Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

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Oh I hope Sara doesn't die! That would totally ruin sandle for me, and then i'd have to kill whoever killed her, and then while i was there i'd decide to kill Grissom just because and then I'd have to kidnap Greg to unleash my fantasies on him. They can't kill Sara, it just complicates my life too much. :rolleyes:

Liff, I'm with you on that one, how much to you think we need to bribe them? Maybe one of your chocolate cakes will do ;)

Ugh my finals start tomorrow, luckily I have health and ASL tomorrow, nothing hard. Still I'm gonna need some positivity cookies and a nice hot mug of Blue Hawaiian. :)
Whoah! We are on page 18! :eek: *puts on a swami hat and starts to dance* Yay! That thread is on fire!! From Greg flavored lollipop (yum!) to spoilers everywhere. :D

Thanks to those who appreciate my addiction in posting pics and making up caps. And Naz, thanks for the hug. :D

Oh I love the pics and the "Kiss you" dialogue, makes me happy. Really needed that. Thanks. Crying and smiling at the same time is difficult, so they made me decide for the latter. You're awesome
Thanks Kat. The pics makes me happy too. And I really need some Sandle-sweetness at the moment. I just watched a GSR scene (last part.. Empty Eyes) and I feel like I was to dry up and die. :(

And Pau? I got a cap (non-dirty I promise!) ur pic earlier (the one when they're in the autopsy room).
Greg: *thinking* I am soo proposing to her the moment we get out of here. That thing is gross. Think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts...mmm...Sara....
Hehe! :D I love the cap! So cute.. And Liff, we do need some dirty thoughts around here. Too spice things up. So, your naughtyness is truly needed.. :devil:

haha yes, that's how it should go! I love itttt!

Thank you you can only imagine the jokes that go with it though.
Thanks Carrie. :D I wonder what kind of jokes they can come up with your name. Well, people come up with jokes because of my name all the time. :( Good luck to your exams.. :D

I hope Sara won't die. I agree that it'll just ruin Sandle and the whole show. The show will really loose some viewers if they kill her off. And the show wouldn't be the same. Greg wouldn't be the same.. I guess hill be traumatized or something. (I hope that won't happen too. :() She'll not die.. She won't! Gosh, I need some cookies. *eats positivity cookies*
When will the finale be aired in the US, at which time? I can't watch it here, but I want to know everything immediately, so maybe you can forget about the SSCB's for this time and use the breaks for typing instead and tell us what's happened? Damn I hate the time difference, that'll be a long night for me I suppose.

I still don't believe she'll die, I think those ru,ours just came up because Jorja had some problems with the producers or smth like that. They won't do that, they need her. She won't die, she won't die... *saying a mantra* Oh and even if, against all odds, she dies (NO she won't!!!), then we can still ship Sandle!!! I also watch NCIS and I still love Tate nearly as much as Tiva. But we won't have that problem b/c she'll live! *gives positivity cookies to everyone*

Oh yes the thread's definitely on fire! Gettin' really hot :devil: Well it can't get hot and dirty enough for Sandle, can it? :D
Boo on those spoilers. Makes me really nervous. *crosses fingers hoping everything will turn out okay*
Whatever was put into the champagne, let's give it to the writers! I wanna see some loopy PTB! :D
And messermonroe, my goodness you're so... dirty! :eek: You're practically making me blush.
But then again, it could be because I'm a such a prude. :rolleyes:

Hooray for page 18 and swami hats!

(I don't think I'll be able to look at lolipops the same way again, liff. But on the plus side, we got a cake baker here! Cake makes everything sweeter. ;)) And if things get too hot, I'm gonna have to bring in a hose with me! :lol:

Reposting the list (updated):
SaraStar (Eva)
Dutchie (Nikki)
kissmesweet (Delia aka Del)
sandersidle (Katie)
GregsLabRat (Carrie)
luvincsi (Paula aka Pau)
SandleDL (Katja aka Kat)
greg_sara_love (Naz)
Nami (Lisa)
PintSizeGenius (Soph)
CathStokes (Lynn)
gregslabmouse (Loki)
messermonroe (Liff)
When will the finale be aired in the US, at which time? I can't watch it here, but I want to know everything immediately, so maybe you can forget about the SSCB's for this time and use the breaks for typing instead and tell us what's happened?
Yeah. I can't watch it here too. Meet Market will be shown here this week. Well, tonight. I so want to be spoiled. I really want to. Not being able to watch the finale stinks. :( :mad:

Whatever was put into the champagne, let's give it to the writers! I wanna see some loopy PTB!
And it'll be Sandle all the way!
I love the idea. :D So, who will volunteer to do it? ;) Oh and Hestia, I love your banner. If Greg keeps on doing that, Sara will melt. :D I just love how he looks at her. So.. Sandly! :D

Reading those spoilers just wanna make me feel so nervous too.
YAY, EVERYBODY'S dancing with Swami hats.
Kat:I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.
* Elizabeth Barrett Browning
KAT baby, thank you SO MUCH for that quote. It's SOOO beautiful + I might write a fic out of that!

Thanks Del! (I am still loving your name.. Cordelia. It's very magical.. Hehe! )
Pau! Thank you. The name Cordelia is of King Lear's daughter. The only good one. :rolleyes:
My mom loves William Shakespeare.

