Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

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Aw Pau, don't be shy, I'm sure your fanfic is great. What Sandle story can't be awesome? Let me know when you have it up. :)

Oh by the way, Delia, how's it going with the Sandle website? Got anything yet?
Crazy and a cute couple, Naz:D :) I don't have an account on yet. And I'll let everyone know if it's ready and finished. Thanks a lot Naz and Eva. I feel happy and encouraged. :D :) Let us know if you're done too Naz.

Naz, I love your avatar! *looks at the avatar and faints* It looks familiar, What epi is that from?
its frm i dunno hehe but my sig is frm kiss kiss bye bye :D...i too like it when greg did that...i hope sara saw that...hes cute...btw Pau had u recieved my PM yet?? :D
I like that epi. He made Sara laugh which was such an adorable laugh. Awww... Sandle-love! :D ;)

Yehey! You sent me a PM? I'll check right now. :)
ouh yah..that laugh really meant smth....

u noe what..during my math class..i was suppose to solve this problem..its too difficult but then i wrote Greg Sanders + Sara Sidle = Sandle love

But then i forgot to rub it teacher then gave me a big question mark and a zero :lol: :lol:..but it was worth it :D :lol:
i've read this CSI book called 'Double Dealer' theres some sandle moments...

'Atleast not until she discovered skinny, spikey haired Greg Sanders,on the phone, a huge grin going , his eyes wide."You're going to do what?" he asked."'re such a bad girl.." Clearing her throat, Sara smiled and, when he spun to face her,gave him a little wave, The grin turned upside down,as he said "Um,we'll continue this late. I've got to go" He hung up without further comment."Serious meaningful relationship Greg? She asked. "Hey its not as kinky as you think"' :lol: :lol: this part really crack me up :lol:
greg_sara_love said:
i've read this CSI book called 'Double Dealer' theres some sandle moments...

'Atleast not until she discovered skinny, spikey haired Greg Sanders,on the phone, a huge grin going , his eyes wide."You're going to do what?" he asked."'re such a bad girl.." Clearing her throat, Sara smiled and, when he spun to face her,gave him a little wave, The grin turned upside down,as he said "Um,we'll continue this late. I've got to go" He hung up without further comment."Serious meaningful relationship Greg? She asked. "Hey its not as kinky as you think"' :lol: :lol: this part really crack me up :lol:
I have that book! I just don't think i got that far yet, cause I read like the first chapter, but then I started reading Diary by Chuck Palahniuk. So, I guess i'll have to get back to that book now. :D

luvincsi, thanks! Actually Silhouette made it awhile ago, I tried to make one by myself, but it didn't turn out so well, thus I went back to using this one. It makes me happy. :D

Hopefully TPTB won't continue their streak of season finales lacking Greg. Because with Sara missing, of course Greg would have a good reaction. They couldn't leave him out of it. I hope...

Also, all of this talk about Sandle fanfics drew my interest. I've read a lot of different stories, and if anyone is planning on writing one I would be glad to give feedback, I love reading Sandle stories. :D And I also enjoy writing them, but I haven't really written much in awhile...
Welcome back hollie! :D I'm late, I know. Sorry.

I was thinking the same thing about his lack of screentime. I hope it's not only Gris being upset because I know for a fact Nick and Greg would be going crazy. I hope Eric really shows how worried Greg is in the scenes he has. We know he's pulling for Sara. :D

Sandle website? Sweet.

Good choice for the SPOTD, Eva! Sandle in action. :lol: I'll have to read your fic, too. :D

hollie, your icon makes me want to have a Sandle one. Omg, I want one now. :lol: I'm gonna go look for some. :p
i had another sandle thought today!
i think that while Grissom has been away, Sara and greg have secretly been using his office as a "secret room" to have a 4 week affair!
i'm sure of it because the other week, Sara stopped to talk to Keppler when he was looking in the office, but i bet she was really going for one of their sandle meetings! :devil: :D i'm sure Greg was hiding just behind some of the shelves until Keppler left :p
lmao CSIMonkey ! That's exactly it isn't it? Wow I could imagine Greg waiting for Keppler to leave while he's hiding somewhere :D

greg_sara_love said:
i've read this CSI book called 'Double Dealer' theres some sandle moments...
'Atleast not until she discovered skinny, spikey haired Greg Sanders,on the phone, a huge grin going , his eyes wide."You're going to do what?" he asked."'re such a bad girl.." Clearing her throat, Sara smiled and, when he spun to face her,gave him a little wave, The grin turned upside down,as he said "Um,we'll continue this late. I've got to go" He hung up without further comment."Serious meaningful relationship Greg? She asked. "Hey its not as kinky as you think"' this part really crack me up

:eek:I want that book

All this talk about fanfictions makes me wanna go read some :) *Runs off*
I love all your avatars guys.. Sandersidle, yours made me smile_ Awww... Sandle-love. csimonkey, *looks at it and faint*, GregsLabrat, I agree wth your avatar and araSgerG, yours made me laugh.

i've read this CSI book called 'Double Dealer' theres some sandle moments...

'Atleast not until she discovered skinny, spikey haired Greg Sanders,on the phone, a huge grin going , his eyes wide."You're going to do what?" he asked."'re such a bad girl.." Clearing her throat, Sara smiled and, when he spun to face her,gave him a little wave, The grin turned upside down,as he said "Um,we'll continue this late. I've got to go" He hung up without further comment."Serious meaningful relationship Greg? She asked. "Hey its not as kinky as you think"' this part really crack me up
I don't own any CSI book. *sob* Where can I get some? Oh! I want one.. :D ;)

i think that while Grissom has been away, Sara and greg have secretly been using his office as a "secret room" to have a 4 week affair!
i'm sure of it because the other week, Sara stopped to talk to Keppler when he was looking in the office, but i bet she was really going for one of their sandle meetings! i'm sure Greg was hiding just behind some of the shelves until Keppler left
:D Yeah. And maybe that's why I was seeing less and less of them in some epis. :D ;)

Yehey! arasgerg! Fanfics!! I'm going to read some of them right... now! :D
YAY! SAndle fics for me :) Thank you araSgerG !

I tell you, if they don't have sandle scenes soon, we should just start our own CSI show with them in it :D
CSI: Sandle, I can see it now:

Sara: I wonder where everyone went?
Greg: We should check in the janitor's closet *grins mischeviously*
Sara: Great idea, *Grabs Greg's hand and runs to the closet*

:lol:Yep, it'll be award winning hahaha
CSI: Sandle..

*sits on thinking chair* Great idea! *clap clap* It'll be the best spin off yet! Hurray!

And I got another pic here that I really like..
Click me and you'll see

Hmm... How come I never bumped into kissmesweet anymore. :confused: ;) :D
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