Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

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Hey. Just came on to answer that question since no one else has. The episode is Sounds of Silence (season 1). It was one of the top thirty sandle moments we had a while ago.

Oh, THANK you :D :D :D

I just thought I'd drop in and say, that I think Greg would make an excellent choice for Sara. he adores her, he looks at her with complete love. and even though she's with that certain other person right now, I think he'll figure out a way to show her.
Lynny, sweetie! YAY! You've joined us! Thanks honey, I'm so glad you agree on the Sandle love! *Hands Lynny a box of CatNip!*

Guys, you're all going on about the finale. Do we have any spoilers for that that means that there will be more Sandle-love? Or no Sandle love?
God... :( That'll be so sad!
I feel so Sandly today. :D I am at reading everything sandle. There are some that made me laugh :lol:, some that made me smile :) and there was this story from slowdance that made me cry. <-- really! :( Reading fanfics makes me feel happy that I ship Sandle.

And pics also makes me happy.. Found some good Sandly ones. :D ;)
Very adorable [this scene is really cute :D]
The smile [just the way Sara smiles at her Greggo]
too cute [I love this scene so much! :D]

Awww.. Sandle-love! :D
That pic is cute..i love it when Greg tried to smooth Sara with the pillow..its so cute..juz take a look at his face...its priceless... :lol: :lol:

well here's the link to my fanfic...its not that good but here you go... A little surprise after shift well...Which episode where greg wore a mask and the latex glove on his head? its verry funny...what if sara saw that?

i think she would ask greg to pu the latex glove on her head too :D i guess not
If this is what you're talking about then the epi is Cats in the Cradle. He looked really adorable in that scene though. *drool* And Iit would have been beter if Sara saw him.

Naz, I really liked your first fic. What was the mistake? Well, i must say I liked this one better but I also loved the other one. Well, they're kind of the same. Well, I love both your fics (the old one or this one.) I've left a review. :D ;)

And the whole Sara and Greg are always next to each other.. I found this pic. And also look at the way she looks at him
The mistake was...alot of grammar and expression mistake...
let me quote one

'He smiled, then turned upside down and put his hand down.'
:lol: :lol: when i read that, i couldnt help but to laugh....haha juz imagine Greg do a handstand infront of Sara...she must be laughing out loud!! :lol:
yah...she was like checking him out :D the face was quite sad..i dunno why... i think i noe whats in her mind

*Sara's thought*

Shit! if only i could go out with him on the day he asked me, i will be very happy, look at him he so perfect and cute. I cant resist him. I couldnt wait any longer. I must ask him out! well hehe :lol:
He smiled, then turned upside down and put his hand down.'
when i read that, i couldnt help but to laugh....haha juz imagine Greg do a handstand infront of Sara...she must be laughing out loud!!
:lol: Haha! That made me laugh. I didn't realize the mstakes though. :D But it's really funny.

*Sara's thought*

Shit! if only i could go out with him on the day he asked me, i will be very happy, look at him he so perfect and cute. I cant resist him. I couldnt wait any longer. I must ask him out! well hehe
That one made me laugh again. Haha! :lol:

Im working on another Sandle fic. I hope you guys will like it. :)
Hey guys, can't wait for the Sandle fic, Luvin! We're in dire need of good Saanld fics.
*Sara's thought*
Shit! if only i could go out with him on the day he asked me, i will be very happy, look at him he so perfect and cute. I cant resist him. I couldnt wait any longer. I must ask him out! well hehe
Awww, wouldn't that be so adorable? No wonder her eyes always dart to his when she's around him!
Thanks kissmesweet!
I feel really inspired because I read a lot of Sandle-fics today! :D

Awww, wouldn't that be so adorable? No wonder her eyes always dart to his when she's around him!
Yeah. When they're together, she can't help but gaze at his beautiful eyes. :D
Hestia said:
P.S: I'm bringing cuteyful back. :)
Heheh. I love that word. Sandle's bringing cuteyful back. I know it's a bit early, but it sounds like an awesome new thread title. We'll just have to start posting even more. :lol:

Aww, cute Sandle pics guys! :D
Hey, I'm new here but I've been a Sandle-shipper for quite a long time - ever since I watched the first vid on youtube about the best CSI pairing ever ;)
I can't say how much I envy you... here in Germany the 7th season hasn't even started... well I watched Fannysmackin on youtube but unfortunately some days later all episodes were removed :(
Anyway, I think I'll have a look around now, but maybe I can already give you a link to my vids - I just uploaded a new one today! can be found here
See ya! :)
Wow Welcome all new people :) (I'm so lazy) Awesome story Greg_Sara_Love

I'm with Hollie, we storm TPTB and force positivity cookies, Blue Hawaiian, and Sandle videos on them :lol:

With all these pictures and stories, there has to be Sandle tonight, and if not, I'll make some up :D

And that picture with Sara staring longingly at Greg is soo cute! She loves him, but is afraid he doesn't love her. *Hits Sara* he does! NOW TACKLE HIM! :devil:
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