Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

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Big shots was totally awesome not only did he trust her with his secret but she totally protected him from Ms. James :) Because she looooooves him haha :lol:

And i realized, alot of people like to call Greg 'white boy'...lmao :lol:
ahaha!!! yah i can see that...hes a nice white fact a hot one.. :D :D thats why sara loves him... they both are like meant for each other..seriously cuz they are crazy.. :lol: :lol:
Hey ermm SaraStar when will ya finish ur fanfic :D i really love them and the suspence is killin has a really great sandle spark over there :D well i hope the tv will show such things.. :D :D
^^ Yummy boy too. :) Gorgeous, cute boy! Yep, they're both insane and insanely in love! :lol: Don't you guys agree?
Oh and I don't think that you're allowed to talk about downloading and stuff here. I have before--and I don't think you're suppose to.
greg_sara_love said:
Hey ermm SaraStar when will ya finish ur fanfic :D i really love them and the suspence is killin has a really great sandle spark over there :D well i hope the tv will show such things.. :D :D

I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting. It's just that school keeps me busy all the time and I don't want to rush-write my fics. I want to have enough time to write them like I have them in my head. My holiday started yesterday, so you can expect an update on 'Faded Away' one of these days. I also have gotten back my inspiration to 'From Sara With Love', so I'll continue that one too. It's been on hiatus for awhile. Thanks again for reading them; it makes me so happy that you like my stories. :)

Delia! Thanks for posting that 'Fannysmackin'' moment. I got so happy reading it all over again. Now I have to watch it again. :lol:
^^ :lol: You're welcome. I just found you on fanfic too and I'm going to be reading some stuff! :) I've read one of your oneshots before and reviewed. I'll read another today probably! :) You, rule Sara Star!
its ok SaraStar take ur time...we can wait :D

ouh yah i love the way sara stroke his hair..its so romantic..and caring..thats what i call LOVE :D
Aww, you guys missed me? :D Well, I'm back, and I missed you guys too.

Sandlelitis! Thats like, an amazing explaination for my addiction with Sandle. Hahah.

Kissmesweet I love your desktop, and I think the Sandle Award is sucha cool idea, and it's a very attractive looking cup, if i do say so myself. :devil: Heheh...

I too love the scene in Big Shots where Sara defends Greg. And I tend to think of that scene, or any other cute Sandle scenes whenever GSR tends to reer its ugly head. Like the last episode, Ending Happy. I won't complain about it here, but lets just say I wanted to shower, like five times after I saw it. *shudders*
boy you girls are fast. :D :lol:

I hope some sandle moment rub off on towards the finale. I mean...
If Sara is truely in danger, I think GREG would be right there also. He does love her and she doesn't know she loves him too. I think Grissom would be totally shocked and hopefully relieved to see Greg wanting to help Sara. I also hope Greg gives Grissom an earful of what he thinks of Gris and Sara's relationship.
A late welcome to sandle_rocks. :) Newbies are always welcome here!
Hi hollie!
Glad to see you around these parts. And hello to you too, undercover_agent! As for top sandle moments, let me go digging around for a certain list...

I too love the scene in Big Shots where Sara defends Greg. And I tend to think of that scene, or any other cute Sandle scenes whenever GSR tends to reer its ugly head. Like the last episode, Ending Happy. I won't complain about it here, but lets just say I wanted to shower, like five times after I saw it. *shudders*
Poor hollie. At least you'd be squeaky clean. :lol: I thought Ending Happy was good even if it lacked sandle scenes (I choose to remain positive. But seriously, Grissom is becoming a real Sara-hog! :p)

boy you girls are fast. :D :lol:
You bet, hhunter! We're going to remain positive and post and share our sandle thoughts. Double digit responsibilities and all. ;)

And Eric Szmanda so deserves that "sandle trophy". He is the biggest sandle supporter and just like sandersidle said:
I know Jorja likes GSR but I think deep down inside a part of her is a Sandle shipper. I mean who couldn't love Sandle?
True. Plus she hangs out with Eric more than William (kickball and crazy concerts!) :cool:
^^ Wait, she likes GSR? If I'm sure, I don't think that Jorja ever said that she liked the ship. She said before in an interview that that the relationship was taking an "interesting" turn, but never once--did she say something like "Hey, I really love the dynamic of GSR."

ouh yah i love the way sara stroke his hair..its so romantic..and caring..thats what i call LOVE
Me too. :) It's so easy to see that they would be M-A-G-I-C if they they were together!
Kissmesweet I love your desktop, and I think the Sandle Award is sucha cool idea, and it's a very attractive looking cup, if i do say so myself. Heheh...
Ahh, thanks Hollie! I'm so glad that you liked it! :) I do it to spread the S-A-N-D-L-E love!

hhunter : I totally agree. He'll be so worried and I really hope we'll see that!! If we don't--I'll die.
she hangs out with Eric more than William
yes! thats so true...well i think Eric told Jorja abt sandle...and Jorja will be like yah..i feel the same way too... He must've told Jorja rite...well a guy like him always tell somebody smth... :D :D

When i watch 'Way to go' the last part where grissom and sara in a room together...i was like eeeee!!! :eek: WHY ME!!!WHY ME!!! i seriously hope that that was greg but WHY ME!!! then my mom said that im crazy.... :D :D
Ew, I know what you mean about the "Ending Happy' scene, blech XP but i'm low on positivity cookies and in my weak state I just thought:

What if throughout all of the season finale when Sara's gone...what if Greg just isn't really there at all! Like he was barely in 2 scenes when Nick was buried! TPTB PLEASE GIVE GREGGO A BIG PART IN THIS! I would really hate to watch this episode and have no Greg reaction at all :eek:
I am really behind posting. My sis told me I'm very addicted now so she won't let me use the pc. I cried last night. :(

Hey Pau can i ask you a question?? What program u hfaf that can make watch the episode which had not being aired in asia?? juz curious..
Well I have this dvd. *wink wink* Well, I do. But the it's only until Big Shots. How come I don't bump into you here anymore. :) :confused:

Hollie, I love your avatar. *looks at the avatar and faints* :D ;)

I don't think GSR is romantic at all. In an epi (I think it was law of gravity), even though he didn't care on how Sara smelled and when he was walking toward Sara and Sara is kind of backing away, I didn't think it was adorable or romantic. I think Grissom was about to eat Sara or something. That's what I think of the look on his face. :p :rolleyes:
oh no!! it cant be!!! greg must be there..greg must work so hard to save sara..cummon sara is his crush and he loves her...if TPTB nvr put greg in to reaction...i swear ill curse the writers!!!
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