Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

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woohoo!!! thats what i call sandle-tastic cup!!! i seriously looove it! Welcome Amy love to see a new sandle shipper here ;)

On season seven, we have not much sandle scene but a very strong sandle scene in Fannysmackin.... :D thats is a strong one :D
Ahh! I forgot to welcome our new Sandle shipper! So Welcome Amy !

Oh wow Kissmesweet , that is one awesome cup, we need to send one of those to Eric and Jorja :D and of course they're secretly together, that's why there aren't anymore sandle scenes, they're trying to make it incognito ;)
ahaha....secretly together huh? :lol: :lol: i totally agree wif ya TOTALLY.. :D but then please do more sandle scene... :p

well... greg's face doesnt suit to be a angry face...seriously cuzz he always smile :D that will make sara melt like a ice cream :D
Delia! I love the Sandle award. That's a really great idea. And of course Eric deserves to win it fully... he's our biggest Sandle shipper in the cast. I love him! And we know Jorja's one too. She just doesn't know it yet. ;) But Eric will take care of that. He'll make her into a Sandle shipper. :D

Welcome Amy! Nice to meet you. Happy to see you here; new Sandle shippers are always welcome. Whoa, this community is growing so fast recently. :)
Welcome Amy! *gives positivity cookies and Blue Hawaiian* It's nice to see that the ship is growing... :D Spreadin' Sandle-love!!

And kissmesweet, I love the your desktop wallpaper.. *insert jealous face right here* I want one too :( It's really nice *insert smiley face here* I love it.. I like the brushy thing in the side too. Did you make that? If you did, good job! *two thumbs up*

I also love the Sandle award idea.. And the trophy too.. :D

I can't believe Im getting a little behind in posting.. :eek: Well, I guess it's because Im kind of enjoying summer here..
Sandle Award! :lol: That's cool. So why did you pick Eric? Cause he's a Sandle shipper? :D I love Eric for that! *Cheers him on* Woot! I know Jorja likes GSR but I think deep down inside a part of her is a Sandle shipper. I mean who couldn't love Sandle? It should be illigal. :p

Welcome to the positivity thread, Amy! :) *passes positivity cookies and Blue Hawaiian*

I'm seriously just so excited about the finale. I've been waiting for GSR to be thrown into the open for so long. We have so many possible Sandle scenes. 1. Greg being upset over GSR 2. Greg hugging Sara if they find her (in the premire I guess) 3. If... they don't find Sara... Greg being upset. (Woah, understatement of the year! :lol:) BUT I hope that doesn't happen!! :eek: :(
Thanks for the comments on the cup! I'll present it again next week to a member just for the fun of it! :)

Did you guys see this week's ep? Totally grossed me out! :rolleyes:

Yay! It really does sound exciting! I absolutely can't wait! Bring on the angst! Bring on the Sandle! I know that Greg is her rock no matter what and that will never change no matter what!
I really want number 2 to happen sandersidle. :D It would be the sweetest hug ever! The number 1.. Im not sure. I dont want to see Greg like that (i think) I'll be crushed like in Fannysmackin and in Big Shots while he was having that flashback. :( :)

What epi is that kissmesweet? (I can't believe i lovbed to be spoiled) :lol: :eek:
When he had that flashback... I was so scared. I wanted Sara to hug him and kiss him and comfort him! :) Oh, the episode I was just talking about? It's about the Finale! I love spoilers too! I tried to swear them off last year--I went spoiler free for three months and then I couldn't stand it anymore and I went insane and caught up on every single spoiler! :lol:
I was scared too. I thought he was going to collapse or something. And he would fall into Sara's arms and she would cry and ask for help and Greg would tell her he feel his heart slowing down. And Sara would say to stay with her and don't leave. Greg wll say he always loved her and Sara will say the same thing, they'll kiss then- Okay, that was too much :D but I feel very Sandly today ;) even though I have a stomachache.. ouch! :(

I was talking about the epi that disgusted you.. :lol: Well, the only thing that grossed me out and if we're in a shipper thread is Gun-Shot-Resedue (if you know what I mean ;))
I love some of the moments I'm seeing you guys talk about.

But what is the Sandle's fans all time moment? I'm still new, so I'm not sure what any fans like. lol

I hope it's some good ones! I would love pics too!
I was talking about the epi that disgusted you..
Um, honey. Do me a favor here. I don't want to tell you what happened. Log onto and read the synopsis. It's not good, Sandle-wise, honey. Sorry!
But what is the Sandle's fans all time moment? I'm still new, so I'm not sure what any fans like. lol
Points to the thread, title sweetie! Look! WE LOVE ALLLL Sandley episode, but so far--Fannysmackin': lemme fetch the scene.


(A group of observers has gathered at the taped-off entry to the alley. Sofia
talks with a hysterical Marla James, Demetrius’ mother.)

