Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

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two most favorite character together?? *screams* This has got to be the best ship.

^^ Oh my God! That's what I was about to come up with, very sweet luvincsi!
Here's a hug for being such good Sandle-buds! Spread Sandle-love!
Whoohoo! Oh my GOd, it never fails to amaze me how great and sweet Sandle shippers are! :) WE LOOOOVE us! :lol:
My two most favorite character together?? *screams* This has got to be the best ship.
Ahhhh! I feel the same! They are without a doubt, the best ship EVER and my favorite characters and lucky for me--(Or "Lucky for us" :lol: Love Sandle quotes!)--they have crazy, great chemistry. So adorable. So cute. Just have the best relationship ever... I LOOOVE them! Flirty and at the time--we know that it's so real.
Thanks guys...
kissmesweet and Naz..

I love Sandle quotes too.. Of course because I heart Sandle! They really are the best ship ever. With those secret glances. Awww... Sandle-love!

Those glances mean something.. They do!! :D
I just love it when Greg flirts with Sara and she kinds of flirts back.. Then there will be some Sandle-hotness going on. :D This ship is indeed the best.
yah....she looove to flirt with greg..well i think she she kinda scared of grissom..i mean scared to flirt with grissom... :p well she kinda enjoy flirting with greg...

:lol: Your post really made me laugh. I like that naz. The Cute Alert! Cute Alert! Hurray! So, how about your fanfic?? I'm just really excited. :D
Guys, where are those 3 lines minimum you have to post? Also, greg_sara_love, don't forget the maximum size for a banner is 220x75 pixels, so yours is a little too big ;)

I've read that book, it made me go all "Aw". I like the books, all of them, but mostly the ones that had Sandle moments. I'm still reading Snake Eyes (it came out later here in Holland) and yeah I've read that part. But now you've ruined my hope for a Sandle moment :p Ah well, I'll live.

Sandle Pic Of The Day:
(From Gum Drops)


I really like this pic for some reason. Maybe it's the lighting.

Hollie! I can't believe you're back! *huggles*
Hurray Dutchie! I lvoe the pic of the day! I remember that epi. The "Gold Star" talk is really adorable. And so is Sara's sarcastic laugh. :D ;)
ouh yah...then greg said to sara whether he will get a gold star then sara was like making a face...u noe the kinda face when a child dun get a toy... :D

She was cute..then Greg stare at her.. a cute stare :D i think he was checking her out :devil:
Cute Alert! Cute Alert!
Yeah.. It was a very Sandly scene. :D While Sara was looking at that sort of chart, Greg did gave her a cute stare, a secret glance, adorable look.. whatever you call it. :lol: That was super duper cute and sweet. :D ;) Awww... Sandle-love!
Got some Sandle loving!
Sara: No way... Now? The closet? (whispers

Greg: Yep, c'mon. Let's get going. :devil:
Hours later...
Sara: (thinks) Greg is a real man! :D

edited to change images to a links
hey ppl i am writing my first fanfic..wish me luck!

before that..*Eating pasotivity cookies, Drinking Blue Hawaiian* Oui then there was a scene in an episode where Sara caress Greg...

OUH YA!!! i almost forgot there no such scene it was in my dreams.. :lol: :lol: sorry sorry wrong channel but then like i said

:lol: :lol: :lol: I love the part where u said 'cummon lets get going' haha thats what i call M-18 :lol: sry..i was joking :rolleyes: well its so cute i can imagine they really have such scene..

But why the closet dont ya think it kinda small and dark? How can they both see in there :devil:
How bout in Grissom's office? :devil: the room is kinda dark n suitable place :devil:
I love the pics and captions kissmesweet. :D Good luck on your fanfic, Naz. I am just adding some things in my super duper short fanfic. I am making it more Sandly. :D You're a lucky one. You always dream of Sandle. :D
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