Lab Technician
I don't really see R/N but I liked their friendship.
This is what happens when TPTB tries to write coworker romance on this show. Now it seems most of Ryan's interactions are with Molly and well nearly all of Molly's are with Ryan. It will soon take away or kill the team dynamics and friendships that should be continuously establish.
Anyways, in About Face, I realised that Ryan didn't ask if Natalia was doing ok after her kidnapping, which I thought he would. Even Eric was concern.
If you remember Ryan was the one pacing and trying to call her; Eric didn't show that much concern. He called only once to Ryan's four. I thought it was really funny when Ryan told Eric that and Eric responded by four times huh? Ryan just kinda played it off (yeah its my day off). He was worried; but then again Ryan is a very intuitive, caring person. Ryan has always been there for her after the explosion (last year), after her being drugged and shooting at them. There are little clues left along the way. In an interview from last year (shareTV) Eva said that she beleives Natalia will eventually fall in love with Ryan; b/c he has been there for her throughout her heraing issues.
I realize that these writers don't know what to do concerning romances between characters; they forget what they have written. Ryan should have been there with H to help Natalia (out of the van), b/c he was so concerned. That goes back to continuity in writing. I honestly don't think they know what they are going to do with R/N or E/C; frustrating for all.