Sara/Greg #6 - She Could Really Kiss Him

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So, I'm reading this book called "Walk Two Moons", and I can really relate the relationship between the characters Salamanca and Ben to the one I'd think Sara and Greg would have. [Okay, the characters are 13, but bear with me here.]
See, Ben likes her, and he tries to kiss her. She's always like WTF. But then, she tries to kiss him, misses, kisses a locker. Then, waaayy into the story, they finally kiss, and it's really awkward and sweet.
Plus, Ben's a goofball like Greg.

Hmmmyeah. *cough*
You guys should read that book lol
Yes yes Hestia, the plot bunnies are waiting... :D

Ooh great manip, Wojo!!

Cuteyful :D I like the sound of it... *adds to dictionary*

Sandersidle - aww yes his expression totally changes. You can tell he was so dissapointed. He was all cheerful when he asked Sara, then Sara just "Sorry, hot case", and his face just DROPPED. (you could hear his heart breaking... should've shot in slow motion with violins in the background :lol:) Poor Greg :( Should give him the positivity cookies :D
Silhouette said:
Sandersidle - aww yes his expression totally changes. You can tell he was so dissapointed. He was all cheerful when he asked Sara, then Sara just "Sorry, hot case", and his face just DROPPED. (you could hear his heart breaking... should've shot in slow motion with violins in the background :lol:) Poor Greg :( Should give him the positivity cookies :D

*bakes positivity cookies to give to Greg* *tells him to share with Sara* :lol: Violins! OMG that is so funny!
*steals one cookie* I'm sorry, I can't help it! I'm working on my homework, it's already passed midnight and it's far from done, and since I can't have any more caffeine.... well the cookie is GOOD, dutchie! Should make more of those mhhmmm *munches on cookie* ^_^

Anyway, violins in the background of a Sandle scene would make my day... cuz it means a love/romance is in progress ;)

Time for new discussion... Any ideas?
Hmm...well I suggested this in the CaRWash thread too. What would Greg and Sara give each other for their birthdays and would they go anywhere? Like on a date? And whereto?
hollie said:
We were talking about this before, i think.

You were? Oh, sorry then. I though I was being original again :rolleyes: *bakes some more cookies and passes around* I just feel generous right now.
Since we're on a cookie high, what do you think is Greg and Sara's favorite cookie? I personally go for the oreo, but that's because of this ficlet I wrote where Greg teaches Sara how to eat an oreo. :)

Lia, the book sounds so cuteyful! :lol:
I remember that ficlet. I would have to go with the oh-so-famous pecan sandie!

Cuteyful, haha, it just grows on you doesn't it? My friend and I were looking at pictures of Eric Szmanda and she ended up using that word.
Must be a chocolate cookie... cuz they're so sweet :)
I second the pecan sandies. But Oreo is also fun like Sandle ;) (I remember that ficlet too)

Hehe that reminds me of Oreo commercials, where a little girl ask a few boys to 'pull' the cookie while he holds the one side and she holds the other side, and see who's got the cream (dunno how to describe it... oh well).
I can imagine Sara and Greg playing that, maybe as kids, then Greg gets the cream, Sara pouts... but then Greg just "Here, for you" and give her his part of cookie with cream on it. Sara just so happy and kisses his cheek....
:D :D Cuteyful :D :D

Ooh cookies!!!!! Thnx dutchie!
You're Welcome. (in real life, I can't bake, but hey, this isn't real live so... :p) *grabs one homemade cookie* Aww that would be so cute Silhouette, someone should write a fic about it. Again. A lot of plot bunnies are hopping around here the last days :lol:
Silhouette said:

Hehe that reminds me of Oreo commercials, where a little girl ask a few boys to 'pull' the cookie while he holds the one side and she holds the other side, and see who's got the cream (dunno how to describe it... oh well).
I can imagine Sara and Greg playing that, maybe as kids, then Greg gets the cream, Sara pouts... but then Greg just "Here, for you" and give her his part of cookie with cream on it. Sara just so happy and kisses his cheek....
:D :D Cuteyful :D :D

Aww that is so cuteyful!! squee!!!!!!!!!!
Bunnies and cookies? What a combination! Cute and sweet... Plot bunnies everywhere, I can't believe I haven't started that fic I suggested! :(
I'll get to it as soon as I'm done with other things.

Hey! There's some plot bunnies in the coffee cups! :lol:
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