Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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OMG! You guys I love the idea for the Kingdom of Sandle! I laughed so much at reading all of your stories. So I'm Duchess Eva? Yayy. :lol:

I couldn't believe it when I logged into TalkCSI today. Last time I checked the thread (which was yesterday!) we were at page 9, now we've moved up to 12. :eek: WOOOT!

We should make a list of all of our titles and what we're famous for in the Kingdom of Sandle. ;)
Hello D. Eva! *waves* It's nice that you're here. Hooray! And note, it's not page 12 anymore. We're on page 13! Whoopi!! We're on a roll!! And we should do that too. :D Who wants to do it? I could but I don't have the time, for now. :(

Reason: Watching out for my mom. *gets nervous*

Yup, ericloca, it's 11 pm here. I live in the Philippines. :) Luck you, if it's 6 pm here I can type as much as I want without getting nervous. :)

EDIT: Okay guys. Im getting really really nervous about my mom catching me using the pc longer than she asked me to. So, I'll just head to bed. :( Be back tomorrow. But I'll miss most of the fun now and tomorrow, I think because I have to go somewhere. And I'll also share my dream tomorrow. :) Good nyt or morning! God Bless!!
Oh goodnight Contessa Pau! *Bows* :D

*Giggles* I'm a dame now am I? I like it! :lol: Thank you very much for coming up with that, Naz and Pau! :D

Welcome, ericloca! Cute dog in your avatar!

And a big welcome back to YaM! I'm sure I remember you from thread 8 or 9, but this is the first time I've seen you since you've returned! Glad you're here! :D
Good night , sweet dreams luvincsi . *quiet , she's asleep*
Thank you ! Glad you liked my puppy , Sabser .
What's up guys!! First time posting in this thread and to be honest I never thought to put these two together. I watch the show but I haven't seen a lot of the episodes. My sister told me that Greg was in love with Sara from the begining but I don't know. I do have a favorite scene of them together though. I think the episode is "Fannysmackin", that's when Greg gets beat up and Sara finds him on the ground and the famous Sidle scent line.

If they ever were to put them together(which I highly doubt)I would prefer her with him instead of Gris. Never liked GSR together. Well anyways I might be posting in here every now and again.

First of all, welcome to HipHuggaLovah. I hope you'll stay around and join us :)

*Liff hands out more chocolate cake and freshly baked cookies to everyone*

Oh I just read that John Mayer is supposedly guest starring on the season premiere of CSI, was I the only one who didn't know? (Btw, what season are we on now? I don't remember anymore... :lol: )

Anyways, like I said before here's my contributions for the day...

Fluffy Thought Of The Day:

Rolling onto her back, Sara sighed as it seemed as if sleep continued to escape her. She always had trouble sleeping when Greg wasn't around, yet she didn't know why. Most days they were too tired to do anything anyway, merely letting sleep take them the moment their heads touched the pillow. But when he wasn't around, exhaustion had no part in her lack of ability to sleep...she missed him.

Closing her eyes, Sara let her senses relax...her mind floating. His eyes, his smile, his grin, his scent, his taste. She mustered every memory of him she could manage, and soon enough, she fell asleep....with the man of her dreams.

Dirty Thought Of The Day:

With a cheeky grin, Greg managed to hoist himself and Sara off the floor and onto the bed. "Well that was fun," he admitted, his grin widening.

With a grin of her own, Sara pulled Greg on top of her, murmuring against his lips, "Well why don't we switch positions and try that again hun, on the bed this time..."

"Best idea ever."

:D Well, hope you guys liked that! :devil:

So guys? What are all the titles now? I've kinda confused myself...I think I'll make the list.

King Liff (moi!)
Enchantress Del
Contessa Pau
Duchess Eva
Countess Kat
Knight Naz
Dame Jess
Baroness Carrie?
Queen Hestia?

So sorry if I missed anyone out :lol:. Nudge me with a feather and I shall amend!
Hey! I love all the royalty names! Is there one for me? Love the FT and DT Of the Day, King Liff! So cute! Can't wait for the fics! And welcome newbies!

PSG xxx
messermonroe said:
First of all, welcome to HipHuggaLovah. I hope you'll stay around and join us :)

*Liff hands out more chocolate cake and freshly baked cookies to everyone*

Oh I just read that John Mayer is supposedly guest starring on the season premiere of CSI, was I the only one who didn't know? (Btw, what season are we on now? I don't remember anymore... :lol: )

Anyways, like I said before here's my contributions for the day...

Fluffy Thought Of The Day:

Rolling onto her back, Sara sighed as it seemed as if sleep continued to escape her. She always had trouble sleeping when Greg wasn't around, yet she didn't know why. Most days they were too tired to do anything anyway, merely letting sleep take them the moment their heads touched the pillow. But when he wasn't around, exhaustion had no part in her lack of ability to sleep...she missed him.

Closing her eyes, Sara let her senses relax...her mind floating. His eyes, his smile, his grin, his scent, his taste. She mustered every memory of him she could manage, and soon enough, she fell asleep....with the man of her dreams.

Dirty Thought Of The Day:

With a cheeky grin, Greg managed to hoist himself and Sara off the floor and onto the bed. "Well that was fun," he admitted, his grin widening.

