Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

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Yeah the translations... *sighs* but I have to admit that sometimes I have difficulties understanding what they say in English, that sucks, really... I can read, I can write, I can speak English - but when they talk so fast, with accents, and about things I don't even understand immediately in German, then it's really hard. But I prefer the original all the same. Dunno but somehow they tend to lose the emotions while translating...
Thanks for the pics, I love it how Sara nearly cries and looks away...
(I'll be out of the topic for only a moment :D)
I've seen some clips of it in German. It's kind of weird for me but it's also pretty cool. Is the show not translated in Greman also being shown there? Just curious.. :D I love to learn new things from other people in different countries. the original one is being shown here. :)
Continue being o/T :D

We only get the German version here, not the original. But you're right, it's always kinda funny watching films/ tv shows in other languages. I've got a NCIS dvd and watched in in Italian for a few minutes - I don't speak Italian so that was very amusing! It's a bit confusing at first, with the English voices as well, because you're so used to the German ones - but by now I prefer the original voices!
btw I totally agree with you about being curious - it's just awesome gettin to know people from all over the world with the same obsession!^^ People like you who live in countries I'll maybe never see in my life... *sighs* (damn I sigh far too often today - gonna have some Sandle-cookies)

I read on CBS News that they were killing off Sara's character! :eek: Is this true?! If they do, it will ruin both of my favourite ships - Sandle and SNickers! Please someone tell me it's not true! I'll kill TPTB if it is! :mad:

*Goes off and eats a whole jar of positivity cookies*
I am pretty sure that Jorja has resigned her contract although on the Ausiello report he said she hadn't but that premiered before I heard that she finally had... so I am kinda not sure but I think she will return... KEYWORD think
Oh I just hope Sara's character won't be off! It just can't be! She's so important for the show, I'm sure they won't let her go/ make her go!

Hm I wanted to post more - but NCIS continues... see u later!
Thanks for posting all of the Sandle fics. I must go read them to keep up my positivity. I need Sandle to make me happy right now, I went to Bamboozle yesterday [a concert]. And took pictures with people from bands on my friends camera...and she lost it, crowd surfing. :( :( :(
^ ycks, that sucks! -pass positivity cookies-

I hope the spoiler is not true either and really, the suspense and waiting is killing me :( I hate it when TPTB play with our mind.. argh.

Anyway, any good Sandle fics (not fluffy) to recommend?
I read one CSIFray.. The "Getting it all straight".. I love it love it love it and I left a review. :) I'm very curious on what will happen next. Let us know if you've updated it. I love the part where everyone was going to Grissom when they had problems. Ans Sofia laughing in the background was really cute. I wonder if Jannie's flirting with Greg would change his mind. Im just so excited.

And about the spoiler, I was really shocked :eek: when I read the article. I also hope it's not true because it will really crush :( me as a Sandle Shipper and as a Sara fan. (should I put this in a spoiler tag?)

And hui, I suggest you reading this fic. Unbelievable (Read it and weep. I love this fic.. :D Very sweet!!)
:eek:Wat? Nooo i dun want Sara to die!!! :(Nooo!!!! NOOO!!! I love u Sara :D and Greg love u more than me!!! :D No!!! How will Greg survive..and how will Grissom......okay let just cut the Grissom's part :D...BUT how will Greg survive??? :( SARA!!! i hope its not true...seriously i hope its not true....
I can really recommend this one: Slither M rated. Actually it's more Sandle friendship, and more GSR, but Sara's with Greg all the time and well... Greg definitely cares for her and so does she care for him when they are caught in a nightmare, being held by a serial killer.
The sequel is Collateral damage, and it's just as great! The author writes wonderful stories, but very angsty and cruel... M rated, too.
Naz, you're here! :D I hope you're feeling much better. :) Yeah. I completely agree with your reply to their spoiler.

Thanks for the link SandleDL. I dont really read fics with more than one chapter but Ive been told that the fic is really good so I'll read it. *off to read the fic but I'll be back*

I found a pic.. :D

(Very adorable.. They just look cute together. And Eric's hair is so wild Pointing in different directions.. :lol: love Jorja's simple hair do and make up.. :D) Aww.. Sandle-love!
tats cute...every pic that have them together is cute :D cuzz they are the cutest couple...

i wonder how they r like off screen...ofcourse WILD :lol: :lol:
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