Sandle RP

Greg stepped into the hallway and made his way to the locker room when he realized Sara wasn't behind him.

He stopped in the middle of hallway and turned to find her leaning on the wall outside the breakroom, "You're not coming? I mean, the locker is near the front door, so I could get my stuff then we could go."

[Umm, does that make sense? Haha I have no idea where the locker room is in the building... but shhh, just pretend ;) Dutchie I like your take on Sofia... she's a lot nicer and a lot more helpful (esp Sandle-wise :D) than the original Sofia in the show ;)]
(what can I say? It's what I would do. I like my Sofia too. :lol:)

Sofia watched Catherine walk away to find Warrick. She was obviously confused, but that didn't bother her. She leaned back against the wall and saw Greg call out to Sara. "They'll make a really nice couple." She thought. Then she decided to goo see Grissom. She hadn't seen him all day. When she passed Greg, she softly said:

"I want details tomorrow Greggo. Details."

And she walked away.

(giving Hestia something to do too.)
[yea I guess Hestia is online too... and since I'll be gone to the locker room, I can't talk to you Maybe you could PM her if you wanna continue cuz I'll go to sleep soon ]

Greg just grinned to what Sofia said to him. He glanced at Sara and whispered back to Sofia, "No chance. All you need to do is see if there's a stupid grin on my face tomorrow." He cocked his eyebrow and then walked away with Sara. Talking and smiling.
[Alright, toomuchovertime. You already sign in that RP site too, do you? Anyway, gotta run for the night, so I decided to add a bit for hollie to work on :)]

Greg opened his locker door. He glanced at Sara who was leaning against her own locker.

"Where are we going?" He took off his jacket and shoved it inside his locker. It's always a good thing he always keep a clean shirt handy.

He picked it up, and took his shirt off.

[I know... SKIN!!! :eek: :eek: Well, a little 'gift' before I run for the night ;) To the honour of our current thread title 'She Saw Everything' :lol: and Dutchie's new fic by the same name :D :D]
[YEY skin!! :D :D :D]

"Well there's this place I usually..." she started to say, but was distracted when Greg began to take off his shirt. Get a hold of yourself! she thought. "Um, go to. It's right down the road, it's owned by this local guy." she managed to finish, as she felt her face turn bright red. She opened her locker to grab her jacket and quickly checked her face in the mirrior as she saw it turn back to its natural color. By the time she was done, Greg had a new gorgeous shirt on. He ran his fingers through his amazing hair a flashed her his adorable smile. "You ready?" she said with a grin.
Greg glanced at the mirror on his locker door, and he smirked to himself when he caught Sara mumbled for words. So are you nervous now, Miss 'She Saw Everything'?
It reminded him to when they had to strip and take decontamination shower together. How she had teased him. He promised to himself that he'd 'get even' one day... <<Shout out to Dutchie's new fic :D>>

He put a new shirt on. He looked down and was juggling the idea of changing his pants too... but he decided it wasn't the best idea... Her face has turned bright red already (yes he could even see that through his mirror). The last thing he want to do is to scare her away.

He checked his spiky hair. It was still messy. Good.

Greg ran his fingers through his hair and smiled at her. He was feeling a little nervous and hoped it didn't show.

She asked him "You ready?"
Greg walked up to her and held out his bent arm. "Let's go."

[Jeez I had to supress the urge to write Greg shoving her against her locker :lol: Well that can wait ;) And finally after 5 pages, they're going! YAY! :D oh yeah, haven't I told you that you're awesome, hollie? :D]
Cath waved to the techs in the lab and went to Warrick's office. She rapped her knuckles gently ont the door. She was anxious to tell him her plan.
[*gasp* skin! *faints* I saw 'King baby' yesterday, and that is the Sofia I play. That scene with Sara about the breast milk...wonderful. That's my Sofia! But now where's my Grissom?]

Sofia walked towards Grissom's office, crossing the lockerroom. She caught a glimpse of Sara and Greg...whoa! Sara and shirtless Greg! Sofia praised herself for sending Catherine to Warrick.

She reached Grissom's office and knocked on the door. "Grissom? It's me, Sofia."
[maybe you could try PM Hestia :) I guess she's a bit busy right now... you want me to double as a labtech or something so I could talk to you meanwhile?

Anyway, excuse me, I don't contribute more line to the story , but I had to comment...
Dutchie said:
Sofia walked towards Grissom's office, crossing the lockerroom. She caught a glimpse of Sara and Greg...whoa! Sara and shirtless Greg! Sofia praised herself for sending Catherine to Warrick.
Mwahahahhahahahahahah I dunno why but this made me laugh! :lol:]
(Here I am! I've just sat back and read the posts. Very good story! Shirtless Greg = :D)

[*gasp* skin! *faints* I saw 'King baby' yesterday, and that is the Sofia I play. That scene with Sara about the breast milk...wonderful. That's my Sofia! But now where's my Grissom?]

Sofia walked towards Grissom's office, crossing the lockerroom. She caught a glimpse of Sara and Greg...whoa! Sara and shirtless Greg! Sofia praised herself for sending Catherine to Warrick.

She reached Grissom's office and knocked on the door. "Grissom? It's me, Sofia."
Grissom felt like he was literally buried in paperwork so he welcomed the distraction.
"Come in."
The little spider that Sophia found was currently making itself at home in the glass box occupying one of his other arachnid friends. He was glad his new pet was getting along so well with his tarantula.
Clearing some papers from a chair he invited her to sit down, "How's your case going?"
"Good, though Sara seemed a bit distracted with it. But that could also be the result of..." She closed her mouth again. Grissom probably wouldn't like to hear that Sara was going out with Greg. "Well, she just seemed distracted. She's off now. I see your little spider likes it here?" She asked, pointing towards the glass box.
[Prolly Silhouette :D But that's okay cause you rock.]

Sara wrapped her arm around Greg's and couldn't help but laugh at the look he gave her. Though, she had a feeling that it was his intention. She couldn't count the number of thoughts going through her head as they exited the locker room, nearing the exit of the lab. She had no doubt in her mind that this night would turn out well and we glad that it was finally happening. As they entered the parking lot, Sara turned to Greg and asked, "Whose car?"
[Ok, I'll shut up :p :D]

Greg smiled at her, "Can't I be a man for at least one day and drive?" He teased her.

It always amuses him that almost everytime they drive to the scene together Sara always says 'I drive'. Usually Greg let it go (well he would mumble something like 'You always do' but still let her anyway). Besides, he kind of likes it when she bosses him around...

Today she looked a bit tired. While it wasn't very evident cause she looked great as always... but he knew they had been working all day long. It was his ego too to take control of the wheel, so Sara could sit comfortably and rest during the trip.
Well, okay, it might take less than half an hour to get to that place, but still...

So a few minutes later, there they were inside Greg's car... he was glad he had cleaned it up the previous day. He couldn't afford to scare off the woman of his dream with strange smells or whatever...

"So, where are we going?"
Sara didn't mind letting Greg drive this once. She was exausted from a long nights work, so she was glad to let someone else take over the wheel. She was suprised by the cleanliness of Greg's car when she got in. It was better kept then her's, that was for sure.

"Oh, you take a right on the next road up here and then you just drive for awhile. The place is called Spirits. It's hard to miss." Sara said, attempting to give Greg directions. This is why she usually drived, she sucked at giving directions. After awhile they had finally managed to find the bar. Sara just smiled and shrugged her shoulders. "Okay, maybe it was a left on that road" she said apologeticly.