Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

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Naz, you're here!! :D

I also hope that Greg will have a big part. And I hope Greg won't be happy if GSR was brought out in the open. If he would be. I promise I'll kick our tv. :lol: And if Sara was found, I hope she would pour all out her tears or fears into Greg's arms.
Hi hollie! So nice to see you here again. :D

We're a little behind on the SPOTD, but here you go, for today.

Sandle Pic Of The Day
(from Grave Danger)


It was a pretty dark cap, so I lit it up a bit with PSP. Sandle in action! :)
I love the Sandle pic of the Day!! Thanks SaraStar! I can't wait for you to update your story but no pressure here. :D Who won the Sandle Award today..? ;) :D Is it daily or weekly?
You're very welcome! You guys can go ahead and call me Eva if you want... but SaraStar is fine with me too. Whatever you want. :)

As for my stories; yesterday I posted a brand new fic. It'll be a Saracentric story, but of course there'll be hints and moments with Sandle, because otherwise it's not a story of mine. :lol: I just can't help myself... anyway, if you're interested in reading it, here's the link: Fall Away.
Faded Away will be updated one of these days, I promise.
Thanks Naz! Is it summer there or do you still have class? Just curious.. ;) :D

I found a Sandle pic that i really love. It just shows how great they work together. :D :)
Click me and you'll see

And here's another one.. :D

click me and You'll see (I like that they have the same position.. :D)

And Eva, I love the start. I'm curious about what the letter says.. :)
well pau sometimes i am busy..u noe class.. :D BTW which channel u haf that shows the epidode that hvnt aired on asia??

and Eva luv ur fanfic alot!! well...great story..

i love it when sara hugged greg in future i wish they will do smth more... :devil: :devil:
You have class?? I thought it was summer there too.. :)

No, I don't watch it in a channel. I have this dvd. But the epis is only until Big Shots.:) Do you write fanfics too Naz? I love to read fanfics.. or Sandle vids.
:eek: :eek: u haf DVD already :eek: :eek: still thinkin abt the story i wanna write... :D well Pau i also love to watch sandle always make me happy...they both r really cute together :D
*looks around* Shhh... It was a gift. It's not an official DVD. My aunt kind of did it. I have no idea how.. Speaking of DVD, I have the complete season from 1-6! *jumps for joy and shouts* I guess this means staying up late. :lol:

Good luck on your fanfic. I can't wait. I already made one. It's super duper short. I am thinking of making a continuation (i always make continuations :lol:). Good Luck on your fanfic Naz! Good luck!
now that what i call a coolest aunt :D hey i wanna read ur fanfic!! yup i also haf the complete season frm 1-6 in season 5 theres alot of sandle moments...i hope in season seven there will be alot of sandle moments :D
I guess I should start with season 5 huh? :lol: I dont know if you'll like my fanfic. And *turns pink* Im shy. *gigles* It's not as good as Eva's or Loki's.
dont be shy Pau it must good :D all sandle fanfics are the best.... :lol: cuz they r the cutset couple ever..we have alot of ideas for a story abt them.. :D
Thanks Naz! I'll just work on some major modifications. If you're done with yours maybe we'll post them together. When I go to, I only read Sandle ones. Then I'll just find myself screaming.. :lol:
Oh..then whats ur nickname in i wanna read ur fanfic ;) well yah i also read sandle fanfics only i find it crazy...well u noe they are the craziest couple :lol:
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