Sandle RP

Greg laughed. "Now I know I could never trust my soul to you if we ever get lost in the woods..." He laughed again.

They entered the bar and found a nice spot to sit. After they ordered their drinks, Greg turned to her, "Didn't you wanna tell me something earlier on the phone?"
[Does it matter when it's taking place? Oh well.]

"Yeah, what Grissom wanted to talk with me about." Sara said as their drinks were set down in front of them. She took a sip of her drink and then began to talk to Greg. "Well, me and Grissom were going out for awhile. It started after Brass got shot, I guess I was just upset and well ... I guess you can say it meant more to me then him. So Grissom wanted to make sure that we were okay. That we were still friends and all and that our work wouldn't be affected. I guess we just finally had some closure."

Wow. Grissom had usually been the only one she could ever talked to and she had just opened up to Greg. She felt good about it though. It wasn't like she was being forced to open up to a random person. It was Greg. Greg had always been special to her, he was always there when she needed someone. She was glad he had agreed to go with her tonight.
[I have to idea where's Spirits so... yea just pretend :D]

Greg took a sip of his drink and listened. Sometimes nodding.
He was juggling the idea of why he wanted to know. It wasn't his business what Grissom wanted to tell her... though he knew it wasn't about work, and turned out he guessed it right. So why he bothered to ask anyway?
Maybe he was just curious...
He noticed something lately, rumours, and he needed answers. He was tired of lying awake, kept asking the same questions to the white bedroom ceiling...

When he heard the words 'Me and Grissom were going out for a while' Greg looked down to the table in front of him. He thought finding an answer would feel so easy... but he just felt crushed.
He wasn't sure where the conversation going. He might not want to hear about it... It's never easy to hear the one you love talk about somebody else.
But he listened anyway. Like he always did.
He remembered how he once said to Sara that he was a good listener. And he guessed, that what he was to her, all this time... A good friend. Everytime Sara was down, he would find himself being there for her, trying to make her smile again. Just because he hated to see her sad.

He wondered if he ever got out from just being 'the good friend'...

Greg found himself watching her talk. He loved everything about her, even the way she talks. He didn't expect Sara would be so open about it. He was used to her keeping things to herself...
He remembered after Brass got shot, the rumour going around the lab about Grissom and Sara. Hodges kept nagging him about it. He just shrugged it off... It was hard to see them together, and even more, to find out about it from Hodges, who certainly loved to see the young CSI suffer.
At least now he heard it from her own voice... that was enough.

He had told himself so many times he would get over it. Time to move on. He figured he would have to. Sooner or later.

But turned out that the rest of what she said didn't end up that bad... She said it was closure. Does this mean it was over?
He secretly hope so. That maybe another door could open... for him. Someday... And maybe, he finally could sleep...

Greg took a sip again. She had just opened up to him, now he wasn't sure how he should react.
"So, it's over, between you and Grissom?" He didn't know what to say.

[Phew! That was the LONGEST post. And narrative :eek: :eek: I seriously scare myself... maybe I've had too much coffee :lol:]
"Good, though Sara seemed a bit distracted with it. But that could also be the result of..." She closed her mouth again. Grissom probably wouldn't like to hear that Sara was going out with Greg. "Well, she just seemed distracted. She's off now. I see your little spider likes it here?" She asked, pointing towards the glass box.
Grissom just gave Sophia an odd look. Was she hiding something from him? Did it pertain to a case?
"Yes... you found a Loxosceles reclusa, harmless and weak. It's doing fine now. Is there anything else you need to tell me?"
He fixed her with a calm, nquisitive gaze.
[Haha, there's actually this place down the road from my house that used to be called Spirits, so that's where I got the idea from. :)]

When the words 'it's over between you and Grissom', came out of Greg's mouth it had finally hit her. It was over between them, but it didn't hurt as much as she had thought. She had thought about ending it before Grissom had, but she never had the guts to do it. She thought that she needed Grissom, and without him she would be more messed up then she already was. But when it was finally over, she felt okay. There was always something she couldn't find in Grissom and she couldn't put her finger on it until now.

Grissom lacked emotion. Somedays she would be in a crappy mood and would just want him to do something that would get her in a better mood. But with Grissom, it was always like he was her psychologist more then her boyfriend. Greg could make her laugh. Greg was always there to cheer her up when she was down. When she relized this she was kicking herself inwardly for not really giving him a chance. She wished that she could take it back. Sara really wanted to be with Greg, but she didn't know if he still felt the same way.

"Yeah" she said nodding her head slowly. Then she looked up at Greg. Their eyes met and she just sat there gazing into his eyes for awhile longer. She slowly took her gaze away from Greg and stared at her drink before taking another sip.

[Dude I tried. I think that's as long as mine are gonna get ... :D]
Hestia said:
Grissom just gave Sophia an odd look. Was she hiding something from him? Did it pertain to a case?
"Yes... you found a Loxosceles reclusa, harmless and weak. It's doing fine now. Is there anything else you need to tell me?"
He fixed her with a calm, nquisitive gaze.