Thanks Del! Glad someone appreciates my naughtyness There shall be more! Oh and I promised you a PM didn't I? Will get on that ASAP hun!
Oh God... I LOVE all your dirty thoughts. :) Mo always does that for me too, engage my mind in shippy, dirty thoughts and YAY-I have another lovely Sandle shipper who does that, other than all the awesome users on this thread!
yeah...those spoilers....make me angry and sad... :( :( i wanna volunteer to put the sandle drugs in the champagne.....Pau..will you help me to hand the champagne to the TPTB??? ;)

Naz...relax...breathe in and out...there will be sandle in the end....if not..why dont we rebell?? Who's with me?? :lol: :lol:Juz kidding....i juz want this ship to be a positive one... ;) well at least they both ae best friends off screen...but i wanna SANDLE!!!! *bang her head on the table*
KAT baby, thank you SO MUCH for that quote. It's SOOO beautiful + I might write a fic out of that!
Go for it Del! :D I'll read and review it.. :D and love it.. I love all Sandle-fics! :) Your name reminds me of a WITCH member in a mag. Only her name is Cornelia. :D If you're not familiar with her. Here's a pic. Cornelia pic I think she control water or air.. I forgot. I could be wrong though. :D :) I think I am. :lol:

Sure.. Im with you Naz. :devil: Let's conquer the world! :devil: Hehe! :)

I found another lovely pic I want to share. :D


Sara: The vic's name is Mrs. Sarah Saunders.
Greg: I'll like it more if it's Sarah without the "h" and Saunders without the "u".
*Sara smiles and kisses Greg*
Sara: Yeah. I'd like that too.

Awww... Im high on the Sandle drug and Im loving it. :D The writers really needs this stuff. :D ;)
^^ What a cute conversation except that there's a victim. :lol:

Oh God, c'mon WRITERS-- DRINK THE BLUE HAWAIIN! Greg has a tooooon!

I'm SO high on Sandle too + Pau! YAY, I'm a watch. :devil: Now I can use my magic spells on Sandle and make them fall in love forever more! And I want Grissom with someone else (preferably Catherine or Sofia). :)

there will be sandle in the end....
That's my anti-drug! I believe in that since with this season's Fannysmackin' + Big Shots moments--the writers BETTER lead it to Sandle!
Yeah. :D Kind of sad there's a vic but hey they kissed. :D ;) You can also use your power to control the writers. :D ;) You can be the Sandle-witch. ;) :lol:

There's definitely gonna be a Sandle in the end. I just know it. *crosses fingers*

I have another cap for the pic..
(I know Sara doesn't look like she's crying but...)

*Greg notices that Sara's crying while reading*
Greg: Don't worry Sara. Forget about him. He's such a jerk. There's plenty of guys out there.
Sara: Really?
Greg: Yeah.. Out there. *long pause* In here.
Sara: Oh Really?
Greg: Yeah.
*Sara kisses Greg*
Sara: I believe you. :D

I feel so Sandly right now. I hope it'll last. :D *worried about the finale*
^^ AHHHH, such a cute conversation! Lemme try something.

Sara + Greg realize that Grissom videotaped them doing some dirty things as they look through some photographs that Grissom printed.
Sara: I don't believe it... Grissom videotaped us! That pervert! I can't believe he did that!
Greg: (nods) Hey, we don't look half bad... What's the big deal?
Sara: Hmmm, (considers) True.
Greg: We kinda have nice bodies.
Sara: That we do.
Greg: You look pretty good there...
Sara: Haha, you don't look half bad.
Greg: Yep.
Sara: So... Looks like I'm not the only one who saw everything.... Grissom did too.
Greg: (gasps) That PERVERT!
Sara: What's the big deal...? We look good there.
Hahaha!! :lol: :devil: That one made me laugh.. It sort of like Grissom supports Sandle. Maybe he does. :D ;) Of course he does. Everyone have Sandlelitis!! :D :lol:
^^ Oh, Gil's a closet Gil shipper! :eek:

Yep, EVERYONE'S got S-a-n-d-l-e-i-t-i-s! :)

Oh and guys, I'm writing a new Sandle fic! It's going to be angsty, angsty and angsty! :lol:
Oh God--WHAT HAS Lynny done to me??? She's made me angstier! :eek:
It's going to about Sara cheating on Grissom with Greg. :devil:
Mwahahahaha. (That's my evil laugh)... but of course, its Sandle-focused and will be Sandle at the end! ;)
I'm so excited.. :D I can't wait to read it Del. I bet it'll be good. :)

Got a sweet, sunny Sandle pic I want to share..


(Greg looks really cute. I love the hair! :D *faints* I love Sara's jacket. :))

*Sara and Greg in a jewelry store*
Sara: No way Greg! That costs a lot.
Greg: But you said once that you always wanted that bracelet since the first time you saw it.
Sara: Yeah. But.. it's worth a lot of money.
Greg: So what? I'll do anything to make you happy and even spend all of my money just to make you happy.
Sara: Greg, I don't need that bracelet to be happy.
*She kisses him*
Sara: All I need is YOU!

Awww... Sandle-love!! :) :D I feel the love.. Yay!! :)
Hehehe, contrary to what some of you may think, I do in fact possess more than mere dirty thoughts. I just let the latter loose here and the rest in my fics (unfortunately they're all D/L - but that may change in the future ;) )


Anyways, I'm sorry to all but I've made a grave mistake. Sara herself corrected me when I said what her favourite lollipop flavour was. Turns out it's not Greg...


It's...'essense' of Greg :devil: ~ right stopping now before modie whacks me :D

Oh, Gil's a closet Gil shipper!
You mean SANDLE shipper right? But of course he is! That's why he's trying to steal Sara away from Greg! (But of course it's pointless - we all know that) Gil himself knows the 'symptoms' - heat...rather large splurge of unadulterated passion...need I say more? Jealousy comes to mind :devil:
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