Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

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:lol: :lol: i always dram of sandle cuzz i kept thinking abt them.. i think abt them when im using the com,while eating, take a shower...before i sleep i imagine of them together as a couple :D Pau i think u should do that too :D :D jk...
^^ Aww, guys you're all welcome! :) TPTB should hire us for some great Sandle-ish scense! :)

Naz--can't wait for your fic!
luvin--I Can't wait for yours either! :) I can't wait! Sandle keeps me H-A-P-P-Y!
How bout in Grissom's office? the room is kinda dark n suitable place
:lol: I see them doing it on Grissom's desk! :lol:

I do but it doesn't work. I'll try harder. :D Then, I'll tell you guys all about it. Did you start on your fanfic yet? I can't wait. :D *looks excited*

And kissmesweet, thanks for the pic. I love it love it. Very adorable :D Cute Alert! Cute Alert! ;) I also like Jorja's outfit. And I adore her shoes. :) And I'm still working on my fanfic. Making it more Sandle-ish!
I see them doing it on Grissom's desk!
:lol: that will be nice... hmm why not on the floor? i mean theres enough space for them to roll over...on the may break into pieces because of the weight and force.. :lol: :lol: :lol: :devil:

i can imagine the look on grissom's face when he sees his desk he will be like :eek: then :(

Grissom: Oh no!! not again i just bought that desk a week ago! now who's gonna pay for that? :lol:
:lol: That would be really something. Grissom's face would be priceless. :lol: Then there will be awkward silence. Grissom will turn his back for just a split sceond and when he turns around Sara and Greg are already gone. in a closet somewhere. Teehee! :lol:
^^ Oh my god! The floor! Even better. :lol: Haha, Grissom will be like "Eh, what happened to my desk...?" :eek: What if he uses the UV light and sees... stuff all over his desk and table? :devil: (If you get what I mean!) God, is that inappropriate? :lol:
I also like Jorja's outfit. And I adore her shoes.
I love Jorja's hair, her outfit... and her expression! I love Eric's hair too and his little awkward pose! Go, Eric! :)

Did you guys know that JORJA USED TO MODEL??? And we know that Greg likes his models! :lol:
:lol: :lol: after he find the DNA... he smiled sarcastically and said

Grissom: you can hide but you cant run away from the evidence...hmm i wonder with who greg do on my table??
kissmesweet said:
Did you guys know that JORJA USED TO MODEL??? And we know that Greg likes his models! :lol:
I didn't know that she used to model. I guess that's another reason why Greg loves Jorja *coughs* I mean Sara. :D ;)

Eric looks really cute in the pic. And I do love his shoes too. :p

:lol: Naz, I can see him saying that and when he finds out... (I have no idea what'll happen)
yup she used to be a model alrighht....hey wait my brain suddenly make a thunder sound.. :lol: wait i think the TPTB is trying to tell us a message...Greg love models right...then Jorja used to be a model right...then greg love sara very much...i think theres connection u noe..

maybe there will be sandle after all.. :D
There will be Sandle Naz! *eats positivity cookies* I just know it. Greg loves Sara and Sara loves Greg. What more do they need to know. Sandle-love is Spreading.. :D
You're done with your 1st chapter!? Hurray! But when I click the link it says "Story not Found". Oh! :( I wanna read it. Can you please also post it in the fan fiction forum. :D
sry i accidentaly delete my story...nw u can click on the 'hehe' well sandle really a perfect couple...seriously...i can see the burning love between them :D :D k i wanna sleep..nytz guyz hope u'll dream of sandle! :D
You.Guys.Type.So.Fast. Lemme try and catch up...

luvincsi said:
No. 2
Greg: So does that thing tell you why?
Sara: What do you have, Greg?
Greg: Well, maybe she had the munchies. Tox screen came back. Ms. Lombart tested positive for cannabis sativai.
Sara: Grass?
Greg: "Grass"? So 70's, man. Sticky green, the dank, the chronic, the cush, the happy stick, wacky-tobaccy..
Sara: Well, wait, wait, wait. Grandma was high?
Greg: Yeah.
Sara: Grandma was high?
Greg (Pretends to inhale on a joint): As a kite.
That is only my favorite Sandle quote ever. It was my sig for awhile when I first joined.

Greg: Sara, what does Grissom have that I don't.
Sara: A beard?
Sara: *smiles* I dont like his beard anyway.
Greg: *laughs* What do you like?
Sara: Welll, I can tell you what I love.
Greg: What?
Sara: *kisses Greg* You.
Aww luvincsi, that was the cutest thing ever. It makes me all smiley at the cuteyfulness. Sigh, I miss using that word. :D

Dutchie, loverly pic of the day, I missed you munchies.

Also thank's for posting the fanfic links, and greg_sara_love, i haven't read it yet, but i'm sure your story will be awesome. :D
kissmesweet said:
Got some Sandle loving!
Sara: No way... Now? The closet? (whispers

Greg: Yep, c'mon. Let's get going. :devil:
Hours later...
Sara: (thinks) Greg is a real man! :D

edited to change images to a links

Please keep in mind that large pictures need to be posted as links because they stretch the screen and take too long to load for posters who still have dial-up.

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