Sandle RP (New)

(hint taken Sil :p)

Sara was sitting in the car talking to Sofia, not really about much, just passing the time laughing about Greg's driving skills.

As Sofia was talking, she looked in front of her and noticed Greg look up into the front view mirror and smile. Without knowing why, she looked straight into the same mirror and smiled back at him. There eyes met in the mirror for just a second, and Sara didnt know why but it made her get butterflies in her stomach. She then looked back at Sofia to reply.

They then continued driving for around 10 more minutes, when Sara and Sofia noticed that they werent really headed the way they were supposed to be. "Um, Greggo, you know how we're meant to be headed to a desolate place, well we seem to be in pretty built up area. You did take a right off of Marydale right?" She said smiling at him as a sudden endearing worried look came over his face.
"Yes!" Nick whispered loudly causing a few of the jewelry store patrons to give him condecending looks.He quietly thanked the shop owner and headed back out to the Denali. He typed Catherine's number into his cell phone and let it ring until her voice mail piced up. "Hey, Cath. I got the guy's name. It's...uhh...oh, here we go, Justin Spencer. I've got more but I'd rather actually tell you than your voice mail so call me back soon. Bye."
He left the message and snaped his phone shut and began his drive back to the lab with a quiet feeling of accomplishment evident on his face.
Catherine was left at the crime scene to process the rest alone. Although it was hard work doing it alone, she sometimes preferred handling cases by herself because if anything went wrong she could only blame herself. However, today she could have done with a little help because she really did want to clock off early and go and talk to Lindsey.

Catherine decided to phone Grissom and update him on what had been going on, and the personnel location changes. When she finished her conversation, she looked at her phone and saw that she had a new voicemail. It was from Nick. She listened to the message and then phoned him back. She had to wait a while for him to pick up, but eventually he did.

"Hey Nick, I got your message. So tell me more about Justin Spencer." She said running her hand through her hair, waiting for him to reply.
"Yup, okay, he lives in Henderson, works at the Mirage, he's 32...and that's all I could get. I hope that's enough for you, Cath. How's it goin' out there?" Nick read off.
Catherine stopped what she was doing and listened to what Nick had to say.

"Okay thanks Nick. Its ok, am heading back to the lab now. I've re-processed everything, all the other evidence is still missing. Anyway, can you head back to the lab too, and then run Justin Spencer through CODIS. And then when you've done that if you could come and help me with what evidence we've got left, that would be great." She said picking up the last evidence bag and putting it in the car whilst waiting for Nick's response.
"You got it, but he'll definately be in AFIS, he works at a casino...dunno on CODIS. I'll definately check." Nick said.

[I've got to come up with somemore stuff so that's all I got now, sorry]
(Sil, I need to PM you about the RP, so can you please delete some of your messages because it says your mail box is full :p :D)

"Thanks Nick, I'll meet you at the lab soon then. Bye" she said closing her cell.

Cath arrived back at the lab, filed all the evidence into their appropriate categories, and then started processing the little that she'd mananged to collect. She knew that most of it would be of little use, because Greg and Sara had collected the bulk of anything that could lead them to a suspect.
For now, until Greg, Sara and Sofia arrived back the car and hopefully a lead, she was relying on Nick's lead with Justin Spencer to get them anywhere with the case. She sifted through what she had found, and waited for Nick to come back with his results.
Nick ran the name through every database available and drew blanks, only getting an address from AFIS, but that wasn't much help. He picked up his phone and called Catherine.

"Sorry, Cath. The guy's clean. No record, no priors, not even a traffic violation. It's like he just appeared...But, good news is, I've got his address. When you get back to the lab we can head over to his house...Cath, people don't just appear, do they?...I've got a strange feeling that 'Justin Spencer' might not really be who he says he is." Nick said, whith his mind sending out crazy ideas of psudonymed killers. Well, it was a stretch but a shot in the dark did hit sometimes.

