Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

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Heheh. I love that word. Sandle's bringing cuteyful back. I know it's a bit early, but it sounds like an awesome new thread title.
I like cuteyful too. And I'll love it if that'll be the new thread name. We really are moving fast because we're already on page 9. Hurray!! *do a happy Sandle-dance"

Welcome SandleDL! *waves* Enjoy your stay here. And bring some of your friends and we'll have a big Sandle-fiesta. :D ;)
here in Germany the 7th season hasn't even started... well I watched Fannysmackin on youtube
When they had this buzz about Greg's kiss my a** quote I also looked for the vid in youtube. I guess if we want to catch up on them, youtube is the place to go. Hehe! :lol: But I'm trying my best not to do it. I always get spoiled. :) And I also love to watch Sandle-vids in youtube. They make me go Sandle-loopy!! Hehe! :lol: My all time Sandle-vids faves are the "She will be Loved vid" and "The Songs of Greggo: Sara Sidle vid." :D
She loves him, but is afraid he doesn't love her. *Hits Sara* he does! NOW TACKLE HIM!
That cracked me up. :lol:
*sighs* You all have no idea how sad i was watching the show tonight. :( I think I've developed a hatred for boxer dogs. Seriously. Watching that scene...It killed me. I was so unhappy and my first thought was 'I'm dealing with a hopeless cause. Greg is never gonna get Sara.' I was all set to type in my resignation for sandle shipping. :(

But I couldn't.

It was absolutely unimaginable for me to forget everything Sandle. It was too hard to lose it. I'm still broken up about...'the letter'( :eek:) (Not spoiling if someone missed it) but the ending was kinda a whole knew theory.
(I'm kinda hopin' Grissom goes insane) :)

And I will now ignore boxer dogs for the rest of my life. :rolleyes:

(And how cute was Greggo gettin' bit. He's "Having a bad year" :lol:)
So, there weren't any Sandle? :(
Please GregsLabRat, don't give up on us. Let's just stay positive. :)

Oh!! I really don't want to be spoiled but Im really curious on what happened last night. :(
Yes, GregsLabRat--let's tackle Greggo!
Sandle's bringing cuteyful back.
Totally. :) They're bringing sexy back too! :) Sara's gorgeous and so is our Greg! :) Together--they're on F-I-R-E!
(I'm kinda hopin' Grissom goes insane)
YES, me too! And I want Sara to finally realize that she loves Greg and Grissom was all wrong for her.
Even though I don't like GSR, i love the idea that she realizes what she really want isn't someone who doesn't appreciate her and doesn't show his feelings--I want her to see that--HEY!--Greg is the one for her!
Can anyone tell me what's going on? ;) Hehe! :D I feel bad that Im really behind you guys. :( (well, it's not only me *points to Naz* ;)) Why? What happened in last night's epi there? I've heard that there's a good Greg scene. Any Sandle? Is that the Happy Ending epi? I really want to be spoiled right now. :rolleyes: Just put it in under a spoiler tag. I'm going Sandle-loopy.. :eek: :rolleyes:

If I feel bad that Im not seeing any Sandle, I have my magic weapons.. Sandle-fics!! I love them and they lift my broken Sandle-spirit. :D
Ouh Yah!!! Thanks Pau for pointing at me :D yah first tell me and Pau the episode name then you can put the part that u feel unhappy with in the spoil n Pau wnat to be spoiled.. :lol:

Im sure that after the unhappy episode, there will be alot of sandle episode :D wouldnt that be great?? I will kill the TPTB can they not put more sandle in the 7th episode :mad:.....BUT!! if ther will be sandle in the end., i will take back my words abt killing the TPTB :D
:eek:OMG SandleDL!!! you vid are so priceless!!!! seriously!!!
especially the memories..believe me or not i cried :D

I seriously cant take the suspence anymore. i know all of you cant too rite?? :D okies then i think we should let gsr aka. gun shot residue :lol: :lol: ahead of us....
well like they said SAFE THE LAST FOR THE BEST :D :D and sandle is the best!!!
SandleDL! I totally love your Sandle videos. And 'Memories' is an amazing song; I love Within Temptation (did you know they're from Holland? :)). Great job! Welcome in the thread. Have some positivity cookies. ;)

