Sandle RP

[hollie you're amazing! I wrote the last part sort of hanging there (cuz I thought Dutchie was still online :)) but you just grabbed it from there and continued it so smoothly! :) Oh anyway, I made Dutchie a FLIRTY waitress... cuz I'm in the mood for angst :devil:]

Greg stared at himself in the mirror. Drops of water dripped from his chin. He looked down and splashed his face some water again. It felt cold against his skin, but he needed it.

It just accured to him then how tired he was. Maybe the case had affected him more than he thought... or maybe it was tired of waiting for the same woman...

He recalled earlier when he was walking towards the men's room, the same waitress approached him again. Apparently, she tried to spark some conversation with him. Leaning on the bar counter and twisting her blond hair, she kept her hazel eyes fixed on Greg, "I've never seen you here before... with your girlfriend?" She gestured towards Sara.
Greg glanced at their table, "Umm... no, we're friends." Cuz sadly, it really was what they were. Even it started to hurt just saying it.

She touched his arm, "You know, maybe you could drop by sometimes... alone?" Greg shifted uncomfortably, "I should go..." And walked away towards the men's room. Even then he could feel her gaze burned into his back.

Greg leaned against the sink and his reflection blinked at him. He tried to push the thoughts away.

When he sat down again on their table, Sara said she had ordered another drink. Greg opened his mouth to answer but the same waitress showed up by their table again.

"Yes, that's all for now, thank you." Not looking at her. Trying to put 'stop bothering us' message into his voice as subtle as possible. He didn't think she got that though...

Her gaze made him feel really uncomfortable.
(let's bring in Sofia!)

The waitress actually did get the hint, she just wasn't planning to pay attention to it. "Okay. I'll be back later." With another smile she left for the bar again.

Just as the waitress left, the door opened and Sofia walked in. She was a regular at this bar, and sat down at a table at the window, as always. She looked to her left and to her surprise she saw Sara and Greg sitting not too far away from her.

"Oh my god, this can only happen to me." She murmured, hoping they didn't see her. But then the waitress walked to her table. Sofia knew her, she worked her full-time.

"Hi Sofia." She said a bit to hard. "What can I get you?" Sofia blushed slightly when she saw Sara and Greg look at her. "Water will do, thanks Hannah." She said softly. "Coming right up." Hannah walked to the bar and Sofia glanced at Sara and Greg, giving them the: 'sorry, I didn't know you were here' look.
Greg sighed in relief when the waitress finally left them alone. He turned back to Sara and smiled, "What were we talking about?"

Then he remembered, Oh right, her case... . He figured she didn't wanna talk about it so he was about to change the topic when his eyes caught a familiar face sitting not too far away from them...

He frowned, "Sofia?"
He almost chuckled when she gave them the 'I didn't know you were here' look.
Maybe coincidence is God's way of joking.

[Dutchie, you have a plot in mind? ;)]
[omg sorry for letting you wait!]

Hannah walked to Sofia again and gave her her water. "So..." she started. "You see that guy over there? Pretty damn hot, huh?" "Pretty damn taken to." "Excuse me?" "They both work with me. I...we...they're trying to have a date here. Stop drooling all over him." Sofia said softly. "Him and that...boring depressed brunette? Damn he's hot, but he's got no taste." "Hey, stop insulting my friends!"

But are they my friends...ah well it's the idea that counts.

"You're not my mother, I do what I do!" Hannah yelled, jumping up. The whole bar looked at them. "Hannah, sit down!" Sofia hissed. "No! I can like who I like, and I can insult who I want to insult, and you ain't gonna stop me!"

Sofia hung her head, blushing. This woman was...a disaster. "Hannah. Sit down, and stop yelling." "No! No Sofia you're not commanding me anymore, just let me live my life!" "Let you live your life? I hardly know you, I'm just trying to give my friends a break."

Though Hannah was yelling, Sofia kept speaking calm and soft. That didn't mean she wasn't as ashamed a woman who walked against a lamp post while trying to impress the boy of her dreams.

