Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

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Whoah! A little too dirty...(too much information that I don't want to know)
Clearly, I am not the innocent little boy I once was (yeah, eons ago!) :devil:
I have to say, I seem to be the fountain of dirty thoughts. :D hehehe.

Great, dirty thoughts Aliff!
Thanks Del! Glad someone appreciates my naughtyness :devil: There shall be more! Oh and I promised you a PM didn't I? Will get on that ASAP hun!

Telepathy rocks y'all! Hehe, you only get it with the you are deeply in lurve with! sweet.

And Pau? I got a cap (non-dirty I promise!) ur pic earlier (the one when they're in the autopsy room).

Greg: *thinking*I am soo proposing to her the moment we get out of here. That thing is gross. Think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts...mmm...Sara....

Hehe. See? I am capable of being (reasonably) clean. But alas my mind resides in the gutter (cos of D/L) and everyone knows how dirrty the gutter is! :lol:

OH! am I too late to join in with the Swami Hat dancing? Cos I now have another lovely reason. GERMAN IS OVER!! YAY! *dances about on the table* Anyone care to join me? A sandle-y song is playin' ;)

I baked another chocolate cake! Anyone want more cake? *passes around more slices, and happily throws them at people too* :D I love chocolate and SANDLE (and D/L) :)

Greg: I found something!
Sara: What is it?
Greg: A ring. *Greg hands the ring to Sara*
(Sara reads a writing on the ring)
Sara: To Sara, my love. *she gazes at Greg* Greg?
Greg: Sara, I promise, if you marry me... I'll treat you like a queen and I'll never let you go. Sara, I love you.
Sara: *leans and kisses Greg* I'll marry you then.
*they both share a smile*
haha yes, that's how it should go! I love itttt!

*dances with Del and Carrie (like your name by the way. )

Thank you :) you can only imagine the jokes that go with it though. :rolleyes:

Yea! Were dancing AND getting chocolate cake thrown at us?!...Wow that sounded bad :lol:, but oh well *Eats cake*

Ohhhhh Naz, I really hope that doesn't happen! But i like your ending for it :)

Ugh, I can't wait 2 more days for the finale! *Eats positivity cookies* Come on, TPTB! Give us some sandle scenes! :mad:
There is nothing wrong with dancing and having cake thrown at us. (Since I was the one doing the throwing - but I've replaced that with a professional cake thrower - i.e. Nicky)

ANYWHO, all you need to do is open your mouth and dance the night away, while waitin' for Sandle to come up and join us on the table tops!

We know Greggo's just DYING to take Sara out dancing right? ;) maybe a lil'....dirrty Tango perhaps? :devil:
Wait... I wanna dance with Swami hats! *finds a slightly damaged and used Swami hat lying on the ground and stumbles up onto the table and dances* Especially after my icky day at school today. Apparently the longest skirt I own is too short, plus I had detention with my french teacher, who then gave me a speech that made me feel soo guilty and like the worst person in the world.

Sigh... real life sucks. That's why I have Sandle. Greg would definately cheer Sara up if she had a bad day. :D

But, loverly loverly Sandle pics. Very cuteyful and Sandle-esque. :D

And of course there were Sandle drugs in the champange, did you see that hug? Hahahah. :lol:

And Catey I apologize profusely for calling you Cathy. Again, I said I was horrible with names ... :blushes:
Yep hollie I agree with you. Life sucks sometimes. Can't wait for the day to be over. The only thing that can cheer me up is some nice sandlish conversation with you guys.

Wow *reading previous posts* in gettin' hot and dirrty! :devil:
I'd love o have a sip of the Sandle drug champagne *lol*
and Liff how was your German test? Hope it was ok.
^^Sorry to hear hun, but dont worry about it. Of course Greg would be there to cheer Sara up. AND us fellow SANDLE shippers are here to cheer each other up! :)

*hands hollie a slice of extra chocolatey chocolate cake with a side of vanilla ice cream*

So put up ur feet, relax and enjoy the love that is SANDLE! And if you want dirty thoughts, just say so :devil: I really am a fountain.

Shall I put in another dirty thought of the day? hmmm....ooooh....

