Samantha Flack thread #1

*Raises hand* Yep, you can add my name to the list of Sam Flack fans.

I love what I've seen so far. As most of you have already stated, they were spot-on with their casting for this roll. And I loved the 'sibling interaction' in the premiere. Can't wait to see more :D
I was hoping there would be a thread for Sam eventually :)

Kathleen and Eddie did an excellent job in her first ep--the two of them have great sibling chemistry, and I can't wait to see more of it as the season goes on. Flack plays the role of protective older brother beautifully, and Sam is the perfect example of the rebellious little sister. Was it mentioned before that there were other Flack siblings? If it was, I'd be interested in seeing if Sam was the only girl, thus, would have had to live as one of the guys in a house full of brothers.

I did wonder though-had Danny ever met Sam before? Being Flack's sister, and Danny practically being Flack's brother, I was curious as to how well he knew her, or if he even knew of her.

Either way, I really hope to see more of Sam this season, and more great Flack sibling interaction =]
I totally agree. She was the best addition to the show this season. Love the relationship between Don and Sam and even when i can tell why he had a headathe because of her i have a white card open for her because it's obvious she loves her brother despite of she doesn't want to be as him.

I'd love to know how she will affect
Adam and Stella. Is she as Stella was once when she was younger? Will Adam fall in love with her?

A great and promising character!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now i need the confirmation Reed will be back in one episode i'll be totally happy ;)

Now i need the confirmation Reed will be back in one episode i'll be totally happy ;)


I agree with you on that! I would love to see more of Reed (and of course, Sam!). I would like to know what kind of relationship Mac and Reed develop.

I would love to know that too, Beth! :D For a moment i thought Sam could work for Reed but she is too "mature" for Reed. She could eat him by breakfast :D

But i truly LOVED the natural relationship between Don and Sam (GREAT Casting!). Also i would love to know how the interaction will be among Sam and the others members of the CSI Family
I wonder if she will be a headathe only for Donnie ;)
Good news everyone! Here's some new info on our beloved Sam!

It looks like the next new episode that Sam will be in will be episode 7. Apparently both Angell and Lindsay meet her. This should be good huh?

I wish they would have her in more episodes, but we'll take what we can get, right? ;)
I'm sure Flack, wouldn't appriciate Adam making a move on his lil' sister.

I can just picture it....

Flack: Who are you datin'?

Sam: umm....just a guy, he's a scientist.

Flack: Does he have a name..?


Flack: What? You gotta be kiddn' me!
Flack would be like 'No way' and then he'd march right over to the lab like 'Ross, you and me gotta have a little conversation.' Poor Adam. :lol:
Flack would be like 'No way' and then he'd march right over to the lab like 'Ross, you and me gotta have a little conversation.' Poor Adam. :lol:

Adam [nervous] : Umm..uh...sorry.

Flack: How come u never told me!

Adam [nervous] : Uh, well, I wanted to, man. But, you know.......

Flack: I don't , so why don't you tell me....

Adam nervous, scared - :(
You guys are making me laugh! I can totally see Flack going into that over protective big brother mode. I can just see the look on Adam's face if that happened. :guffaw:

I read in one of the spoilers that Sam being involved with everyone would have an impact on Stella and... ADAM! Maybe these two will hook up. I just hope Flack doesn't snap and kill Adam.

On the other hand, he might love the idea. At least Adam hasn't been booked for a crime like her other friend!
I don't know, guys...he might be more worried for Adam, given what he thinks of the company Sam keeps. :lol: I could see him shaking his head and saying, "She'll eat you alive, Ross." :lol:

Adam would be terrified of Flack's reaction, though. :lol:
yeah ive had to say that to.
i think flack would tell adam to dont date her.
cuz she will break his heart...