MARLA JAMES: Please let me see Demetrius. I just want to talk to him.

SOFIA: I'm sorry. It's a crime scene. I can't let you pass. I'm sorry.

MARLA JAMES: (o.s.) He's not dead, is he?

(Sara runs up to the tape.)

SOFIA: He's been badly injured, but he's being attended to, I promise you.

(The officers lift the tape for Sara. She rushes past Sofia, who walks with her
to the scene.)


SARA: Hey.

(Sara sees three bodies on the alley floor. Medics attend to the beaten visitor
and the attacker. Greg is unattended in the center.)

SARA: Why isn't there a medic on Greg?

SOFIA: He's been stabilized. Sara, he's going to be okay.

(Sofia walks away. Sara walks over to Greg and kneels next to him. Greg’s eyes
are closed.)

(Sara puts a hand on Greg’s hair, lightly stroking, offering what little comfort
she can.)

GREG: (faintly) Sara ...

SARA: I didn't think you could see me.

GREG: I can't ... but I know that Sidle scent.

SARA: I'm going to take that as a compliment.

(Sara looks up and turns away as she sniffles.)

GREG: (rasps) I scratched one of them.

(Sara takes Greg’s hand with hers, careful to avoid touching his fingernails.)

GREG: And you should check my vest. I think the same guy s-spit on me.

(Sara doesn’t say anything.)

GREG: And one of their cars crashed into the Denali. I guarantee there's
transfer on it.

(Sara doesn’t move. She continues to stroke Greg’s hair.)

GREG: You should process the scene now. Me later.

SARA: I came here for you, Greg.
God, Fannysmackin' is so beautiful! It really emphasized just how much they cared for each other?

Scene from 'Big Shots'--my new favorite Sandley episode, because he went to HER for help when he wanted to know more about the Demetrius James' brother's case and he was kicked off.

(Sara and Greg walk through the hallway.)

SARA: You observed the interview? If the undersheriff had seen you, he
would've gone ballistic.

GREG: Well, I'm still off the case. Besides, I just happened to be listening,
and I heard Aaron say that he didn't kick the girl out of the limo.

(Sara looks at Greg.)

SARA: You want me to check the body?

GREG: Well, bruises get more distinguished as a body decomposes, so just see if
there's anything we missed.

(As they talk, they don’t notice the commotion going on at reception.)

MARLA JAMES: (b.g.) That's the one I want to talk to.

SARA: (to Greg) I'm on it.

MARLA JAMES: (b.g.) That's the one I’m looking for.

(Marla James steps into the hallway.)

JUDY TREMONT (RECEPTIONIST): Miss, excuse me. You're not allowed back there!

(She heads over toward Greg.)

MARLA JAMES: Taking one of my boys wasn't good enough for you, was it? Now
you've got to take both? What did we ever do to you?

GREG: Mrs. James, I don't have anything against you or your family.

MARLA JAMES: Then what is it? Is it about the money? Then take it! I just
want my boy back!

(An officer runs into the hallway.)

SARA: Mrs. James, you need to calm down ...

MARLA JAMES: I'm not talking to you!

SARA: Well, you're going to get yourself into trouble here.

OFFICER: Ma'am ... you're going to have to leave.

MARLA JAMES: (scoffs) Protecting the nice white boy from the mean black lady.
(The officer leads her back out to reception.) You've got to help me. You owe
me. You owe me!

(The officer escorts Marla James back to reception.)

(Greg turns the hallway and follows her.)

GREG: What do I owe you?

MARLA JAMES: Yeah, like you don't know.

GREG: I'll tell you what I know: I know that Demitrius was a killer. And
Aaron -- Aaron made the decision to hang out with Drops. He made the decision
to do drugs, and to bring that girl into the limo. That's not on me. It's on
him, and you.

(She turns and looks at Greg.)

MARLA JAMES: Aaron is all I have left.

(Marla turns and leaves.)
So sweet. Greg could have asked anyone else to help him. Cath, Warrick, Nicky... but he chose Sara!
:rolleyes: What does that tell you? :devil:
Hello undercover_agent! *waves* Welcome! :D

Oh kissmesweet! That what I really think when I saw Big Shots. Why Sara? Because he totally trust her_ And trust is love.. :D
i have not watch Big Shot yet... :( after i read the post, i really find it loving and cute :D and luvincsi i really agree with is love..

BTW ppl thanx 4 the warm welcome...i seriously love this ship ;) sandle yeah!!
Hey Pau can i ask you a question?? What program u hfaf that can make watch the episode which had not being aired in asia?? juz curious.. :D

OOO thats a good one..way to go sara...dont mention it Amy we all give a warm welcome to our newest member here.. :D luv ya to be in sandle thread!! during te commotion, there must be a lovely sandle stare rite?? :D i can tell hehe ;)
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