Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

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Off screen they probably have fun togther. I mean, they do play kickball right. And Jorja said Eric and her see each other more often than with the other csi cast. :D

Well, I remembered a Sandle scene from Down the Drain.

Sara: I heard you finally lost your virginity. (Greg is really cute. I mean, really cute when he gave Sara a look. And I like it that she smiled.) First autopsy, how was it?
Greg: It was fine. How was your first time? How'd you react?
Sara: I puked.
Greg: I didn't puke.
Sara: Way to go, tough guy.

That was so cute. Scenes like this makes me happy to be a Sandle-shipper. :D
I havent seen that epi yet. :( But I've heard about it. :D It does sound Sandleish.. <-- I like the word. :D

I also love:
Greg: Squirrels love em, they get tossed at dodgers stadium, and they make a hell of a butter.
Sara: Your nuts you know that?
Greg: Exactamundo!!

Awww.. Sandle! I like that he was so close to her. If he could just kiss her. I mean, just kiss her, Greg. What's stopping you? Him? Don't mind him, really.
juz imagine SHE kissed him infront of Nick..he will be like :eek: and say this..'WOAH! slow down guys...dont get too far...see ure ontop of the table already...oo Greg! who's gonna pay for the microscope..ppl are watcing u noe..' but they still continue..and nick just went off :D :devil: :devil:
Haha! :lol: But still Greg and Sara wouldn't mind if people are watching. They want to let the whole world that they're in love. :D ;)

I also love it in Viva Las Vegas that Greg asked Sara how did her vacation go. I liked that Greg really cared about Sara and still able to ask little things like that. But when Grissom and Sara met, Sara was the one who talked to him first. Then he responded with a plain, blank and emotionless face. :( :rolleyes:
haha thanks...yeah i love the 'i came here for you greg' scene also..its so touching and beautiful... when Sara said that to Greg, i kept rewinding it and i can see a little smile on Greg's face if im not mistaken...its just so nice...i really want to give the Sandle award to Sara for that one..
Absolutely, gslove! I totally agree with you!

Sorry for being away for-:eek:--ONE PAGE--yikes! And anyway...
It's been edited and now is even cuter than before:

This week's Sandle Award is Presented to Sara Sidle for being so sweet to Greg in 'Fannysmackin'' :)

-"I know that Sidle Scent".
-"I came here for you, Greg."
-"I'm thinking of going to the hospital. Greg's probably sick of that hospital food."

Previous Winners:
Week 1: Eric for supporting the Sandle ship.


I promise that a member here will win next week's!
Nice to see you here again kissmesweet! I was wondering where you've been all this time. :)

Hurray for Sara!
She really deserves to win the award. I mean, without her, Sandle won't even exist! :D Congratulations Sara! *throws confetti*

I am in a Sandle-mood right now. I am writing a Sandle fic, watching a Sandle-vid and posting in a Sandle-thread at the same time. Okay, I exaggerated a little but I really am. :) And I'm loving it! :D

I remembered a Sandle-scene in Abra Cadaver. I love the embarassed look on Greg's face when Grissom caught him in a swami hat. I love how he looked embarassed (he look really really cute in that scene too and the hair! :D) but it was nice of Sara to just smile at him. In her mind she was thinking, "It's okay Greg because
." Awww.. Sandle-love makes me Sandle-loopy. See-->
I mean, without her, Sandle won't even exist!
Oh, so true! I'm so glad to hear you reading, watching & posting Sandle love! Spread the happy, cuteyful Sandle-love! :)
In her mind she was thinking, "It's okay Greg because"
So true! She must have thought that! Greg is so cute! I just wanna hug him!

Oh and Sandlelove makes me Sandle-loopy as well! :) I'm SANDLE-CRAZY!
Sara definitely deserves this week's Sandle Award. She was so consoling to Greg in Fannysmackin'. The way she came running towards him, looking worried, then knelt down beside him, talked to him softly and comforting, rubbed her hands through his hair, nearly cried... and to make things even more perfect: told him 'she came there for him.' WOOT. Congrats, Sara! You deserved it. (Now I want her to give a speech... :lol:)

I'm reading 'Slither' right now; the story SandleDL told us about. It's... whoa. So exciting. I'm hooked! I keep on telling myself I should start my homework, but it's way too exciting to stop reading. I want to know how it ends! They have to make it out of there... well, I'm gonna go back to read more. I'll be back later with the SPOTD!

*runs off to read*
ooo yesh...and the part where Sara talk to the mirror in the locker room in 'Viva Las Vegas' i want to replace the original script to this

Well I know that u liked ever since u are a labrat and i always turn you down. I cant help it. Because of the cases, I have no time with you. When you ask me for a break, I turned you down and I'm sorry. But then someday, I will ask you out I promise. Whenever I'm with you I feel safe and comfortable I dont know why. The day during the marathon, u hugged me, i dont want to let go from your arms. I just want to tell you that im happy with you. You're the only one who can make me laugh and smile whenever im down. I just want to say that....I love you Greg. Eventhough you did not feel the same towards me, I will still love you Greg no matter what....

Then Greg came and asked her about her vacation.. :D :D
I totally agree with you Eva! :D I can't wait for the Sandle Pic of the Day. :)

I love your version Naz! I love it love it. :) You should be a writer on the show. I mean, any of you guys can be a writer on the show. A Sandle shipper is strongly needed. :D

And everyone in ths thread is Sandle-loopy! Maybe it's beacuse of the Sandlelitis. ;)
i'm feeling very scared right now...ya noe abt Sandle vs Gsr kinda sacred that there will be no sandle after all and all the hopes we hope is a waste...i mean let me quote frm my sister's saying..

'To make our dream come true, we must work for it or it will remain as a dream'
Seriously guys im scared...rite now...Sandle please i hope ther will be Sandle after all.... :(
Hey Star! That sounds like a great story! You always suggest great S/G stories! I'm going to read that tommorow!
(Now I want her to give a speech... )
I can see her laughing and getting all cute about it! :) Like, "Wow, thank you! I'm overwhelmed... well, um. I gotta be somewhere... See ya guys and thank you!" *Sara dashes to the supply closet to meet Greg!*
You can guess why1

I LOVE how alive the Sandle thread it!
It's okay Naz. Let's just stay positive. :D Sometimes I find myself crush as a Sandle-shipper. But I still stay positive. I am kind of accepting the what will happen in the finale. But just stay positive. Heres also a hug.
Hope you feel better. *shares and eats a tub full of positivity cookies*

I want to share another Sandle-moment that i love and this scenes makes me happy as a Shipper. I forgot the epi name but it was when Greg said "5 years of misery but worth every penny dont you think?" And I love it that he made that smile at Sara. And she just gave him that look. She might be thinking "It sure is worth it, honey. But Grissom's here so I can't tell you that. We'll talk at home later." And maybe Greg's smile is a smile of agreement. Maybe he was thinking. "Yeah. Maybe let's talk later." They might be using the Sandle-telepathy again. :lol:

Awww.. Spread the happy, cuteyful Sandle-love! (So cute! I love this as a thread title. ;))
:lol: :lol: that will be awsome and Pau thanks 4 the advice..i will stay positive *eating buckets of positivity cookies* oh no im greedy..let me share with all of you *share the positivity cookise* :D :D

yeah...maybe after the shift..they went to Sara's appartment and talk about it with some actions :devil:
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