Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

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Awww, the "answer" is what does (stupid Hank) have that "I don't got"? :lol: I can't help but burst into laughter when I heard that--he's so adorable!
We know the answer now, don't we?
Greg has Sara!
gregslabmouse - love the sandle icon!
Luvincsi-Great story, i left a review, mwhaha down with grissom!
Greg_Sara_Love- Also a great story! I'm loving all these Sandle fics!

I LOVE the "What's he got that I don't?" question. Nothing! He has nothing on you Greggo! :D
I'm not sure but I'll put this in a spoiler, it's just kinda a scene I wish would happen :)

I could see after they find Sara, Greg would be sitting in the locker room with his head down and Sara would come in, and sit next to him and be like "What's wrong?" and Greg would look at her with this really cute, sad look and be like, "What's he got that I don't?" And of course that's where it would end :)
nooo i dun wan it to end that way..
i dont want the suspense anymore..i want it to end like a kiss,hug or maybe i love u :D u noe wad i mean...i cannot take the suspense anymore :D
oh no!!! i have a huge mistake at my fanfic!!! guys im sorry i need to delete it...and make a new so sorry.... :(

Sandle will take over hehe..well i do hope that they will end like a date or smth u noe....
or maybe takin shower together :devil: :lol: :lol: just joking....
WELL, we know how much TPTB like to play with our minds. They think that we're not onto them about Sandle--they're wrong! We know that they're together! :) Secretly anyway. :lol: Anyway, back to serious stuff: I see some Sandle-ish thing happening and I really hope that it'll be okay in the end for us, Sandlewise... Because, if it isn't--Oh dear God, my heart will break... again!
AGAIN? what do u mean again???

well ure rite.if theres no sandle, i hate the writers... :mad: can they do this...Eric will be totally mad also :D
I can just see Eric looking over the script for the finale and saying "Oh wait a minute, there's not enough Sandle in this! Those TalkCSI girls are gonna kill you!" :lol:

Yes, we will. We're watching you TPTB, we know your secrets... :devil:

Ha Eric could form a mini-rebellion to get more sandle, him and Jorja could lead the army :p
I just thought I'd drop in and say, that I think Greg would make an excellent choice for Sara. he adores her, he looks at her with complete love. and even though she's with that certain other person right now, I think he'll figure out a way to show her. :)
Lynny! Hey! *tackles Lynny and hugs her :lol:* Glad you've come to join the Sandle love!

Your so right, Greg totally adores her, and i so wish Sara would wake up and realize it!

Later dudes x
**LYNNY** ???
I agree I think Greg adores Sara and Sara adores Greg. There could be WAY more there too.

And I like the fact that Jorja hangs out with Eric. They both seem like they have a lot in common.
NOT that makes any difference ship-wise but it's just cool :D
Once again, I missed a lot. I'm just gonna dive into some things I found very cute you discussed. First of all, I laughed so much when Delia she wanted to bang Greg and Sara's heads together and let them kiss. :lol: I definitely agree with you. And excellent explanation of Catherine's happy look; she was probably like: "Yay, he noticed her!" :)

Second of all, Naz, when linking to your story, you should give the link to the actual story, not to the Live Preview. :) Because the Live Preview is part of your account, so we cannot see it. Usually the links of stories are and behind the / a number. I'd love to read your story, so if you can, post the right link. :D

Welcome CathStokes! You're absolutely right; Greg totally loves Sara, and she loves him too. She just has to be woken up. Shall we do that? :lol:

And it's so true Greg and Sara sit next to each other a lot. I couldn't be more happy about that. :D
^^ Yes, Heather??

^^^ I couldn't resist Soph Sandles is really cute, and I couldn't stay away. and I swear if you all make me fluffy in here, I'll whack :lol:

^Thanks SaraStar for the welcome :D I say we kidnap her. he'll go willingly, and place her under something and let them figure out what the hell she slipped and fell on.
GregsLabRat said:
I can just see Eric looking over the script for the finale and saying "Oh wait a minute, there's not enough Sandle in this! Those TalkCSI girls are gonna kill you!" :lol:

Yes, we will. We're watching you TPTB, we know your secrets... :devil:
HAHAHA! :lol: Yeah, one day I' gonna march to their houses...where ever they are. They're going down. I need more Sandle. :devil: Do I have any followers? :devil: :devil: [Sorry, too much sugar today, :p]

And, I think i'm still laughing at Catherines face from the pic of the day. :lol: :D

And luvincsi I loved your fic! It was awesome for your first one, and very cute. :D

greg_sara_love, your fic is soo funny, Sara head banging ... omg, it's so cute. :D
I'd love to read your story, so if you can, post the right link.
Well, the link of Naz story is "available" (haha! :lol:) in the previous page. And my fic's link is also there too. :D

I can just see Eric looking over the script for the finale and saying "Oh wait a minute, there's not enough Sandle in this! Those TalkCSI girls are gonna kill you!"
Haha! :lol: That one really made laugh. Yeah and he could also say "They have Sandlelitis man and they're not afraid to infect you guys." :lol:

GregsLabRat and hollie, thanks for giving time to read my fic. I am so happy you guys read it and liked it. :D ;) Hurray.. THanks to ALL who read it and liked it.. Thanks for the reviews too. :)

*scrolls up* I'm seeing new people! (or maybe they've been here for a long time already but i only saw them now.) Hello guys! (people upstairs ;)) Sandle-love is spreading! Hurray! :D
gregslabmouse said:
Hey guys. Sorry I haven't posted here in a while...
What is that episode where Greg waves at Sara and she just smiles? It's soooo cute but I can't remember it... :(
Hey. Just came on to answer that question since no one else has. The episode is Sounds of Silence (season 1). It was one of the top thirty sandle moments we had a while ago. :cool:
Greg waving
Sara smiling at him

And welcome CathStokes and PintSizeGenius. If you've already been here, I'll just echo what luvincsi said. Welcome anyway (whether new or previous posters). Sorry for lack of posting, I'm feeling under the weather (I never realized I had allergies until this year. Blooming plants are beautiful to look at but awful to my sinuses. :()

I'd love to read those fics you all seem to be working on (I'm pretty sure there's more than one) when I'm feeling less lethargic. I'll need the sandle pick-me-up.

P.S: I'm bringing cuteyful back. :)
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