Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

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Wow, new thread.. you guys are fast! I thought I would come back and read about new Sandle moments but apparently there is none? Argh.. :(

-eats positivity cookies-

OT: But i love GregsLabRat's & luvincsi's quotes in the signature!
the letter??? OMG THE LETTER!!!! :mad: well does the epi show what Grissom wrote on the letter?? if not.. i hope he will write smth like this :D

Dear Sara,
First of all i want to apologize if I hurt you feeling when you read this letter. I think it's wrong... you know the secret about our relationship. I am you supervisor and it's definitely wrong. I'm sorry Sara, I think i should end our relationship. I'm truly sorry, hope you can understandd and forgive me .
Yours truly
Gill Grissom :devil: :devil:

Then Sara cried...Greg! this will be ur part :D
Greg came in the locker and comfort her...she told abt it (Well...hey he's a good listener) and bla bla bla.....they hug...go 4 a dinner and POOF! it became cococrunch breakfast cereal! :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: i hope it will be like that and i will end up saying HAH! SEE,now who are the one for you Sara!! :lol:
I am so behind posting. :( I just came back from this place and we swam in the river. :D I am so tired and my toe is bleeding. But not tired for Sandle! :D I fell asleep while we were on our way home and I dreamt about typing here in the sandle-thread. :D

SandleDL, sorry I haven't seen your vids but I will. I love Sandle-vids. :) And thanks for the spoiler GregsLabRat, but I kind of regretted for asking for a spoiler. (I so dont want to know that. When I read it I was like

Thanks hui!! And nice to see you here again! *waves*

Hahaha! :lol: Naz! I love the letter.. And I think I can compare KoKo Crunch with Sandle. I mean both are sweet and yummy!
definitely!!! both really are sweet n yummy!!! Pau ure not the only one who regret the spoiler...i hate that...seriously!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: GREG!!!!WAKE UP!!!! be active!! juz play some game and win...the prize is Sara :lol: :lol:
Hey chill guys.... i know that GSR is way ontop of us....but hey Greg does not give up...he still try his best to get her as if that she is a evidence to some kind of homicide :D

We just pray that there will be sandle in the end...maybe a kiss, date or marrige (make sure that sara marrid Greg not Grissom) yeah let be positive kies...*eat positivity cookies and drink blue hawaiian* :D

hey you guys are great! I just have this vision of Sara and Greg walking down the aisle... :D
Hehe I like the idea about the letter...:devil: C'mon Sara wake up! He's all you need so forget about Grissom!
Yeah...juz imagine they said i do and kissed omg i will be like crying? yeah crying...tears of joy!!!

i loove ur vision SandleDL btw u can call me Naz if u wanna :D
Yeah. Let's stay positive guys. :D And even though if Grissom and Sara will be together :)eek: did I just type that?
), it still wouldn't work out because Grissom loves his work and is so commited to it and I guess he'll love his work more than Sara. Meanwhile Greg is completely the opposite. He'll love Sara a million times more than his work or anything in the world. And if the time comes that Sara realizes it, she'll break free from Grissom's evil spell and be with the man she truly belongs too. The End.
*closes the fairytale book*

Now, for the moral. The moral of the story is for Grissom. *talks to Grissom* Grissom, never take anything that doesn't, I repeat, that doesn't belong to you. Okay? Here have some Blue Hawaiian and positivity cookies. :D
now thats a fact!!! yeah...greg love sara more than his Sara stupid or the writers tryin to play with us well any ways....on wed will be redrum...u guys said that there will be sandle moment i will watch it yess!!! Sandle here i come!!!

*Jump out of the window and fly plus singing i believe i can fly*

Did i just fly?? well anything is possible with positivity cookies, blue hawaiian and Sandle... :lol:
i loove ur vision SandleDL btw u can call me Naz if u wanna
Ok Naz :)
Hey and even if it comes to a GSR wedding (dammit where are my positivity cookies??) then there's still this nice little passage when the audience is asked if there's anyone who is against the wedding. And then it's Greggo time! He'll jump forward and his and Sara's eyes will meet and she'll realized it's him she's loved all along!
oh shit!!! nooo there will not be GSR weddings please!!! :(

Well...yes suddenly she said i dont and greg will be like woot woot!!! grissom will be like aww :( then Sara call greg and said i do want to marry greg..Hurray!!!i will be jumping for joy!!!!
is Sara stupid or the writers tryin to play with us well any ways....
Well, I guess that the writers are really playing with us.. and our feelings. I hate when people play with my feelings. Power up!
(Haha! :lol:)... and it's not right either (to play with someones feelings).
And I don't think Sara is stupid she's just blind. (I think that's even worse. :lol:) I mean, she still hasn't opened her eyes yet too see that Greg, the man for her is standing right in front of her. So, she goes for the other guy. But not the right *clears throat "Greg. Ehem. Greg.* guy.

I really dont want to see a GSR wedding but I like the ending, SandleDL. As for my own version. During the wedding, she sees Grissom give someone (Im not gonna give any names) a sexy look. Then she'll throw the bouquet on Grissom's face and say "Here I am once again I'm torn into pieces." Then she'll go to Greg's apartment where she find him sitting alone... crying and tell him that she's been wrong to choose Grissom then they'll kiss. Awww.. Sandle. :D
ooo that will be powerful...where do u get those cool Graemlins?? any way...yeah or maybe Greg is there and sara took his hands and went away...i dunno where..maybe at the beach or smth??? i dunno but who cares the point is Sara is with greg

and grissom end up like having a headache as there are many ladys that like him to choose from... :lol: :lol:
where do u get those cool Graemlins??
Sorry. But what are those? (Oh my goodness! I am so dumb! :lol:)
I can really see them hand in hand running or sitting somewhere wantching the sunset. But the important thing is there with each other. But the beach is good. :D This reaminds me of a fic I read that i just loved.
"Where to, Milady?" He questioned.
"Off into the sunset with you, Prince Charming."
Isn't it just the sweetest? Awww... Sandle-love is the sweetest! :D
well graemlins are like this >> :D :lol: :) :p :( ;) but i can see that u have more..where did u get tat frm??

Well yeah the beach or maybe his appartment...well Eric's house is beautiful or maybe he brought her to a desert at night watching the stars... that will be romantic.... :D
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