Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

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So much has happened.. and I read that..

Sara might be dead? Gosh, I really hope that's so not true.

-eats whole jar of positivity cookies-
Well, I decided to start reading fanfic to cheer myself up and I came across this.. Do You Like Me? by Shorty-Ace (erm, is she someone from here?) which I thought is v. cute and romantic!

Ok, I'm off to hunt for more Sandle fics :p
Dear Sara,
First of all i want to apologize if I hurt you feeling when you read this letter. I think it's wrong... you know the secret about our relationship. I am you supervisor and it's definitely wrong. I'm sorry Sara, I think i should end our relationship. I'm truly sorry, hope you can understandd and forgive me .
Yours truly
Gill Grissom
Thank you, GSLove! That's absolutely perfect!

Thanks SaraStar for the picture! Oooh and I'm still working on the Sandle website! :) I'm doing a little better though. :lol:
In that picture, I love how relaxed and close they are standing. :devil: Love that shirt on Greggo by the way!
One Wish. Read it if you have the time; it's pretty short, but really, really good and Sandlish.
Oui, merci beaucoup. I'll be reading that real soon!

EDIT: I just read it! It's soooo adorable! *Grins like a maniac and laughs like Greg in Leapin' Lizards!* That just made my day! Nick rules--he DOES have a sixth sense. :eek:
Thanks for the posting the link Eva. That's one of my favorite Sandle-fics. I love FanficAddiction's Sandle-fics. All are very good. But my favorite is I Dare You and I love What Color is love?

Oh GregsLabRat, I love it when he said "Im a good listener" too. Yeah. he was cute when he said that. :D And I think when he said it Sara made a cute smile. (or was it just my imagination again. :lol:)

I know the spoiler is dissapointing but I've accepted that GSR is together.
Yeah. I guess I'm kind of accepting it too. *slaps myself* But... I won't. I'll stay positive. *eats positivity cookies* :D

A Sandle website? Hurray for kissmesweet!! :D I bet it will be very good and I'll visit it everyday when it's done.

And Naz has a fever.
Well, it's impossible not to have a fever if you ship Sandle becasue this ship is pretty HOT. (Sara= Hot. Greg= HOT. Sara+Greg= Sandle= One Hot Ship) Get well soon Naz.
I love it when he said "Im a good listener" too. Yeah. he was cute when he said that.
That scene is just sooo cute! He's the man who'd listen to everything she says, I mean really listen, he'd be there for her - go for it Sara!

A Sandle website? Hurray for kissmesweet!! I bet it will be very good and I'll visit it everyday when it's done.
Make sure to give us the link as soon as the site's on! Sandle absolutely deserves its own website!

And Naz has a fever.
Hope you'll get better soon, Naz! Have some Sandle cookies, that's the best medicine you can get ;)
I agree with you SandleDL. He's the ONLY one who really listens. :D And I remembered in Viva Las Vegas, when Sara said to Grissom that she needed to talk to him, I think he only said "Certainly" with no emotions at all. With this plain, blank face. If it was Greg, he would probably offer Sara to sit down and really listen to her. He has her undivided attention. :D ;) :)
luvincsi said:
I agree with you SandleDL. He's the ONLY one who really listens. :D And I remembered in Viva Las Vegas, when Sara said to Grissom that she needed to talk to him, I think he only said "Certainly" with no emotions at all. With this plain, blank face. If it was Greg, he would probably offer Sara to sit down and really listen to her. He has her undivided attention. :D ;) :)

Exactly! That's why I believe Greg is only one who really cares for Sara. I mean, Grissom just took her hand when she was pouring her heart out to him and crying in Nesting Dolls. And he looked quite uncomfortable about it as well. And in Committed, after she was nearly killed, he didn't even hug her or anything! Greg sure would've held her and consoled her. Because he cares for Sara!