"No." She smiled. "No, just that Sara seemed distracted by the case, but I've hardly seen her, I was busy with the daughter, Lilly. Poor girl, broken up."

She glanced to the papers on his table. "Paperwork? That's gotta mean Ecklie's on your back. I'm not keeping you from it, am I?"
[Eye-sex!! :eek: :eek:]

So, it's over? Between you and Grissom? He felt bad that he was feeling... a relief.
And Sara didn't seem upset about it.

Greg looked at her, can you open up your heart for me now, Sara? And just right at that moment, she looked up at him too. Their eyes met... and maybe there's such thing called telepathy.
He gazed into her eyes, trying to find an answer... Is there still a chance for me? But then she slowly looked away.
Greg couldn't believe how hard his heart beating...

He started to play with his glass. Desperately trying to find something else to talk about. "How about the case?" He couldn't believe, among everything, he decided to talk about work. "When I called you earlier, you sound... upset." He smiled at her, his voice soft, "Wanna talk about it?"

Maybe, just maybe, she had started to open up to him. Sara Sidle couldn't hide behind walls and closed doors anymore...
All he had to do was to find the key...
(Silhouette, I can't react now, since Grissom is MIA at the moment, but I had to say: You are the best GREG I have ever seen! (except Eric Szmanda of course :lol:) You could write a fanfic, I'm sure. I loved the last three sentences. Okay, I'm gone)
[Awwwwww thanks hun... *hugs Dutchie* That's the nicest thing I've ever heard! :D I'm glad that I joined the RP though... it made me realize how much I love writing :) and that probably I don't suck that much :lol:
Hmm you know, maybe I could double as a labtech or something if you want? Until Grissom/Hestia got back :)]
(You know what?! I'll be your waitress! :D)

The waitress walked to the table. "Can I get you anything..." The she noticed the woman looking at the table, and the man playing with his glass. "Oh, sorry. Did I interrupt anything?"

(hehe, I love angst.)
[YAY waitress! :D Eh is it so weird that I hadn't really been to a 'bar' before? Well there's no bar around the place I live... anyway, maybe you could make the waiter flirt with Greg or whatever... that would create some conflict :devil:]

Greg looked up to see a beautiful young waitress standing next to their table. "Umm no, we're good, thanks..."
His eyes turned to Sara. He wasn't sure what she was thinking... He thought she had started to open up to him, but there she was sitting there in silence. Maybe there was something about the case and she didn't want to talk about it...

Greg glanced at the waitress again. "Sorry, where's the restroom?" He got up and smiled to Sara, "I'll be back in a minute, ok?"

Making his way to the restroom, he glanced back at her. She was still looking down at the table in front of her.
He sighed. Sara Sidle, what should I do to make you happy?
He needed a splash of cold water.
[Oh, conflict. Can't have a resolution without a problem ... :D]

Sara was lost in thought until she saw Greg get up and head towards the bathroom. Finally snapping back into reality she bit her lip noticing that she had probably scared him off. "Shit" she mumbled to herself.

What was he asking about? Oh yeah, the case. He said that she had sounded upset? Well yeah her best friend from high school was just murdered. Should she tell him about that?

She shook her head trying to get away from her thoughts. She had finally managed to compose herself and finished up the last of her drink. When the waitress stopped over again, noticing Sara's empty glass, she ordered more drinks. But, she was somewhat annoyed by the waitress. She saw her flirting with Greg and it bugged Sara to no end.
The waitress would probably have a better chance with Greg anyway...

Then she saw Greg come back and sit down. "I ordered us both another drink. If that's okay with you."
Before Greg could even answer, the waitress showed up again. "Hi. Here are your drinks." She smiled sweetly. "For you, ma'am. And for you, sír." She said, again smiling at the sir. "Would that be all for now?" She kept her glaze focused at Greg, not looking at Sara.
(I'm sorry I haven't been responding much Dutchie! Oh I'm so awful! :p)

"No." She smiled. "No, just that Sara seemed distracted by the case, but I've hardly seen her, I was busy with the daughter, Lilly. Poor girl, broken up."

She glanced to the papers on his table. "Paperwork? That's gotta mean Ecklie's on your back. I'm not keeping you from it, am I?"
He merely cleared his throat and nodded.
"Paperwork. Not my favorite part of the job, but if you didn't come in I'm sure I would've found some other way to avoid it."
"Keep me posted on the case and I'll see you around in a bit. Maybe I can get an extension from Ecklie..."
Grissom was off on a tangent, in his own world and went back to shuffling through some papers.

(Exciting, huh? :rolleyes:)
(Most certainly)

Sofia looked at him. He obviously didn't want her here. "Alright. Will do. See you later, maybe. I'm off in a few. Bye." And she stood up and walked out. "I just don't understand that man..."

(OMG I can have Sofia go to the same bar Greg and Sara are in. She can save them from the waitress...and create some havoc :eek:)