[That's the best I could get, not much I know, but...]
Cath brushed back a piece of hair that had fallen infront of her face as she replied to Nick. "No they dont just appear Nick, but they do just disappear." she said, thinking to herself how she sounded a bit like Grissom just then.

"He may have been using a fake alias. We havent got enough for a warrant yet. So it'll just be a chat with Mr. Spencer I'm afraid. Before we go, I need you to help me go over some evidence. So, we'll go over that and then go to his house?" She said shifting the ring to the side and playing with it in her hand.
[:eek: OMG sorry everyone, I haven't been in here for like... ages *puts head down in shame* Been too caught up with finals :( Hollie!!! :eek: Is that you?? I MISS YOU!!!! *runs and hugs to ground* :D
Hold on, so where were we...]

CSIangel17 said:
As Sofia was talking, she looked in front of her and noticed Greg look up into the front view mirror and smile. Without knowing why, she looked straight into the same mirror and smiled back at him. There eyes met in the mirror for just a second, and Sara didnt know why but it made her get butterflies in her stomach. She then looked back at Sofia to reply.

Greg was a bit surprised to see Sara's eyes now staring back at him. His first reaction was to look away, a bit embarrassed that she had caught him looking at her. But then she smiled... and he forgets.

Only when she broke eye contact that he remembered he was driving. Almost drove into a news stand because of it. As he cursed his own stupidness, he felt his heart racing and his face growing hot.

He hoped she didn't notice.

They then continued driving for around 10 more minutes, when Sara and Sofia noticed that they werent really headed the way they were supposed to be. "Um, Greggo, you know how we're meant to be headed to a desolate place, well we seem to be in pretty built up area. You did take a right off of Marydale right?" She said smiling at him as a sudden endearing worried look came over his face.

His mind had wander somewhere else for the past 10 minutes that he didn't realize where he was going. I missed that turn! He hit the brake. "Umm, sorry about that... I think I..." He looked around outside. She was right. "Would you kill me if I say I think I have missed that right turn?"

He felt so stupid. First he almost drove into a news stand. Now they were lost somewhere when they were supposed to be heading to the crime scene. Speaking of which...

"... I have no idea where we are now. I think we're lost..."
Sofia burst out into laugher. "Oh Greggo...we won't kill you." She giggled some more. "This can only happen to us, I swear there's some kind of curse on us these last few days." She looked out of the window. "I have no clue where we are, but I see that woman there and I know I'm going to ask her. You two sit tight." Greg stopped the car and Sofia got out to ask a passing lady where they were. She occasionaly glanced at the car to see what Greg and Sara were doing.
"Yeah, Curse Of The Severed Hand...", Greg commented. When Sofia was talking about maybe some kind of curse was on them, it reminded him how it seems these few days had been bad luck.

Then Sofia left to ask and he was left alone with Sara in the car. "I can't believe we're lost..." He let out a sigh and glanced at the review mirror at Sara, "This must be why you never let me drive, huh?"

The first time she let him drive, and he got them lost. What a way to impress a woman with his driving skill...
Sara was left alone with Greg in the car as Sofia went to ask a passer-by for help.

"This must be why you never let me drive, huh?"

Sara laughed. "Yeah, kinda." she said smiling at him into the mirror, "But seriously, no you're actually driving really well, and it maybe have been my fault you missed the turn anyway. I mean if I hadnt looked in the mirror at you, you wouldnt have missed it." she said, her voice trailing off at the end.

"But, Sofia will find out where we are, and then I'll use the map and give you directions this time." she replied, getting out of the back, and hopping into the front seat next to him.

She got out the map from the dashboard and opened it up. It was a large map, so when she spread her arms out, her hand accidently brushed against Greg's cheek, before she realised and withdrew it. "Oops, sorry Greg." She said, secrtely smiling inside but appearing to study the map.
[Cute, guys]
"Okay, Cath, just tell me whatcha need." Nick said, glad to be getting more involved in 'the good parts'.