D) I'm still waiting for him to come back ;) I wanna tell him I love him, but I need to stare into his eyes, you know... not through, some wire and few typed words on monitor...
Anyway, that's why I wanna read a fic about Greg and Sara as childhood friends and one of them had to move away. ;)

Okay, back to topic... hmmm sandle relationship is cuteyful :D What I like the most about it is bcuz it's such a fun, cute relationship. Greg makes Sara laugh, and they have much fun together. And their chemistry is obvious, even with Jorja and Eric themselves off-screen.
I just think they could balance each other...

Tried to post last night, but the server was down :confused:
Awww Silhouette that's so sad! :( *hugs*

Yeah they were repairing the server or something. Anyways, Sandle is just so...I think cutyful is the only right word to describe it. Indeed he makes her laugh, she helpes him out, he's concerned for her (like in nesting dolls) many more reasons. It's just...cutyful :lol:
Hestia said:
Anyone want to try and think of a new topic to discuss? Anyone at all? Hmmmm... what do you girls like most about the 'sandle relationship'?

Girls? Not every shipper is a girl. ;)
What I like most about them goes back a long time. When Greg asked Sara out in Organ Grinder, I didn't see something happening since she appeared to be more mature. But then came season 5 and I noticed that they were equals and that Sara might be interested in him.
What I like best is probably the fun they have. No drama needed.
Hestia probably said girls because 90% of the board is female. And you're the first male shipper I meet. And hey, you're dutch too! :p (no insult or anything :D) I agree with you there ^^
Hehe, I do know some male shippers, but they are not that fanatic. What can I say, I'm a hopeless romantic... :p
Whoa my status just changed into 'prime suspect' :eek: YAY!! I celebrate it by (finally..) putting up an icon :D

Awww thnx dutchie *hugs back*

Hmm I never thought of it that way (that the board is 90% female) cuz we use nicknames so it's not that obvious. But I know there must be male shippers cuz there are female slash threads (which I believe is shipped mostly by guys :p).

Hopeless romantic, eh Fabian? ;) I guess you have to be a romantic to ship Sandle cuz it's such a cute relationship :D
Well you're officially the first male shipper I know :) I don't see you very much in Sandle thread, being a multi-shipper maybe? (Edited: Oh wait, I can see that from your icon :D)

Anyway, I agree with you there, no drama needed. I think in a show about crime and death like this, we need some kind of 'relief' to balance it out. Some of the ship is filled with too much drama *coughGSRcough* that I'm just tired of. Sandle is just fun, cute, it makes you smile. A big relief to see :)

Second Dutchie, cuteyful is the word!
Judging by Fabian's icon I'd say he is indeed a multi-shipper, or just a fan of that scene. :lol: Now now Silhouette, let's not make the GSRshippers mad now. (though*cough*I*cough*agree*cough*with*cough*you*cough*) :D
Chhyeah sandle is cuteyful!! That is the only word I have ever thought of to describe it!

Wow there is a BAD cough going around here .. LOL. I think I got it too :D
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