Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

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Whoah! :eek: A little too dirty.. :devil: (too much information that I don't want to know. :lol: ;))

I am in a good mood today. :D I want to share another pic! :)

Greg: I found something!
Sara: What is it?
Greg: A ring. *Greg hands the ring to Sara*
(Sara reads a writing on the ring)
Sara: To Sara, my love. *she gazes at Greg* Greg?
Greg: Sara, I promise, if you marry me... I'll treat you like a queen and I'll never let you go. Sara, I love you.
Sara: *leans and kisses Greg* I'll marry you then.
*they both share a smile*

I am high on the Sandle drug. :D I've been readng fics all day. :lol:
Great, dirty thoughts Aliff!
So, not just the kissing or holding hands or the secret glances.. there's licking too.
Oh yes! We sure love that. :) So does Greg! He loves Sara's cute licks! :lol:
Greg: I found something!
Sara: What is it?
Greg: A ring. *Greg hands the ring to Sara*
(Sara reads a writing on the ring)
Sara: To Sara, my love. *she gazes at Greg* Greg?
Greg: Sara, I promise, if you marry me... I'll treat you like a queen and I'll never let you go. Sara, I love you.
Sara: *leans and kisses Greg* I'll marry you then.
*they both share a smile*
AWWWWW, so sweet! I love that convo! That MUST have been what happened!
Thanks Del! (I am still loving your name.. Cordelia. It's very magical.. Hehe! :D) Yeah.. and they might have placed it in the SSCB or somwhere so they could play with our minds again. :D ;)
OHHOH!! :eek: im way behind you guys.....lots and loads to read :D looove your cappy Pau Yeah Pau me also high on sandle drug...and im dizzy...well dizzy in sandle...loove them..and i loove the SSCB it really make me smile. i can imagine they did smth bad :devil: in the autopsy room...where theres no one there...NAAH there's too much dead body maybe in their favourite place...

Grissom's office :lol: :lol: hehe glad they giving awards then... :D well, my lame idea turn out to be a good one :D

I hope you will give the award to someone here...maybe erm...Del :D for making the cup..thank you Del for making the cup :D :D
Thanks Naz.. I think you're dizzy because of all the Sandle-love.. I am dizzy too. :lol: The Autopsy room is kind of.. icky! :lol: Ummm.. Trace lab is nice. Hodges would probably be so furious! I could see him screaming "Sanders!" and Greg and Sara would be giggling in the broom closet. Tehee! :)

Another cute pic I wanna share..


How cute is that? They have the same position again. I bet Greg has a ring in that pocket. :D I just love the idea of a Sandle-engagement. :D Awww.. Sandle-love!
ahaha :lol: :lol: i can imagine...What if...What if...Hodges told Catherine abt it?? n Catherine would say...ahh let them go Hodges...those two love machines...they cant do it at home so they did it in the lab... :D hmm..i cant think of the caption....sorry :p
Im blank for a good caption too. :D

I know Catherine would just let them do it. I think she is a Sandle shipper herself. :D ;) Hmmm... I wonder why they can't do it at home though? Maybe because they're much more comfortable in the lab. Hehe! :D

Got another pic.. I have Sandle-pic madness! :D And I'm loving it..


(Isn't this an adorable pic? I totallly love this scene (I love Sara's hair and Greg is such a cutie).. but not the epi. I hate what Hank did to Sara. :mad:)

Greg: I could really kiss you right now.
Sara: I thought that was my line.
*Greg leans and kisses Sara*
Greg: Not anymore.

Any cap?? That's all I can squeeze out right now. :D For a second, I was about to let Greg say "Yeah. And I absorbed it." Hehe! :D :lol:
:lol: :lol: now thats cute ;) hmm...i think they cant do it at home cuzz they're busy working? :devil: working in the lab :lol: hmm the cap wait let me think....*sits on the thinking bed* mmm its really confortable :lol:
Thanks Naz. :D So, they're busy working at home? Hehe! :D That's strange! Tehee! Wow! You have a thinking bed? I only have a thinking chair.. Hehe! :)

Another pic that's full of Sandle-love..

See! She's holding his glass of champagne. There must be some drug there... :devil: I love this epi so much. Just full of Sandle-love! :)
Its not just a drug Pau its a Sandle drug.... :D yes...i hate it when Greg ignore her when she asked for dinner...that just suck...well i think in the future....they will have more than just a dinner..... :devil:

well i think i need positivity cookies and blue hawaiian
*Eating and Drinking* cuzz im feeling sad rite nw.... i cannot tell you why...or else it will spoil you :D i hope Greg will be with Sara all the way till the end... :D
I think he didn't ignore her. He was using Sandle-telepathy. :D ;) :lol:

You can put in a spoiler tag Naz.. And even though I have spoiler issues, I still read them. :) Don't feel sad Naz, let's stay positive. :D
What is telepathy?? :lol: im slow... well ok ill put it in the spoiler tags...

Well im scared that Sara will die in the end :(...seriously cuzz all the rumors had been buzzing around my ears and i cant stand them :mad:....i hope its just a dream....i hope its just Greg's dream and when he woke up...he will shout SARA! :D hehe....seriously so scared :(

well i should eat more positivity cookies...
*biting finger nails* ;) well i should not bite my fingernails... :D
Oh Naz.. Let's stay positive. I hope that wouldnt happen to Sara. I really do. :D *shares a positivity cookies with Naz.* It's baked with Sandle-love!

Well, telepathy is supposed communication directly from one person’s mind to another’s without speech, writing, or other signs or symbols. Sandle-telepathy is the same thing but it involves sweetness.. :D ;)
ohhhhh now i noe okies thanks for the definition ;) which recent episode in season seven has Sandle moments?? i really wanna noe :D well i like to be spoiled :lol: :lol:

aww Pau thanks for the positivity cookies....*hugs Pau*
Oh I love the pics and the "Kiss you" dialogue, makes me happy. Really needed that. Thanks. Crying and smiling at the same time is difficult, so they made me decide for the latter. You're awesome :)
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