Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

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^^ Oh, okay. Thank sweetie.
wait i think the TPTB is trying to tell us a message...Greg love models right...then Jorja used to be a model right...then greg love sara very much...i think theres connection u noe..
Haha. :) Absolutely! Sandle rules. He loves models!--She's a model! How adorable!
There will be Sandle
Absolutely! *Steals other threads' positivity cookies and eats them!* Yummy, thanks. :)
Whoo! Go Sandle!
So, I was at lunch today and me and a guy friend got into a discussion over CSI... (He's a GSR fan... even though he didn't even know they were todether... idiot...) Anyway, I was sitting there and we were talking about "Play with Fire" and talking about none other than Greggo himself... I was like "Greg's HOT" and he was like "Now, Sara's HOT"... So there you go, a good reason to put 'em together lol... My Greg/Sara story of the day...
^^ :lol: Ahhh, thank you. Greg is hot. Sara is hot too! THey're gorgeous and just so flirty and fun! :) They're a perfect match really. I'm sure everyone here agrees. :) They're fantastic together!

So, when did you guys start shipping Sandle?
Well, for me I guess it started off with Sara being my favorite character. Then I got the know Greg, by then still the crazy lab rat. My sister and I began to really like him. So for me Sara and Greg were the nicest characters of CSI. When I started reading fanfictions, I noticed a lot of people were writing Grissom/Sara... and I was like: Huh? Grissom and Sara? (I didn't really know about their whole love story in CSI then). And then I once read a Greg/Sara fic and bam... my ship was decided. :lol: And later I found out about all their cute moments and I became obsessed. :)

Wohooooo. We're going fast. :eek: I wasn't here only yesterday and we've moved two pages up. The Sandle love is alive. But as Nikki said there's a minimum of three lines in Shipper Central. So keep that in mine when posting. It's easy, because personally I can never stop rambling about Sandle. ;)

I'll be back with the SPOTD later.
WOW!! we're on page 8 thats my favourite number :D well yeah..i went to well..i only read the sandle ones..for GSR i dont bother :p SaraStar they really are the nicest, cutest, craziest and flirtiest ship ever...thats why i love this ship..

the first time i watched CSI i was attracted to Sara as she is wonderful and smart. I dont know Greg though...but when i first watched organ grinder where sara said that she could really kissed him...i was like :eek: i thought she really was going to kiss him :D

but then DAMN! he turned future...if sara said that sentence again, he would not turn away...he will kiss her! ;) ;)
I started shipping Sandle when me and my friend were watching CSI like, a year or two ago, and it was a marathon or something, so we got re-hooked on CSI. Anyway, during Pre-Al last year we would always talk about CSI and Greg and Sara were our favorite characters. And we were joking around at first being like "Oh, dude, they're totally liek together. Yanno? Like when they're both off screen, what do you think they're doing." Hahah. So, yeah, I was looking for spoilers for the finale, or something for CSI about this time last year, and then I found this page, so I joined TalkCSI. And then I saw this thread and it looked cool, so yeah, I guess that's when I officially started shipping? Plus, yanno Greg and Sara are just too freaking cute together. :D
Sandle Pic Of The Day
(from Cool Change)

Well, since we're talking about when we started shipping Sandle, I thought this pic was appropiate: the scene that Sandle started to exist. :lol: See how he looks at her? He definitely noticed her. :D And uh, don't mind Catherine. :p
Wow, I'm behind haha

Well at first my dad had me watching CSI and he was trying to corrupt me to his evil GSR ways :devil:. I had always like Greggo because he was cute and funny :) plus he was smart. So when I saw Organ Grinder I was like "Hey! He likes Sara!" Then I went back to watch the rest of the episodes and it just fit, so that's when I started shipping, that was like, what? 4 years ago? :D it's a long term relationship :lol:. My dad says he should have gotten me to watch GSR only episodes first. :p

Oh, and SaraStar , love the pic! Catherine looks funny but Greg is totally staring at Sara. :)
Erm...the degree of shipping the guys in band do for Sandle is a Seth thinks that one episode should have Sara and Greg sharing a hotel room one floor above Grissom and the floor caves in and they end up on Grissom's bed...erm...spreading the Sandle love...(Seth was much more graphic, but I think you get the point) but, hey! Sandle is Sandle - no matter how creepy, strange and perverted it may be, right?...and besides, I think Greg wouldn't be opposed to Seth's idea, do you? :p :devil:
Aww luvincsi, that was the cutest thing ever. It makes me all smiley at the cuteyfulness. Sigh, I miss using that word.
Thanks hollie. It made me happy just thinking about it. And I like the word cuteyfulness. :D

I like your Greg/Sara of the Day CSIFray.. It made me laugh. :D

So, when did you guys start shipping Sandle
You guys have cool stories.. <--- really! :D

Well, my story is... Greg has always been my favorite character and I really like Sara. I started shipping Sandle *coughs* only last month. I was searching something until I fled into the site. The Sara/Greg Thread caught my eye and I started reading and visiting the thread until I was turned into a Shipper. I only knew about ships in this site. :D So, you guys turned me into a shipper without knowing. And thank you very much.. I love Sandle. :D Here's a kiss as a token of my gratitude.
(Hahaha! :lol:)

See how he looks at her? He definitely noticed her. And uh, don't mind Catherine.
He's probably thinking how he'll make her fall for him. :lol: Catherine made me laugh. (What's with her hair? :lol:)

Naz, I still can't read your story. :(
Hey guys. Sorry I haven't posted here in a while...
What is that episode where Greg waves at Sara and she just smiles? It's soooo cute but I can't remember it... :(
I love coming to this thread, it reminds me of why I got hooked on CSI in the first place :rolleyes:

anyway... I made a Sandl-ey icon for you all :D
Hello! :D Loki, I also can't remember the epi. Sorry! :( Well, I love love love your icon. *screams* I love it. Very good job! *clap clap*
Well, since we're talking about when we started shipping Sandle, I thought this pic was appropiate: the scene that Sandle started to exist. See how he looks at her? He definitely noticed her. And uh, don't mind Catherine.
Catherine is so cute! :) Maybe she's excited for some Sandle-loving!
anyway... I made a Sandl-ey icon for you all
Awww, thanks gregslabmouse! Cute icon! I looove it! :) Sooo adorable! It just makes me want to bang their heads together so they would kiss, damn it! :lol: :)
kissmesweet said:
Catherine is so cute! :) Maybe she's excited for some Sandle-loving!
That's a good way to look at her expression. :D Maybe she's a Sandle-shipper.. ;)

It just makes me want to bang their heads together so they would kiss, damn it!
That's what I was thinking. :D :lol:

Naz, I still can't read your fic..
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