Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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The Kingdom was surrounded by other kingdoms, and although they had differnet customs and beliefs, they lived in peace with each other. Most of them had funny names like Snickers or Grillows, but that didn't matter to the inhabitants. From time to time there would be harsh discussions about which kingdom was best, and the knights of the Sandle kingdom fought bravely to protect their home. Knight Naz was the leader of the fighting troops, and she did a great job. Of course everyone at Sandle kingdom supported her, Countess Kat tried to cheer them up when they were pessimistic, and the Enchantress Del always knew how to ban bad spells from other kingdom fighters which were sent to transform the Sandle lovers into people of their kind, worshipping other Gods than the almighty Sandle God. Everytime, in good times and bad, King Liff watched his people carefully, and when all hope got lost, he threw in some of his wonderful thoughts, and the peole laughed and found new courage.

That's my part, maybe there'll be more later!
Oh and Pau: What about Baroness Pau?
Tehee! Baroness?? :D I already have one Contessa Pau. :) My friends call me the humble princess because I just love the show Barefoot Contessa (it's a cooking show ;)) and they just made me use the nickname. :D What I mean is, for that line in the end, you guys fill that in. :)

*back to Sandleness*
I love your version. Love it.. Love it..!!! :D You are one heck of a writer, C. Kat. Please, continue! :D
And there's our god and goddess, Greg and Sara who always been there for us. But then, when our enemies attack our city, lots of civilian died and Knight Naz gathered all the soldiers to fight back. We won. Countess Kat heal us up. Eventhough we won but the enemy is still out there trying to snatch our city. King Liff baked his citizens cake full of sandle delecacy. One night, when we gather around the funtain, the enemies came and attacked our city. Enchantress Del cast a spell to them and they all turned into sandle shippers....
whats a contessa?? i dunno thats why i didnt write abt you contessa Pau im sorry..and i love your version C.Kat please continue...if eric and jorja read sure they love it... :D
I love that K. Naz. :) We can put this together you know. :D But please, put me there too. :) I don't see my name. :( Tehee! :) And the others too. Let's see..

Baroness Carrie? Duchess Eva? Queen Hestia? How about Jessie? Im out of royalty titles. :lol:

And that's okay ericloca. :) I still like you because you like Eric. :lol: ;)

Contessa is still a Countess but italian. ;) I just love the sound of it. :D

And there's Baroness Carrie. She's very generous, she always give lots of money to the poor. We all love her as she bring life in this city. We have two contessa who are good with words. They make us smile with their beautiful poem and lovely song. Their voice are so enchanting. Our beloved Queen Hestia who also play her part fighting with the enemies. But then, she cares about others. She even let the poors sleep in her castle. Thats why we love her.

who did i miss?? :D
Good one, Naz. ;) Let's put these together guys, okay? Then will add this to what, D. Eva will write when she's not busy from school work. :) Jessica still needs a title but I have nothing for her. :(
All hail Sandle!

Welcome members of the royal court to the magestic halls of the Kingdom of Sandelia (yeah...Del your name is in there for some reason. Oh yeah, you helped me raise the kingdom! that's why :lol:)

My darlings...I've already baked my cake, and I'm making some sandle cookies to boot! :lol: So I have to be off for a little while!

May you all be covered by the veil that is Sandle love! :D

Cheers darlings! I'll offer the FTOTD and the DTOTD when I come bck! :devil:

y&m1105 love ur avvie! :lol: Greg is defo Sara's boytoy! lol...
After long and exhausting fights, the brave people of the Kingdom sat down in a big room decoreated with Sandle Pics of the Day's and drank hot Blue Hawaiian to get new strenght. Very often they had sweet cookies and cakes, most times baked by King Liff who always joined the group and entertained them with his funny, exciting stories. Sometimes it happened that the older people had to send the kids to bed because the content of King Liff's stories wasn't always appropriate for under-aged children, and from time to time Contessa Pau would go to bed after hearing those stories and have some special sort of dreams.

Like it? Well I need to quit, must do some shopping for tonight. ;)
Oh K Liff. Your posts always make a smile on my face. :D *hugs* Dame Jessica is good. :) I was gonna say Empress because Del is now the Enchantress. :)

and from time to time Contessa Pau would go to bed after hearing those stories and have some special sort of dreams.
Loved it C. Kat. And that part made me laugh. Im guessing Im the only who is really saying when it's time for me to go to bed.

And as Contessa Pau slumber in her mighty bed, dreams would visit her as signs that the god and goddess are ever so happy with each other while looking down the Kingdom of Sandle. And as she wakes up, she goes to Enchantress Del to interpret her dreams. These dreams are said to the people through Queen Hestia. Then, a celebration will occur lead by Duchess Eva who is famous for her captivating music.

I'm not good at this. :lol: Must be because Im keeping an eye on my mom again. And Im getting nervous. *shakes*
YAY!!! King Liff!!! *Draw out Sword to salute* i cant wait for your DTOTD n sure its good...

yay for Eva i really love her ff..esp 'faded away'

hmm..i think im gonna sleep at 1am...maybe..hehe....cuzz im protecting Greg and Sara frm any cameras :lol: :lol:
haha....E.Kat lovely...yay cuzz the content of K.Liff's is not ment for children....haha C.Pau will have funny dreams..and speaking of dream...C.Pau u hvnt tell us your dream yet... :D
Lucky you K. Naz. I can't sleep until 1 am like yesterday because my mom's gonna kill me. I am only yo use the pc until 10 pm and well, it's almost 11. ;)

Oh my goodness! :eek: That dream. I almost forgot. *slaps self* I'll post it later or tomorrow. :) That okay?
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