Sara's favourite lollipop flavour? Why Greg of course :devil:

Oh, and thanks for askin' Kat, Deutsch war ganz gut! (does that make sense?)
Oooh, extra chocolatey chocolate cake? With a side of vanilla ice cream? Yumm! :D Thanks Liff. And nice dirty thought. ;)

And the Sandle drug champagne is pretty terrific, I must say. But, it may cause the whole thread to get a little loopy off Sandle *looks at people dancing and wearing Swami hats and doing ... whatever else they're doing*
I guess I was right. :lol:
Loopy? My dear we're not loopy *slips off table top and scrambles back on* See? Perfectly balances and un-loopy :D

Do we have anymore of the Sandle drug? Perhaps we can...slip it into our drinks more often. :devil:

Oh and it was a nice dirty thought wasn't it? Sara...loves her lollipop...*dirty train of thought forcibly ended due to escalating ratings* :devil:
Oh Liff you've got such a dirty mind *lol* Reminds me that I should visit the City of Boxes again, haven't been there quite a long time, it's about time :devil: btw what you said abot the test made sense, so it was ok? Good to hear that. Well I imagine it very hard to learn this language^^
One of my fav Sandle moments - and even without SSCB ;)
Another reason for Sandle:
Because he wants to spend his break with her
OMG :eek: I don't think I'm going to comment about how much I have missed. You guys are crazy fast! It's wonderfoul :D so mutch Sandle.

Just to go back on a topic quick, you guys could call me Lisa if you like (that's my real name) but it's just fine with Nami to. Your choice. :)

I can feel the Sandle love just blooming right now so I'm hoping to god we will get a Sandle moment in our next episode. It can't be mutch longer now!

is it true? Is Sara going to die :confused: It can't be true! It would destroy everything we have been roting for. We can't let it happen!
Good reason Kat! I love that moment. Sigh... I wonder what would have happened if they didnt have that case... :devil: :D

I know ! ! I was talking to my dad about how I hated GSR and he's like "well you won't have to worry about it for long..." And I was like "No! But I like Sara. Sara can't dieee!" I've heard that she will die ... I've heard that she won't. I just can't wait til Thursday, cause I need to know! :( :(
I just don't believe that. It would be a nightmare :eek: And the worst thing is that I won't even see it!! You have to inform me ASAP about the finale!!!

Lol right now on Southpark they're kinda mocking CSI :D Funny!

Hey Lisa! Nice to meet you!

Spreading the Sandle love:
Just found that on wikiquote

I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.
* Elizabeth Barrett Browning

I think it fits Sandle perfectly because Sara's always happy when she's with Greg. That's what she loves him for - adding to the fact that he's hot! ^^
^Kat, that was beautiful quote, and I agree. It fits SANDLE so perfectly! You can see how Sara cheers up the moment Greg steps into the room (it's that telepathy thing ;) - you never know what goes on in their heads, for all we know - they might be dirtier than even me!). :evil

Highly improbably but still possible!

Welcome, Nami! I'm gonna call you that since I have a friend called Lisa on here and that's just gonna mess up my brain (which is already confuddled with all these finales coming up this week!) :eek:

*hands out the last slice of cake for the day* Dang it, I gotta go get the next batch from the oven! :D hehehe.

I bake AND im dirrty - DIRRRTY SANDLE!
Is there a mind dirtier than yours, Liff? Somehow I doubt that :lol: But you're right, it's good for the TV stations that we don't see what's going on during he SSCBs, would probably be M rated^^
Hm aren't the labs video controlled? I'd love to see what Sara and Greg do when they're alone in the lab. Maybe some exothermic reactions... :D :devil:

EDIT: Liff I friended you at myspace okay?
^:lol: I shall take that as a compliment! and thanks for the add on myspace (it's still underconstruction since I dont spend much time on it these days)

Anyone use facebook?

Anywho - the videos are controlled arent the? Perhaps we could....*ahem* bribe the security guard? Anyone care to join me? I mean,'s sneaky footage of SANDLE ppl! Who KNOWS what THEY get up to!

And actually, I think Greg has a pretty dirty mind. Remember when he was reading someone's sex diary on a case once? Clearly he was...*ahem* thinkin' of doing those things to someone ~ special in mind :devil:
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