Sara/Greg #6 - She Could Really Kiss Him

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Yeah I gotta do that too. Hmm...

Aww Sandle cuteness!! If I'm ever in a bad mood, I look at a picture of them and I feel so much better.
Really? I have a lousy memory because I didn't notice that either! :eek: We have to have a discussion on what he may have said! :D Thanks FrostBite!
as long as you don't talk about it....WELCOME!

Hestia-oh yeah we definatly need to talk about it. i think he was practicing to ask Sara out. completly squee worthy :D

Like Sara was practicing her speech in the locker room mirror. And then Greg showed up With uh...Chandra. So funny. :lol: *passes coffeepot* Sorry just had to say that.
Well I didn't mind, as long as she stays away from Greggo. :lol: But she's gone now anyway. Has anyone noticed that they've had four different DNA techs in two seasons? Okay, little off topic there. Back to the Sandle cuteness! :D
I really liked that part in 'kiss kiss bye bye', where Greg made her laugh twice! She hardly laughs out loud, but for Greg, she does. Now that tells me something. :D
Greg practising his lines, awww... And then when actually facing Sara, he forgets them all :lol: :lol:
That's a plot bunny ;)

Anyway I was watching X-Men3 The Last Stand, so I was thinking... if Greg and Sara have superpowers, what would it be?

I think Greg would have super fast regeneration (you know, someone who can heal so fast). And Sara could move things with her mind.
So you get:
Greg: *the lab exploded, Greg thrown out of the window*
Sara: *moves water dispenser to put out the fire* Are you okay? *helps Greg to stand up*
Greg: I guess... *his scars heal in a zap*
Ecklie: *appears from behind the chaos* DIE YOU MORTALS MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA *blast the Break Room into ashes*
Greg: o_O MY COFFEE POT!!!!!

:lol: sorry, I'm hyper again
*takes coffee away from Silhouette* Now you can not have more coffee for the rest of the evening! Take a cookie instead. :D
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