Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

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Honey, I just read it. It's so sweet! I have to say, I wish they'd write than into the show too ;) that would make all the difference...

the future mr & mrs greggo!
Glad you like it, took me much longer than I'd expected, but I enjoyed writing it.
Ok I'm tired... gonna go to bed now. Liff good luck for your German test tomorrow *lol* Viel Glück! :D
See you!
*grabs some positivity cookies - midnight snack you know...^^*
Vielen Dank!

I guess I better head off too. I'm freakin' out in the not so good ways. :(

Night guys! (if I can even manage sleep tht is....)
Sigh... I didn't go on the boards all weekend and I come back to two pages (which I skimmed through) and new shippers. So welcome Liff and ... Cathy ... ? Again, i'm terrible with names and I did skim through, because I am very lazy. :lol:

Sandle Day? How lovely. I know this sounds corny, but to me everyday is Sandle day. Hahahha. :lol: I love Sandle. :D

I was cracking up about the dirty Sandle thoughts ... especially about the chocolate sauce and questionable bedsprings. Heheheh. My mind is already so far in the gutter, so I'm having fun right now. :D

Well, now i'm off to read the fanfics...
Oh, nice, dirty chocolate sandle thoughts...with whip cream too!? hehehe :p

I'm suddenly very hungry.... :lol:

Oh, Kat, I just read your story it was bee-you-tee-full! :D I hope that's how the show goes! It would be wonderful :D *Plans to steal the script for next weeks show and replace it with your story* :devil:
SandleDL, really nice job on your fic. I really enjoyed it. Catey's the name, unless a Cathy joined too, but hey, I'm enjoying the cookies and coffee you offered last nice. Nice, friendly place this is, I think I'll like it here!
^^ I think by Cathy: Hollie meant Lynny since her username is CathStokes. :lol: This is tad confusing.
*hands out more chocolate cake and throws a slice at Delia* Hehehe.
Thanks, Aliff! I'm so glad that you make one hell of a chocolate cake! (Cute icon + banner by the way!)
(I just realized that D/L shippers also ship Sandle.. just an obeservation. )
Oh yeah, I noticed that too... I'm a D/L shipper, but S/G is my LV OTP because theyre so cuteee + sexy + gorgeous!
I can only think of one reason as to why D/L shippers also ship SANDLE. Reason being, all four of them are STEAMINGLY HOT - they need to double date sometime...hehe, now THAT would be an interesting thing to watch, in MIAMI. Hahahaha.
Haha, that'll be so cute! I can see them later going off... :lol: Before the main course! :devil:
hahaha EXACTLY! Wow, alot of things happen during those Secret Sandle Commercial Breaks!
Haha, yes THEY DO. They're always off going at it in the supply closet!
And one last thing; it seems that to an extent, messermonroe (Liff!) was lured in here by kissmesweet's (Delia) fic. She converted someone to sandle and this cheer goes out to her! (it's by her, as well)
Awww, thanks! I lured Liff in with my evil fic of evil Cathy interrogating poor Greggo + Sara. (We still love Cath though! *Pats Cathy on her head and hugs her*
We jump... for Sandle!
We cheer... for Sandle!
We hug... for Sandle!
Sara and Greg have the best chemistry!
Ev'ry thing between them is so easy!
C'mon, don't try to deny it!
They are the PERFECT FIT!
Go... Sandle!
Haha, I was so bored that day and SANDLE keeps me happy and jumpy! Thanks Hestia! for the sweet comment; ahh, Sandle has pulled me in so deep.
:eek: Eeeek! I've fallen for Sandle! ;)

Theres awards here? Wow. I want to play in the awards man, Cordy if you came up with that, I'm whacking you.
Oh, if you want to... I can help you make that CatNip cup! It's fluffy, Lynny! I can make that for your CatNip, since you go fluffy for C/N!

Lynny, sweetie!:
a fireplace and sandle and chocolate sauce. Just chocolate sauce? Thats it, nothing but chocolate sauce? Hmm. I'm sure Greggo has already gotten dirty thoughts from that.
Yay, you've joined me in the gutter! That totally rocks. :lol: Greggo always has dirty thoughts about Sara.
You know, I just realized, I have nothing sandles
What do you mean? ANYONE can have Sandles! Jst embrace it, sweetie! Love the Sandle LOVE! :)
I am so confuse right now.. I visited the thread and woop! There are so many posts. :eek: From Chocolate to Strawberries to Dirty thoughts. :lol:
Im sure Greggo's gone past the dirty thoughts straight to the dirty acts
Haha! :lol: I totally agree. :D And it's nice to see that the thread is on fire. :D We are on page 17.. *puts on swami hat and dances like a crazy person* :D

And I read Kat's story and it was really cute. :D ;) Good Job! *clap clap*

Hestia, I think gregslabmouse's name is Loki. (I think... :D) I am horrible in remembering things. And I love you banner. :D
*puts on swami hat and dances like a crazy person*
*Joins Pau and jumps onto the couch and whistles a Sandle-y song*
Im sure Greggo's gone past the dirty thoughts straight to the dirty acts
Awww, so true! :devil: :lol: Sara must have loved that too! Haha, so sweet!
When Sandle gets... D-I-R-T-Y.
oh, yay we're dancing in swami hats! :lol: *Dances too* this is my favorite part of being a sandle shipper (besides actually getting to see Sara and Greg get together)

So, I'm still hoping there was a foreshadowing bit on Eric's part when he had the "5 years but worth every penny." line, and it being 5 years since he had a crush on Sara :) *Crosses fingers* :D
^^ Awww, it was so cute when he described his teeth. :) Saras sure appreciates them! She appreciates his lips too!
Mmm, I bet Greggo's a good kisser. :devil:

Wheee and I love his Swami hat! I want one too! *Whines until she spots a Swami Hat*
*dances with Del and Carrie (like your name by the way. ;)) and people starts to throw flowers or swami hats and starts clapping* Hooray for Sandle-love! This is also one of my favorite part as a shipper because we can be Sandle-loopy! :lol: It's the Sandlelitis and the Sandle-drug. :D

So, I'm still hoping there was a foreshadowing bit on Eric's part when he had the "5 years but worth every penny." line, and it being 5 years since he had a crush on Sara *Crosses fingers*
I do hope so too. I hope it'll be in the finale. :D And I also bet he is a good kisser. And that's another reason why Sara loves Greggo. She can't stop kissing him. :) We all know it.. it's in the SSCB.

*wonders what Eva is doing in Germany* Lucky gal! :) *turns green of envy* :) ;)
^^ Wheee, I bet they're BOTH great kissers, no wonder they can't keep their hands (and lips. :lol:) off each other! They're so cute!
This is also one of my favorite part as a shipper because we can be Sandle-loopy!
:) Me too! I always enjoy dancing (with the Swami hat) and laughing with you guys!
^^ Wheee, I bet they're BOTH great kissers, no wonder they can't keep their hands (and lips. ) off each other! They're so cute!
Hehe! :D So true! And Jorja licks Eric too. :D ;) So, not just the kissing or holding hands or the secret glances.. there's licking too. :devil:

Just wanna share a very Sandly pic from a very Sandly scene.. :D


They both have there heads down. Very cute!! :D I guess their using their Sandle-telepathy again. Any captions? I have nothing.. :lol:
^^ooh ooh dirty thoughts yes? I have to put this in quickly before I run off for my exams...which i may be late for already. oh well.

Greg: *telepathy* "Hey Sara, you wanna..."
Sara: *telepathy* "Greg, I'm still sore from last night!"


You like? I go *runs away frantically looking for the car*
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