Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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Aww C. Kat I loved the quote of the day! *Points accusingly at dad* SEE! Hugs and kisses don't matter! And even if they did, Sara's hugged Greg more times than Grissom. :D I loved your dream C. Pau! Especially the whole Hannah thing :lol: jk. My dreams sometimes randomly change too, like this one time i was dreaming about Will Smith....:lol:

Or tell him that he was the person she thought about while she believed she was going to die ... one of those would be really sweet !

Yea, exactly! We all know that's what she was thinking of. I mean, if I were trapped under a car I'd be like "GREG YOU COME GET ME RIGHT NOW!" :lol:
But only sometimes and that's when she's with Greg. Or do you wanna come into bedroom and find a grey-haired man in a hawaiian shirt sitting there on the bed? I don't. *lol*
Greg in such a shirt would be nice... well he wouldn't need the shirt if it was up to me :D and Sara wouldn't mind either...
No ... *turnes her head from the image she descbibed* - I want to be Sara when they got shower together , in 4x4 , I think I would have looked better - or in Fannysmackin ! those are really sweet scenes !
Under the shower with Greg? I'm coming! :D Hehe and I can understand Sara that she looked at him - I would have, too!
There are so many cute scenes, because Sandle is the cutest couple!
greg_sara_love said:
haha... Hestia hunny really are the queen,hunny....but if any guys would wanna disturb you...Knight Naz will protect you... :lol: :lol: jk jk....

loove your FTOTD and DTOTD darlin King Liff..its the best... can i grab a bite of your sandlelicious cake?? *grab a bite on King Liff's cake*

the first epi on season 8 is hard evidence...i hope that it will have sandle moments...and i hope that season 8 is the most sandly episode...*pray*

and my dearest Aleh...pls dont double sorry but we dont wanna the modie to come here and wack us up...*Pls dont kill me!!!!* :rolleyes:

I got lectured on the double post already =) I'll try my very best to make sure it doesn't happen again!!
But only sometimes and that's when she's with Greg. Or do you wanna come into bedroom and find a grey-haired man in a hawaiian shirt
ick! Excuse my while I go puke. :rolleyes: I'd much rather take over Sara's body when she's near Greg. All the other times, she can have it back! :lol:
We're so mean to Grissom, I mean, he has some good qualities.....Like that one where...No wait that's Greg...OH! How about that time when...Wait, no, that was Greg too...Hmm...Well I tried. :p
Hestia said:

I knew YouandMe1105 wasn't gone forever! And he's also a boy. (I don't protect boys, since I'm weird around them ^ :rolleyes:) He was once known as Yummy... but I digress. He can be a duke or an earl. :)

:lol: Yup, that's what I was known as. Whatever title you want to give me will be fine, though I'd suggest Court Jester. ;) Glad ya'll enjoy my avie. :cool:
Hello my darlings! *Liff bounces in placing cherries on everyone's heads*

How are we all today? Unfortunately I can't stay, I've got to dash off in a little bit. I guess everyone's busy today :lol:

Hey YouandMe1105, u got a nickname dude? We're all lazy ppl and need shorter names! :lol: (oh finally I'm not the only guy - now my court jester's a guy too!)


Righty, gotta run, keep the sandle love flowin' guys!
haha King Liff is excited to have more guys around....So...are you gonna give us awesomely tasting sweets, too YouandMe1105? :)

*Sprays everyone with a blue hawaiian hose* I'm in a good mood today :D I cleaned my room, fixed my computer, and I had a Sandle dream! So here we goooo: :D

Well, I was on Jack Sparrow's ship,[[ :p]] and I was looking for my dad. Jack wasn't being very helpful so I screamed, "I'm a teenage girl goddamit! I have hormones and you don't want to be on the bad side of them!" [[:lol:]] Then he gave me this weird/scared look and pushed me away and someone called my name and it was my dad! But it wasn't my DAD dad, it was Greg![[:eek:]] He pulled me away from Jack [[awww :(]] and said, "We're eating dinner now." Then all of sudden I was in this kitchen and Sara was there, and she smiled at us and said, "Where have you two been?" And Greg kissed her and said, "Your daughter was terrorizing Mr. Sparrow." :lol:

Then I woke up. Without Jack or Greg. It was a bit of a letdown. :(
Interesting. LOL. Umm does any of y'all know how to put a URL in your signature, so I coan put the link in it. I think Liff wanted me to. I just put up part three. lol. Sandle is amazing.
Huh, that sounds an interesting dream. :lol: Anyways, for those of you who don't wish to type out my screen name, you can call me CJ. CSIAleh, if you want something like I have in my signature, the code is *[*url=*the link* *] [*image*] *your image* [*/image*] [*/url*]* . Just remove all the *'s. :D
^^ Awwww! Eric, Jorja (and George!) are so adorable together! Thank you! I LOVE YOUR AVATAR & YOUR LOCATION!

CJ! I love your signature!
hmm...let me suggest for you E.Del how bout Cute Moment Of The Day?? does it work??
Not bad, Naz! I'm still considering...
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