With a grin of her own, Sara pulled Greg on top of her, murmuring against his lips, "Well why don't we switch positions and try that again hun, on the bed this time..."

"Best idea ever."

:D Well, hope you guys liked that! :devil:

So guys? What are all the titles now? I've kinda confused myself...I think I'll make the list.

King Liff (moi!)
Enchantress Del
Contessa Pau
Duchess Eva
Countess Kat
Knight Naz
Dame Jess
Baroness Carrie?
Queen Hestia?

So sorry if I missed anyone out :lol:. Nudge me with a feather and I shall amend!

messermonroe said:

So guys? What are all the titles now? I've kinda confused myself...I think I'll make the list.

King Liff (moi!)
Enchantress Del
Contessa Pau
Duchess Eva
Countess Kat
Knight Naz
Dame Jess
Baroness Carrie?
Queen Hestia?
No, I'm no queen, Liff! I mean, if I were and you were king... we'd be queen and king... I'm not good around guys.

*ahem* Give me the hearth and I'll be happy. I'm a guardian of the soft fires of sandle, keeper of the friendship between these two, patron saint of the girls here, protecting them from those who ridicule and do not understand.
(...I've been watching alot of Sailor Moon.

I knew YouandMe1105 wasn't gone forever! And he's also a boy. (I don't protect boys, since I'm weird around them ^ :rolleyes:) He was once known as Yummy... but I digress. He can be a duke or an earl. :)

List of names we have (for your knighting process)
SaraStar (Eva)
Dutchie (Nikki)
kissmesweet (Delia aka Del)
sandersidle (Katie)
GregsLabRat (Carrie)
luvincsi (Paula aka Pau)
SandleDL (Katja aka Kat)
greg_sara_love (Naz)
Nami (Lisa)
sandle_rocks (Amy)
PintSizeGenius (Soph)
CathStokes (Lynn)
gregslabmouse (Loki)
messermonroe (Liff)

As for that icon in the poll... I knew it! Goodness I don't know whether I'm excited or embarrassed (if you must know, I'm both). Who the heck made that poll so I can boggle over how they got this. Did they like my icon? I could've made something much prettier than that old dark thing.
When you told me that it was a birthday present, well I was certainly surprised! :lol: Thanks Delia. *should I bow down to you, enchantress?* ;)
Hestia I completely feel for you if your wanting to bow to Cordy, :lol:

aww Liff's King and Hestia's queen, so cute, so why are yall doing that again?

whos YaM?

CSIAleh you write fics?
haha... Hestia hunny really are the queen,hunny....but if any guys would wanna disturb you...Knight Naz will protect you... :lol: :lol: jk jk....

loove your FTOTD and DTOTD darlin King Liff..its the best... can i grab a bite of your sandlelicious cake?? *grab a bite on King Liff's cake*

the first epi on season 8 is hard evidence...i hope that it will have sandle moments...and i hope that season 8 is the most sandly episode...*pray*

and my dearest Aleh...pls dont double sorry but we dont wanna the modie to come here and wack us up...*Pls dont kill me!!!!* :rolleyes:
Oh wow! I feel like a bad shipper for missing so many pages! And now we're royalty? I love the idea! :D

And there's Baroness Carrie. She's very generous, she always give lots of money to the poor. We all love her as she bring life in this city.

:Blush: I'm a Baroness? Awww thanks guys! *Goes off to feed the poor and needy*:lol:

After long and exhausting fights, the brave people of the Kingdom sat down in a big room decoreated with Sandle Pics of the Day's and drank hot Blue Hawaiian to get new strenght. Very often they had sweet cookies and cakes, most times baked by King Liff who always joined the group and entertained them with his funny, exciting stories. Sometimes it happened that the older people had to send the kids to bed because the content of King Liff's stories wasn't always appropriate for under-aged children, and from time to time Contessa Pau would go to bed after hearing those stories and have some special sort of dreams.
The kingdom sounds awesome! I'd love to live there! :p And yes, King Liff does need a parental supervision sticker doesn't he?:lol:

Oh, and I had a sandle dream! *Is excited* Well, I was hanging out with Greg and Sara in the park with their KID! She was adorable, she had Greggo's hair and Sara's gap tooth smile! Awww...*cough* So anyways :rolleyes:...then we were walking down the street and Grissom runs out of this house in a ballerina outfit!:lol: Then that's when I was like, "Oh geez, I'm dreaming." And I woke up. It was pretty awesome though. :)
haha...grissom walk out of his house dressed as a ballerina?? :lol: must keep that in mind.. :D :lol: speaking of dream...last night, i dream was funny...

sara was listening to her ipod when wendy came. "Sara!! Greg's waiting for you in the lab NOW!!" "relax wendy, no need to shout." "For your info, this is the 4th time calling you..Btw, what song r u listening?" "Its Marliyn Manson's song." she pluck off the earpiece. "Oo.tryin to be Greg eh??" then she went in the lab where greg was listening to his ipod. "let me guess...metal?" Greg smiled and give the right earpiece to sara. "Since when you started to litsen to hindi music greg?" "Sara..its banghra(dunno how to spell it) and its catchy.." Then they both started to dance(a punjab kinda dance) then i woke up....

WTH??? they both dance punjabi?? :lol: :lol: :lol:
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