Sorry for my rant. Just had to let that out. :p

I just had to say to SandleDL again; I truly, truly loved your Memories video. It was one of the best videos I've ever seen. So beautifully put together!
hey...thanks to all of you i'm feeling much better but my heead and throat is killing me..but nothing could stop me frm sandle-ling :lol: :lol: well abt the letter i really want grissom to write smth like that it will be perfect..

Well maybe while Sara was crying, then greg comforted her and bring her to his appartment to cook something for her..
Im still crazy about his appartment its so damn beautiful :D....i think i better stop :D
SaraStar said:
Exactly! That's why I believe Greg is only one who really cares for Sara. I mean, Grissom just took her hand when she was pouring her heart out to him and crying in Nesting Dolls. And he looked quite uncomfortable about it as well. And in Committed, after she was nearly killed, he didn't even hug her or anything! Greg sure would've held her and consoled her. Because he cares for Sara!

Sorry for my rant. Just had to let that out. :p
It's okay Eva. And I completely agree with you. He definitely cares for Sara. And also she cares for Greg. The problem with GSR is (just an opinion :p) is if they have "scenes" Sara is so emotional and Grissom just look at her without any expression. But with Sandle, Greg have a smile from ear to ear and Sara has he-is-so-cute-even-if-he-irritates-me-sometimes look. :D

Nice to see you Naz! :D Wow! If I am sick Im not even allowed to touch the computer :lol: How's your fic?
well no ones around so..i took the chances to sneak to the com :D well i love 'rashomama' well to begin their theory, Sara, Nick, Grissom and Greg start with mimicking David's so funny and theres alot of sandle moment....

I remember the part where sara was telling the theory abt the guy who was flirting with her...Greg's face was like jealous... :D then during the break, (the scene where Greg's cellphone rang) Sara was siting besides him.. :D yahoo!!!

The first part where Greg and Sara was eating together...i love that part :lol: :lol: its so cute :D
Pau its my exam time...i think u have to wait :D and i totally agree with you...Grissom doesnt show care about Sara seriously...only greg show care...when she felt low, greg always make her smile and thats love... :D
Don't worry Naz. No pressure here :) Sorry if you felt pressured though. Study for your exam first. Fanfic later. :D (Wow! Sounds like Fannysmackin') I just love that episode. :) Love is written all over the "I canme here for you" scene. :D Awww.. Sandle-love!
haha thanks...yeah i love the 'i came here for you greg' scene also..its so touching and beautiful... when Sara said that to Greg, i kept rewinding it and i can see a little smile on Greg's face if im not mistaken...its just so nice...i really want to give the Sandle award to Sara for that one..

*giving Sara sandle award* :D
I was right. I've never seen Way to Go. I was just searching for some Sara Sidle facts and ended up reading somethng this:
In the sixth season finale, "Way To Go", it was revealed that they are in a relationship, which stirred up great debate among fans. The final scene of the episode showed Grissom reclining on a bed, talking about how he would prefer to die. He said he would rather die of cancer so he would have time to say goodbye to his loved ones. Sara came out of the bathroom in a bathrobe, and said, "I'm not ready to say goodbye."
I hope she continues her sentence "I'm not ready to say goodbye... but Im ready to say farewell!" :devil: :lol: Whoah! (I didn't mean to kill Grissom. I do love him.. by himself. Without Sara :D) Oh boy, do I need my medication. *reads Sandle-fics* Okay, Im fine again. :D
I hope she continues her sentence "I'm not ready to say goodbye... but Im ready to say farewell!"
LOL yeah that's exactly what she should've said...
Oh I love this scene in Fannysmackin', it always makes me smile and cry at the same time! She has this tone in her voice and this expression on her face that makes it just so clear that she really, really cares for him in a way she doesn't for others. e.g. in Grave Danger: of course she suffered, too, but everyone did. And did she go to Nick when they finally opened the coffin? No she didn't. But her "I came here for you, Greg" is so emotional it made me cry. I'm glad I have the clip so I can watch it over and over again. btw I'm really curious about how they'll translate it, and if it's as great as the original... Often the translation is worse - but I keep my fingers crossed!
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