I like cuteyful too. And I'll love it if that'll be the new thread name. We really are moving fast because we're already on page 9. Hurray!! *do a happy Sandle-dance"Heheh. I love that word. Sandle's bringing cuteyful back. I know it's a bit early, but it sounds like an awesome new thread title.
Welcome SandleDL! *waves* Enjoy your stay here. And bring some of your friends and we'll have a big Sandle-fiesta.
When they had this buzz about Greg's kiss my a** quote I also looked for the vid in youtube. I guess if we want to catch up on them, youtube is the place to go. Hehe! :lol: But I'm trying my best not to do it. I always get spoiled.here in Germany the 7th season hasn't even started... well I watched Fannysmackin on youtube
That cracked me up. :lol:She loves him, but is afraid he doesn't love her. *Hits Sara* he does! NOW TACKLE HIM!