Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

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kissmesweet said:
Absolutely, then again--oh, we are all Sandle shippers deep inside! Some of us are just more open about it!
I guess so. :D Everyone have Sandlelitis.. :D

Well, I'm done with my fic. All I have to do is publish it. *crosses fingres* I hope you guys like it. While im in, I found Naz's fic. I thinks it's hers. If not, then sorry. :D

I think this is Naz's fic
^^ I can't wait for your fic, honey!

And if it is Naz's, it's really good! I gave it a review... :) Hopefully its Naz's... :lol:
Everyone have Sandlelitis..
Oh, absolutely!! Sandleitis is so I-N-F-E-C-T-I-O-U-S!
Yay! I'm glad I'm infected! I really don't want a cure. :lol:

Woops! I haven't read it yet. I will.. :D I think it's hers because the pen name is gregsaralove and her display name here is greg_sara_love too. :D

Well, I already published mine. I hope you guys like it. It's actually my first ever fanfic. Well, here it is. Meters Away Enjoy!! :D
Loved your fic, honey. :) It was very cute! I gave it a good review and I hope to read more of your Sandle fics! I loved the ending by the way...

Oh and everybody, I loved all your Sandle-loving stories. I loved them since the first season when I saw the way he got nervous around her... It was too cute! Then I started looking out for Sandle-loving moments and soon--I figured it out--I'M A SANDLE SHIPPER AT HEART!
I caught the Sandle-itis! :eek: and It's great! :D
Wow! Thanks a lot kissmesweet!
I really appreciate it. :D Well, I dedicate my story to you guys, my Sandle-buddies. :) It's my first and I am very happy that you like it.

I was looking around and I found these cute pics. the way HE look at HER and the way SHE look at HIM

Awww.. Sandle-love!! :D
yee haa..yup thats my fic alright!! thank you for reviewing :D well i just watch this vid...too bad i cant link it :( it is so sandle-ly :D when i saw it, i jump for joy!!

hurray sandle!! i dont know if u relised it or not each episode, Greg alwaws sit beside Sara all the time...during discussion...if no then he always stand besides Sara..thats cute...i will not be surprise if i see them holding hands :D
Oh my! :eek: I was right!! Hurray for the fanfic.. I wrote you a review. :D

I notice it too Naz! Like in the opening credits the cast are introduced, after Jorja is Eric.. They are always next to each other.
Like in this pic..


Greg: Do you like that one?
Sara: Oh come on! Do you want me to look like I've gained 50 pounds in our wedding?
Greg: Well, I'll stll love you if you would gain 1 million pounds.
Sara smiles at Greg: Really?
Greg: *kisses Sara* No. Not Really.
Sara laughs and kisses Greg.

I can totally see them saying this in that pic. Aww.. Sandle-love! :D
Wow!! i can totally see them saying that...or maybe.they both look at Grissom angry face

Grissom: How many times i need to tell you!! If you want to do it, please dont do it at my office and on my table!!
Greg: Grissom im sorry that your 20th table broke, but we cant help it
Sara: Yeah Grissom. Your office is kinda confortable and suitable to do such things
:devil: :devil: :devil: hehe...btw i've finished my 2nd chapter :D my fanfic
OMG!! that stare is priceless seriously!!! i love it when they both stare at each other. its like their eyes have some sparks...maybe their brains sent some message like

:lol: Hottie Alert! Yeah. I think those secret glances is like communication or something. Like their telepathic or something. :lol:

I read your chapter two and it's funny. :D Please read mine too. The link is up there somewhere. :)
yep..i've just read ur's so priceless...i love it!! :D hmm...who knows what may happen...only eric, jorja n the writers there Sandle moments?? :D :D

they r like perfect 4 each other..made for each other...but in real life i dun think so :D :D :D :D
Thanks!! :D
In redrum, they did work together. But I didn't see any except for "the meeting". (I think this is redrum, if not then I mixed up the epis. :lol:) When they turned to Greg if he's in or not, he shrugged as if saying "If Sara's in then I'm in." Well, that's the Sandle scene I noticed. :)

*sits on thinking chair* Yup. It's redrum.. I think! :lol:
Greg alwaws sit beside Sara all the time
I know! They're always standing so close! Ahh, TPTB playing with ours heads. They're trying to hide the Sandle ship!

Love the photos, guys. Thank you.
Ahhh! I thought so too! Sara is gorgeous and so is our Greggo!

:eek: WE're on page 8!
I watched Revenged is Best Served Cold and I found some major Sandle Scenes that you guys might already know about. :D

Greg: A whiskey sour, huh? Yeah, I'm a "thug passion" man, myself. It's a
Tupack thing. (Greg mispronounces Tupac)
Sara: Tupac?
Greg: So, what does your paramedic like to drink? I bet with a name like "Hank," he's probably got some ho's sipping on 'yac.
Sara: "Yac"? Cognac? No. "Ho's?" I'm not going there and, um, that's none of your business. It's nobody's business, as a matter of fact.
Greg: All right, well, I won't tell Warrick and Nick about Hank on one tell me what he's got that I don't got?
(Sara smiles at Greg just as the printer prints out the test results she picks up the paper and reads it)
Sara: There was tetrahydrozoline in the victim's drink.
(Sara moves to leave the room. Greg stops her)
Greg: Uh, I never got my answer.
Sara: I got mine. You don't even like Tupac, Greg

The one that I really like in this conversation is when Greg asked Sara (not the what he got that I don't_ but I do love it. :)) "I never got my answer". I think it's really adorable. :D

Greg: So, we meet again. Lita Gibbons wasn't putting this on her nipples, was she?
Sara: You have been drinking too many Thug Passions. The woman is twice your age. She may be three times your age, Greg.
(Greg chuckles and waves his hand)
Greg: Old case. Sorry.
(The printer whirls out the test results. Greg stands and takes the read-out. He looks at it and compares it to the prior read out from the other test. He doesn't say anything)
Sara: Well?
(Greg turns around to glance at Sara over his shoulder)
Greg: Well, uh, you'll get your answer when I get mine.

I really screamed when he said that. Too much Sandle-love makes me go loopy. See-->
Haha! :lol: And Greg was really cute when he laughed when he realized that he was talking about the wrong case. :D Awww.. Sandle-love!

And we are going so fast I didn't even noticed we're on page 8! Hurray!! Here's a little Sandle-hula dance.
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