Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

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Sorry I wasn't here lately, got distracted by other things, sorry!
Eva, how was your vacation? Hope you had a nice time!
Pau, how are you?
Hestia, love that mini poem of yours! :lol:

Sandle Quote o fthe Day

There is only one good thing in life, and that is love. ~ Guy de Maupassant
Heh, thanks Eva and Kat. :D
Of course, you can hide behind my anti-cake shield Eva! We'll be protected by the power of sandle positivity (and plastic. I think the shield is plastic. :lol:)

I love all the quotes you always come up with, Kat! You're like the quote queen. :)

Hey, Pau! Long time no see. Be careful, Naz is armed with spoiled cake!
Yipee!! The thread is alive again. :D ;) *puts on swami hat and does a crazy dance*

So Naz started the cake fight again, didn't she? Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Oh well... *throws a slice at Naz and hides behind Hes's shield* :p :p I just don't want spoiled cake all over me today. Hehe. :D Hope you don't mind if I hide here for a while, Hes (P.S. Love the little poem :)). But hope you have a nice Sandly dream, Naz. :)

And little Sara is doing okay, Dani, thanks for asking. And that's really cute, Eric and you.. dancing. :)

Wow, Eva.. :) Your own song? That's great! And congratulations! Can you share the lyrics?? :) And I am so jealous. Hope I could get out of this country. But I must tour Asia first. Naz, would you be a dearie and take me to Sentosa for free?? Just kidding. :lol:

And I'm just in a really happy mood today, Kat. Hope you can come by here more often. :)

I think I won't be here for a few days. It's my special day tomorrow and my dad's coming home (he works in a different place). I am so psyched. :D So.. I guess I have to spend a lot of time with him.. and away from my pc. :)
throws a slice at Naz and hides behind Hes's shield* I just don't want spoiled cake all over me today. Hehe. Hope you don't mind if I hide here for a while, Hes

OMG!!! Pau thats not fair! :lol: *chasing Pau with spoiled cakes* :devil:

i think Greg is busy finding Sara..You Go Greggo!! i hope he'll find sara on time...before its too late, sara will die..or WORSE!!! Grissom find her first... :(
:lol: Sorry Naz. *runs away from Naz* But I won't let you cake me. :devil: :p Hehe. :)

I really hope that Greg finds Sara.. first. I totally see this happening:

In the hospital, after Sara was found
*Everyone begins to leave*
Everyone: We'll come back tomorrow, Sara. Have some rest.
*Greg was the last one left*
Greg: Ummm. I'll bring you something good tomorrow. Promise. Mm-kay?
Sara: Greg.. could you.. *pauses* stay with me tonight?
Greg: Really? *walks toward Sara* Sure but why?
Sara: *holds Greg's hand* I feel safe when I'm with you.

Awww... Sandle-love. :D
Hey , guys ! A very good idea , Pau . I want to see that scene on TV !

Sasndle Pic Of The Day (from Mea Culpa)


Sooner or later we begin to understand that love is more than verses on valentines and romance in the movies. We begin to know that love is here and now, real and true, the most important thing in our lives. For love is the creator of our favourite memories and the foundation of our fondest dreams. Love is a promise that is always kept, a fortune that can never be spent, a seed that can flourish in even the most unlikely of places. And this radiance that never fades, this mysterious and magical joy, is the greatest treasure of all - one known only by those who love.
Hello Dani! :D I just love that statement below the pic. So sweet ans so true.. so Sandly! ;) And the pic is really cute. I love times like this. :)
aww.its ok Pau i've change now..hehehe and guess wha changed me?? SANDLE!! Dani i love the picture its soooooo damn nice... :D

Pau thats so lovely...nice quote...loooove it i really want it to be aired in tv.. :D you're talented when it comes to dialouge... :D *hugs Pau Dani* love you guys!!! love all the sandle shippers here.. :D
*hugs Naz* love you too ... I love everyone today ... I'm in a Sandle mood .
Yeah , Pau , I think everything is Sandly ... okay , maybe we just love Sandle too much. And tomorrow we'll have a big party , isn't it , Pau ??? not saying more than that ... :)
Yeah. Sandle changed me too. Everytime I feel there's no chance in the world I just think of Sandle and I know there's always a chance. :D

But don't completely change in starting cake fights, Naz. I really find it fun but I do not want to be caked right now. Maybe some other time. Hehe. :)

Love you guys too. *Sandle group hug* :D And you're talented in writing dialogues too, Naz. Your dialogues never fail to crack me up. :D

And Dani, I guess we can have a party tomorrow. Hehehe. ;) ;)
Gee thanks, Dani. :) You're a sweetie too. :) Sandle buddies are the sweetest. Know why? Because our ship is the sweetest of them all. This ship is so sweet I see ants in the thread. :lol:
YAY!!! a party!! tomorrow is Singapore's birthday eve...i can how i wish to look at my computer and type about sandle... :D

if sandle will be canon, we'll write a date and we will have a sandle aniversary!! woohoo!! with a blue hawaiian funtain and a champagne and a little cake fight... :devil: :D
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