"I've had enough of you!" Hannah suddenly pulled out a gun." Sofia now stood up, holding her hands up as in surrender. "Now Hannah, this is not the way to do this. You know I'm a cop. Give me the gun." "You want the gun? You can have it's contains!"


[angst, anyone?]
Cath heard the shot amd came rumming. She gasped, seeing Sofia on the floor. "Put the gun down, Hannah. Sofia was trying to help," she said calmly, dropping to Sofia's side. "I know it hurts, Sofia, but try not to move." She applied pressure to the wound with one hand while flipping her cell open with the other. "Shh, shh, save you strength," she told Sofia as she called 911.
[Wow, I so wasn't expecting that...]

Sara's attention was drawn over to the waitress when she heard her screaming at Sofia.
What did that bitch want now?
She continued to try and figure out what her and Sofia were argueing about when she saw the waitress pull out a gun. Instinctivly Sara reached to grab her gun, but frowned when she remembered it wasn't there. Then she heard the last thing she wanted to hear.

A gunshot.

The entire bar was in panic. Sara struggled to make it past the crowds to see if Sofia waas okay. Luckily, the waitress had pretty bad aim and the bullet just managed to skim Sofia's shoulder. "Are you okay" Sara said rushing over to Sofia. Sofia responded that she was fine, she was still conscious. Greg had came over to report that the waitress, Hannah, had fled the scene. Sara just sighed, knowing that someone would have had to call 911 and the cops would be here soon. When the cops were here, odds are she would be stuck on the case.
"So much for tonight." she said to Greg.

[See i'm nice. I didn't let Sofia die.]

Err.. should i delete my post? We wrote it at the same time...
[Ah darn!! You two beat me to it! I already had a scene in my head and was about to make it go all downhill from there... oh well... guess they are safe... for now :devil: Anyway, NICE twist, Dutchie! Hmm now I don't know what to write lol]

It happened so quickly. Hannah had pulled a gun. Gunshot. And when he looked up, he saw Hannah exited the building.

Greg had seen guns before, if not everyday. But never he saw it right in front of him pointed at someone he knew. And, God forbid, never at him. Pushing through the crowd, and saw Sofia lying there covered in blood, the realization hit him more real then ever. He always knew that this job was dangerous. It could be him lying there. It could be a bullet inside his chest.

"Wait, I got it." Catherine was calling 911, so he replaced her placing pressure on Sofia's wound.
He looked at Sara and sighed, "I've got a feeling that crime and mystery always following us wherever we go."

When the cops arrived, he felt so worn out and all he wanted was going home, but he was worried about Sofia as well.
Sitting there, waiting for Sara and Catherine talking to the cops, he let his mind wander.

If he was to be honest, he felt useless back there. He saw Sara almost pulled her gun, but she didn't have it. What if she did? What if Hannah didn't take the bad aim? Things could've been worse.

This is a dangerous job. He wondered if things were different, if it had been Sara at gun point, could he protect her? What would he do?

His thought was distracted by Sara calling him. He sighed and walked over to her.
"So, Sofia will be okay?" He glanced at the paramedics rushing her inside the ambulance. He hoped she would be...

"Hannah... you might never know." He said to Cath, shrugging. "Bad parenting maybe?" A smile creep back into his lips, lit up his tired features a bit. The night hadn't gone as he planned. But now that Sofia was okay, he could sigh a bit of a relief.

He wondered where was Hannah... She could've killed someone with that gun. Who would've thought? A waitress, turning psycho, carrying a gun, and shooting a CSI. Vegas had just turned one person more dangerous.

Now that reminded him of his own case. "Hey Cath, how about Aranya? Did you speak to her?"

Standing there, he was juggling the options. Shouldn't they go with Sofia to the hospital? But he was damn tired. After all of this, he really needed some rest. But how about his case? And the rest of his date with Sara?

