Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

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^^ Thank you, that picture is great. :)
i've read this CSI book called 'Double Dealer' theres some sandle moments...

'Atleast not until she discovered skinny, spikey haired Greg Sanders,on the phone, a huge grin going , his eyes wide."You're going to do what?" he asked."'re such a bad girl.." Clearing her throat, Sara smiled and, when he spun to face her,gave him a little wave, The grin turned upside down,as he said "Um,we'll continue this late. I've got to go" He hung up without further comment."Serious meaningful relationship Greg? She asked. "Hey its not as kinky as you think"' this part really crack me up
Oh my God, s_g_love! I'M SO GETTING THAT BOOK, honey! Thank you! GO, SANDLE! Whooohoo- see? E-V-E-R-Y-N-B-O-D-Y loves Sandle, because they're so DARN CUTE & so... KINKY! Jorja agrees. :) *Pats Jorja and Eric on their heads and hugs them*
Who won the Sandle Award today..? Is it daily or weekly?
Oh, honey. I'm not on everyday, so it'll be given every week. Sorry! :( I wish I could change it--but I'll still give you guys some Sandle-loving often!
i think that while Grissom has been away, Sara and greg have secretly been using his office as a "secret room" to have a 4 week affair!
Sara: I wonder where everyone went?
Greg: We should check in the janitor's closet *grins mischeviously*
Sara: Great idea, *Grabs Greg's hand and runs to the closet*
Yep, it'll be award winning hahaha
Honey, in OUR SANDLE FANDOM--Sara dumped Gil as he wasn't caring or sweet or adorable enough and Sara and Greg totally did it on Grissom's desk and they threw his files, stationary, plants and insects-models. :lol: Gil isn't gonna be happy when he finds out. :rolleyes: He's not going to though, I suppose--they hide the evidence so well!
In my fandom, they're in love. :)
well Pau u can get that book in the libraby...the author's name is Max Allan Collins' well ppl should also read CSI book called 'Snake Eye' it has no sandle moments but Greg is very very funny :lol: i remember the part where he wanted to pee during the case :lol: :lol: that really crack me up

Ouh yes Sara should dump Grissom cuz he seemed like he's not care abt her...he only care abt the case...Greg on the other hand always care abt her..i have the feeling that Sara might too change her mind and wanted to go to greg someday :D :D i will be happy
^^ I know. I have a feeling that with all the Sandle moments through the seasons--and the AMAZING FANNYSMACKIN' moment this episode--I'm thinking that it will lead to SOMETHING. SOMETHING GOOOOOD. :)
You're here kissmesweet! :D I can see people are busy right now.. I guess I'll be too when class will start again. :( ;) Well, I watched Crash and Burn this afternoon and there was a cute Sandle Scene there.. Well, I spotted two.
No. 1
Greg: Hey, I hear you're working on Hank's case.
Sara: I believe it's my case.
Greg: Territorial. You know, guys don't like that.
Sara: You're crowding me, Greg.
Greg: Well, I have some information that'll bring us even closer.

They were so close. I wish Greg leaned closer to Sara and kissed her. :D Awww.. Sandle-love! I was sort of screaming in my seat and my sis was trying to make me shut up but I couldnt. It's the Sandlelitis.. :D ;)

No. 2
Greg: So does that thing tell you why?
Sara: What do you have, Greg?
Greg: Well, maybe she had the munchies. Tox screen came back. Ms. Lombart tested positive for cannabis sativai.
Sara: Grass?
Greg: "Grass"? So 70's, man. Sticky green, the dank, the chronic, the cush, the happy stick, wacky-tobaccy..
Sara: Well, wait, wait, wait. Grandma was high?
Greg: Yeah.
Sara: Grandma was high?
Greg (Pretends to inhale on a joint): As a kite.

Greg was really adorable when he did that. So cute. *faints* And I like Sara's smile. She looks really surprise and excited. It's nice that even with the information Greg gives Sara could make her smile and laugh. And of course with Greg's actions too. :D Aww.. Sandle-love! :D

I can watch that scene over and over again.. :D ;)
Ahh--I totally get it. Sandle-itis gets me so H-I-G-H during Sandle-scenes and upset when GSR comes on. Grrr. :lol: Love those scenes--thank you! They make me sooo happy!

Wow, we're on page S-E-V-E-N! That's crazy. Wow, the Sandle love is so on.
greg_sara_love said:
well Pau u can get that book in the libraby...the author's name is Max Allan Collins' well ppl should also read CSI book called 'Snake Eye' it has no sandle moments but Greg is very very funny :lol: i remember the part where he wanted to pee during the case :lol: :lol: that really crack me up
It makes me want to read it even more. I guess the libraries here don't have CSI books.. :( Hmm.. I'll just look for it in some bookstores. And hope I'll find one.

Yeah kissmesweet. The scene makes me happy too. :D
And yay! We're on the 7th page. Woohoo!
Yeah sandle love goes on and on SANDLE for ETERNITY!!!! :D :D ouh yah were on the SEVENTH PAGE!!! now thats what i call SPREADING SANDLE LOVE!! :D
kissmesweet said:
and upset when GSR comes on. Grrr. :lol:
I can totally relate on that one. Everytime I see it I just want to
. :lol: Well, not really. But I do feel sad and kind of mad.
You really did that? Well, lucky me. I haven't seen Way to Go yet. or maybe I had but forgot about it. *gives confused look*
Yeah kissmesweet. The scene makes me happy too.
Heheh, all Sandle scenes make us H-A-P-P-Y and giddy and high on the Sandle love!!!
I can totally relate on that one. Everytime I see it I just want to (kills screen)
I know... I mean--Okay, I get it--they're together (in your dreams... :rolleyes:)--but we don't need EVERY SINGLE scene on Sara/Grissom! I mean, hello--my friend and I were just talking about how Sandle is the best ship ever.
And no one's gonna change my thoughts!
ouh will ever change my mind frm sandle to gsr..ever sandle is the best ship ever. it is the cutest loving crazy and flirty ship ever. ;)
my friend and I were just talking about how Sandle is the best ship ever.
And no one's gonna change my thoughts!
Mine too. From the first time I knew about this ship, I loved it. My two most favorite character together?? *screams* This has got to be the best ship.

Here's a hug for being such good Sandle-buds!
Spread Sandle-love!

So Naz, have you thought of an idea for your Sandle fanfic yet? :D
i remember the times when greg said to sara..'What does Hank have that i dont...' well i hope he will say the same way..refering to grissom...whe he do say that...i will be like 'HAH! TAKE THAT GSR!!' :lol: :lol: but hey lets think positive...this is a positive ship rite...

but no harm releasing ur thoughts..well this is a forum anyway :D
greg_sara_love said:
i remember the times when greg said to sara..'What does Hank have that i dont...' well i hope he will say the same way..refering to grissom...
I can totally see that. Greg could ask her again.

Greg: Sara, what does Grissom have that I don't.
Sara: A beard?
Greg: :confused:
Sara: *smiles* I dont like his beard anyway.
Greg: *laughs* What do you like?
Sara: Welll, I can tell you what I love.
Greg: What?
Sara: *kisses Greg* You.

Aww.. Sandle-love! I feel so Sandly! :D
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