Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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I have to pop back in and add this before I leave!

I loved your reference that Sara needed a man and not an old guy who probably needs viagra--and is OBSESSED with bugs.


That's all... :D
^^ :lol: C'mon! I mean, Grissom is old... He has problems. He needs help. :devil:
Greg doesn't.
He's still young. :D
:lol: *Hug Liff before he goes!*
Hahah! :lol: That made me laugh too, Del. I meant, Emperess Del. :cool:

Sandle royalty.. so cute!! I think we're the only ship who have this nicknames. Hooray!! We are so unique. Sandle would be proud. *tear* :)
Wow, havn't been here in awhile. I see the Sandle love is still going strong though. Congrats on the 11th thread, was interesting to look through. :cool: Hopefully we'll get alot more Sandle scenes next season. :)
Oh hello, YouandMe1105. :) Welcome back! :D Hope you'll be active again. :D I know that you don't know me. Im new here. Sort of. :lol: And I adore your avatar. :)
kissmesweet said:
The quote you chose was adorable and I loved your reference that Sara needed a man and not an old guy who probably needs viagra--and is OBSESSED with bugs.
(aka: Greg!)

:lol: omg I never thought this far! Well, no matter if with or without it, he'll never be able to give Sara what she needs! She needs a hotshot like Greggo! (I love the word hotshot, read it in a ff once in which she called him like that - in his dream only, but nevermind ;))

We're on page 12 already, that's incredible! :)
haha...King Liff not malaysian im a malay... :D :D hmm...dame...i dunno...but i wanna protect sandle... :D hehe...i just got this idea....well Grissom's old....hehe

Juz imagine grissomn sara playing playstation in the closet..or in his office....haha this would be funny... suddenly...


"What happen Gill?"

"I think i broke my back..."
:devil: god im so evil...but if thats Greg...

"Wow!! Slow down there buddy!"

"Sorry Sara...
:lol: :lol:

i couldnt help it but laugh... :lol: :lol:
(I love the word hotshot, read it in a ff once in which she called him like that - in his dream only, but nevermind )
I like that word. Hotshot. Actually that's my favorite food in a restaurant. :lol: But I love the word. Very Hawt! :D
:lol: Hahaha! And I love that Knight Naz. :D Really cute and funny. :lol:

Im just done crying guys. My sis is making ways to make my life miserable. Can't she just live with the idea that my classes starting in 13 is making me miserable enough.
She let me turn off the pc and I cried.
But my wonderful anti GSR mom said I could turn it on. Thanks mom!!
She needs a hotshot like Greggo!
Totally, Princess Kat! ;) She totally does!
I'm scared a Modie's going to come in and whack me for my viagra-reference. :lol:
YouandMe1105 ! You got a nickname? I love your avatar! So adorable!
YES, Greg's Sara boytoy and Sara sweetie doesn't share!

Oh speaking of breaking things, I just wrote a fic about Sara breaking Greg's bed! :devil: (During um... you know.)
i noe how u feel....last time, my sis even put password at my com...i cried n my sandly father give me the password... :D :D and i can talk sandle guys...hehe

haha...i always think of that.... :lol: "I think i broke my back" :lol: :lol: hey...i think Eric's been going to the Gym...yeah really...he now not skinny anymore he got muscle..and packs too... :eek: :eek: i think he wanna make Sara jump for joy....

Sandle Proposal Dialouge Of The Day

Greg: Hey! wanna swim in my pool?
Sara: You got a pool??
Greg: Yeah and Im planning to dive in with my clothes on :D
Sara: Are you crazy!!...on second gonna do the same

At Greg's pool...

Greg: Look at my! Im gonna do canonball(dunnno how to spell it)
Sara: Nice one...
Greg: I wanna ask you something Sara....
Sara: Sure...
Greg: *search for ring in his pocket* What the hell? where did it go?? *dive in..searching for the ring* Oh crap!! its lost!!
Sara: Looking for this?? *showing her finger to Greg*
Greg: it a yes??
Sara: Silly! If i'd say no...i would not put it on my finger...

they both kissed in the pool....the end.... :D :D
Oh speaking of breaking things, I just wrote a fic about Sara breaking Greg's bed! (During um... you know.)
Really? *sounds excited* Is that the affair fic you've been working on? Can we read it?? :)

That's a cute proposal, Knight Naz. Very sweet. I noticed that proposals in the pool are quite popular now. (Wow. 3 words starting with "P" in one sentence. Tehee! :)) Just like Aleh's proposal. But I love both. :)
I'm scared a Modie's going to come in and whack me for my viagra-reference

dont worry Empress Del...Knight Naz is here to save you.. :lol: :lol: *Draw out sword* hehe

hmm....i wonder what is King Liff Doing rite now?? i bet he's baking a delicious sandly cake.. :D

yeah i love the avatar....."Sofia, stop flirting with me. I'm Sara's boytoy and she doesnt share" :lol: :lol: thats cute...and yeah Sofia!! stop flirting with him...but if u wanna flirt grissom infront of sara go ahead... :lol: :lol:
I really like this nicknames guys.. It could be in the Tale series like. We're all Sandle Royalty living in the kingdom of Sandle. :)

The Tale of Princess Grissom and Ballerina Hank: Losing Lady Sara to Greggo the Brave

1: Tale in the Kingdom of Sandle

Somewhere, into the thick dark forest, where a man never step foot, a kingdom is found. A kingdom protected and guarded by power and love of those who shelter it.

Tehee! :D Sorry.. I don't know how to continue it. I just thought it would be cute. And we can also have like..

Knight Naz, protector in the name of Sandle.
Enchantress Del (I'll stick to Enchantress), the wise witch of the kingdom.
King Liff, bring fluffiness (and dirtiness?) to the kingdom of Sandle.
Countess Kat, the powerful poet whose words bring hope and joy.

Hehehe! :) You guys continue it. I think those are the only ones who has the nicknames and for me.. you guys fill in. I don't know what I contribute to this thread. :lol:
how bout u Pau

that good!!! i love it... Then there's enemies that never sleep try to take over Sandle. But we never let them take over our sandle reigion...and we will not let that happen......
Thanks K. Naz! :D (just to shorten things up. Tehee! :D Hope you don't mind. :)) Love the continuation.. :)

And for my part, you guys fill it in.. because, again, I don't know what I contribute in this thread. :) :lol:
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