Damn it, I need my coffee...
(Silhouette, I was thinking a bit more downhill too, but I have a new idea. I'll just hurt Sofia some more. Aww I'm so mean to my baby. btw: Guess who was dead in CSI 'formalities' yesterday? Nikki. Guess what my real name is. Good guess! :D)

Sofia closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths as she was loaded onto a gurney, into the ambulance. This was going to be a big investigation, she'd have to tell the cops everything. She just hoped it would be Brass questioning. They got along well.

Hannah was gone, she heard Sara say. Shit. Getting shot for nothing. And it wasn't even that bad. A shot near her shoulder, bleeding, hurting, but not life-threatening. She'd seen worse. Much worse. Just not with herself. But to a colleague...she'd even been scared that she'd shot him for a while...but she didn't.

The sirenes rang and she felt the ambulance move under her. She wondered if anyone would come to the hospital. Probably not. She was Sofia Curtis. Ecklie's ex-righthand. Catherine hated her. Grissom was...Grissom. He wouldn't come. Greg...well maybe, but he was on a date with Sara. So that excluded Sara aswell. Not that she'd ever come. Warrick? She hardly knew him. Nick? She hadn't seen him all day, so she doubted that he would turn up. Brass might...just might...

The ambulance abruptly stopped and she opened her eyes. It was dark, the light were off. And when she looked out of the window she saw...water? Water? What the hell? She sat up, which hurted, bad. Then she tried to open the door. But it didn't open...

(let's just say it's a bad driver... :devil: little idea: someone (I don't care who, but maybe Greg?) goes to the hospital, and find Sofia not there. He calls Sara all upset, and Sara might be thinking things that she shouldn't...angst, jealousy? Just an idea, don't have to do it. I don't want the whole story to go about Sofia, it's Sandle after all. I'll just see what you make up)
[Ooh, another twist! Very nice, Dutchie!]

Brass had come over and he gave him his statement. It was good to see a familiar face between the cops that were swarming the place. Up until now, Hannah was still to be found. Cops already searched the area but got no sign of her. She couldn't be that far though...

He agreed with Catherine, someone had to go with Sofia to the hospital, making sure she's okay. Looking at her, he got a feeling that she wanted to join the cops on finding Hannah... Truth be told, Greg wasn't interested in meeting that damn waitress again.

Just then, one of the paramedics walked up to them and asked if any of them wanted to go to with the ambulance. He looked at Sara, and he knew her 'history' with Sofia and Grissom in the past. Looking at Catherine, he could sense her hesitance. Maybe he should go... someone had to talk to the doctor and inform her family. And to be honest, he felt a bit responsible... He could be one of the trigger that Hannah turning psycho.

Finally Brass said, "Maybe you can go, Sanders. I still have questions for these two ladies."
"But Sara, I need to drive you home first." She was his date, afterall. Didn't he have the 'responsibility' to make sure she got home safe and kiss her goodnight on her front porch or something?
Brass smiled reasurringly, "I'll take care of that."
Greg glancing at Sara, then Catherine, and finally nodded, "Okay... Can I talk to you for a moment?" He pulled Sara away from Brass and Cath.

"I'm sorry tonight didn't go as well as planned..."
Standing there in front of her, he gazed into her eyes. "But maybe we could go again sometime," He said, half hoping. "It would mean so much to me." He smiled and leaning in to kiss her gently. "Good night, Sara..."

Walking towards his car, he was blushing and had a stupid grin plastered on his face. Well, he didn't get to walk her home... but at least he managed the goodnight kiss part...

He got into his car and followed the ambulance from behind. It was halfway into the trip to the hospital when they turned into dark, empty street. A shortcut.

Suddenly a truck appeared abruptly from the corner in front of them in full speed. The ambulance tried to avoid crashing and hit the railing of the left side of the road, leading directly into the river. Greg's car lost balance and skidded along the side of the road before crashing into the same river...

[OMG it's SUPER LONG :eek: Sorry, I got so 'hot' (story-wise ;)) Anyway, remember what I said about 'everything went downhill from here'? :devil: :devil:]