Sara/Greg #6 - She Could Really Kiss Him

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FrostBite said:
OMG!! i'm watching 'Organ Grinder' and after Greg asked Catherine if Sara would ever go out wiht him, you can see Greg talking to himself!

I know! i noticed that! hes probably practising how he's gonna ask sara out! awww hes so adorable!!
He definitely wanted to memorize his little "ask Sara out" speech.
"So I was thinking, maybe we could take our break at the same time... later this shift... together."
Go Greggo! :D (Oh, and I'll take a cookie as well, please!)
Yeah, they would have gone out too. I wonder what would have happened if Sara wasn't busy with that case?? ... ooh another plot bunny!!

**takes cookie and a cup of coffee** I love this thread!!
totally, who wouldn't? accually i can think of a few who wouldn't but still, we're so happy! i just watched 'Abra Cadaver' and when Sara said they should bring the box back and make Greg dissapeared, i was thinking about what she would like to do to Greg in that little glass box. *squee*

Aww Dutchie don't take away my coffee!!! :(
Nevermind, the cookies are delicious :D
Thanks for the cookie too Frostbite!

I wonder too, Hollie... if Sara wasn't busy with that case, I'm sure she'd be all "Sure, let's go!" in front of Grissom :D :D
Greg would go 'Yesss' behind Sara's back :lol: awwww I'd melt from all the cuteness if that happens.
Who knows Sara would just grab Greg's arm and be all 'So what are we gonna do?' and they'd just walk together down the hall... *squeee*

I can't help it, they're so cute!
Somebody should write a fanfic... there are lots of plot bunnies jumping around this place, waiting for you to catch them ;) so, cmon fanfic writers.... I'm waiting ;) :D
Waahhh! so many plot bunnies so little time! I have all these other ficlet requests...
I can totally see Greg do a little victory dance if Sara said yes! *dancing smilie is needed!* :)
Silhouette said:
Aww Dutchie don't take away my coffee!!! :(

Well....okay you can have it back now. :D Oh I would love to see Grissom's face if Sara would walk away with Greg. (just because I think it would be very funny.) Oeh, just like in 4x4 when they were talking about the shower and: 'Gosh, I saw everything!' :lol: *thinks back of good Sandle moments*
yummyy cookies! thankss. maybe a twist could be that sara had the case but then later SHE asked greg out! aww he would be soooo happyyyy!(unlike the time in Who Shot Sherlock when she asked him out and he didnt anwer!!! ugghhh!) but and you can tell he was so sad when sara was busy! his expression totally changes! also..i think that if sandle went out that sara would realize wut a great guy greg is and then fall inlove with him!!:):D
Silhouette said:

Who knows Sara would just grab Greg's arm and be all 'So what are we gonna do?' and they'd just walk together down the hall... *squeee*

Aww!! That would be so adorable! They're so cuteyful! [yes it's a word, in my dictionary anyway] **squee**
Hi all, it's been awhile. I found these t-shirts on line and started making manips. Ive made them for other ships as well, thought you might like it.

:lol: Awesome picture, Wojo! Wow, wish I could do manipulations as good as that! (sadly I lack the correct software program.)
Hey Hollie, is 'cuteyful' really a word? That reminds me of 'truthiness' :)lol: Stephen Colbert!) What dictionary do you have? I might add that into my everyday lingo... cuteyful... I like that! :D
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