Sandle Bringing Cuteyful Back. Now that's just awesome, Hestia! I'd be a great title for the next thread. They really are the only ship that can be called CUTE. They are the definition of CUTE. :lol: :D
for LuvinCSI and Greg_Sara_Love
They had this scene in Leapin' Lizards where Grissom and Sara were at his apartment laying on a bed talking and they had this dog (ew, there trying to make Grissom and Sara look all family like) and Grissom got up to do something and Sara found this note he wrote her while he wasn't in Vegas and it was all mushy and blahhhh.

Well at least the whole bite was still awesome :D I like Catherine's little joke and he's just like hahahahhahaha no. :lol:
First of all thanks for the nice welcome!

Secondly, I'm glad you like my vids! :)

And I totally agree with you, Sara might like Grissom, but it's Greg she needs!! btw I love spoilers so if there's anything I ought to know about Sandle moments in the 7th season just let me know *lol*
My sister always rolls her eyes when I start making a new Sandle vid. saying things like "ok so actually you just take clips and arrange them to pretend that they're a couple although they aren't, right?" NO!! I only do what the producers haven't realized yet...
They are cute together and I won't listen to anyone denying it :D
GregsLabRat said:
It was absolutely unimaginable for me to forget everything Sandle. It was too hard to lose it. I'm still broken up about...'the letter'( :eek:) (Not spoiling if someone missed it) but the ending was kinda a whole knew theory.
(I'm kinda hopin' Grissom goes insane) :)
He definately already is insane. They're just trying to hide it. I bet in the season finale, like everyone will think the secret will be exposing GSR or something, but it will really be exposing that Grissom is secretly insane. Hahahah. :lol:

And don't be sad. We're the positivty ship, remember? Here, have some Sandies. *hands cookies* :D
And I totally agree with you, Sara might like Grissom, but it's Greg she needs!!
I know... I hope Sara realizes that sooner or later, because--she should really be together. :)
It was absolutely unimaginable for me to forget everything Sandle. It was too hard to lose it.
:D Absolutely... I love Sandle and I want GSR to sink while the Sandle ship S-E-T-S S-A-I-L! :
So here's what i've been thinking (I do this every so often, it amuses people apparently:lol:)

Grissom has women (Lady Heather, Sophia, that one lady in season 1 :rolleyes:) and Warrick has his wife, and Nick has...well any lady that pops up:lol:, Greg has....NO ONE.:eek: This is my point here, see the only girl he's ever even come CLOSE to a relationship is SARA. See so in order for the writers to totally make things even with relationships is if Greggo gets Sara.:D It's common sense right?....Right?

I totally didn't eat a plate full of positivity cookies before writing this. :D
YES, what a great theory GregsLabRat! :) We love that! We love positive-Sandle-loving posts!

Greg doesn't have anyone... So, TPTB--make Greggo's (+ our Sandle loving) day by letting Sara love Greg! We need that. :)
gregslabmouse said:
Oh, THANK you :D :D :D

You're welcome, Loki (I really like that name! It reminds me of a mythical detective :lol:) A bit late in responding, but I'm definitely glad I could help. And I'll keep evil spoilers away from you in this thread if you ever visit again. ;)

Another thing I'm late on, is welcoming the new member SandleDL!
You must be full of cookies and coffee so I'll just say hi and hope you visit often!

SaraStar said:
Sandle Bringing Cuteyful Back. Now that's just awesome, Hestia! I'd be a great title for the next thread. They really are the only ship that can be called CUTE. They are the definition of CUTE. :lol: :D
Thanks m'dear Sarastar but the idea actually started with hollie. I just rolled with it. :cool: And I agree with her; this title is a contender for our future thread title! Hmmm... I still have to check out those fics and music videos.
Something has to fulfill my sandle needs and CSI ain't cutting it. :rolleyes:
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